

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2020-07-01COVID-19 infections - Remote Early Detection COVID-REDparticipant9.592.02911
2020-07-01Sustainability of Agriculture in Neolithic Europe SUSTAINparticipant1.999.8124
2020-07-01Imaginative Landscapes of Islamist Politics Across the Balkan-to-Bengal Complex TAKHAYYULcoordinator1.478.6552
2020-06-01From parental risk to child mental illness: a genetically informed investigation of intergenerational risk pathways I-RISKcoordinator2.183.2932
2020-06-01MOlecules as Probes of the Physics of EXternal galaxies MOPPEXparticipant2.461.5032
2020-05-01Process Analytical Technology Tools for Real-Time Physical and Chemical Characterization of Nanosuspensions PAT4Nanoparticipant5.092.40910
2020-05-01HYdrogen as a FLEXible energy storage for a fully renewable European POWER system HYFLEXPOWERparticipant10.475.08216
2020-04-01Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 3 HBP SGA3participant150.000.000162
2020-04-01Advanced Carbon Capture for steel industries integrated in CCUS Clusters C4Ucoordinator12.499.08322
2020-04-01High-ACCuracy printed electronics down to µm size, for Organic Large Area Electronics (OLAE) Thin Film Transistor (TFT) and Display Applications. HI-ACCURACYparticipant5.220.86911
2020-04-01Graphene Flagship Core Project 3 GrapheneCore3participant150.000.000199
2020-04-01Targeted Anti-Cancer Therapies TACTparticipant3.089.5709
2020-04-01Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science IPERION HSparticipant6.162.71168
2020-04-01The role of behavioural flexibility on the generation and maintenance of diversity BRAINYcoordinator212.9341
2020-04-01Identifying subtype specific networks involved in sensory representation in mouse primary visual cortex SUBNETVIScoordinator212.9341
2020-03-01The neurobiological and computational origins of behavioral variability learNoisecoordinator212.9341
2020-03-01Learning to remember: the development of the neural mechanisms supporting memory processing. DEVMEMcoordinator1.999.5201
2020-03-01Creating Lively Interactive Populated Environments CLIPEparticipant4.009.8839
2020-03-01Cloud-based Building Information Modelling CBIMparticipant3.888.4318
2020-03-01Prediction and validation of in vivo dendritic processing DendritesInVivocoordinator212.9341
2020-03-01Combined operando spectroscopy with model-based experimental design to study the mechanism of catalytic surface reactions OpeSpeKincoordinator212.9341
2020-02-01Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure EPN-2024-RIparticipant10.000.00062
2020-02-01Development of a prototype clinical photoacoustic scanner for use in plastic and reconstructive surgery PHOTOPARScoordinator150.0001
2020-02-01Parental leave policies in the UK: an intersectional analysis of policy development and use PLPUKcoordinator224.9341
2020-01-15New Strategies For Therapeutic Antibodies – Synthetic bispecific antibodies & Antibody-Drug Conjugates with controlled drug loading. General methods for unexplored ADCs and personalised therapies. NSFTAcoordinator224.9341
2020-01-01Services to enhance innovation management capacities of SMEs in England, Northern Ireland and Wales ENIWparticipant2.992.54021
2020-01-01Screening for liver fibrosis - population-based study across European countries LiverScreenparticipant5.996.48123
2020-01-01Sex-specific demography and the evolution of gender-biased harmful cultural practices EvoBiascoordinator2.396.9261
2020-01-01Human Exposome Assessment Platform HEAPparticipant11.996.51512
2020-01-01Dynamic longitudinal exposome trajectories in cardiovascular and metabolic non-communicable diseases LONGITOOLSparticipant11.997.44918
2020-01-01Elucidating the Basal Ganglia Circuits for Reward Expectation ExpectBGcoordinator1.498.1001
2020-01-014-IN THE LUNG RUN: towards INdividually tailored INvitations, screening INtervals, and INtegrated co-morbidity reducing strategies in lung cancer screening 4-IN THE LUNG RUNparticipant7.999.94910
2020-01-01THERVACB: A THERAPEUTIC VACCINE TO CURE HEPATITIS B TherVacBparticipant10.425.68618
2020-01-01MiCrovasculaR rarefaction in vascUlar Cognitive Impairement and heArt faiLure CRUCIALparticipant6.000.00015
2020-01-01Brain Involvement iN Dystrophinopathies BINDcoordinator6.666.32521
2020-01-01Forced Migration and Development FORCEDMIGDEVcoordinator1.383.2092
2020-01-01Multivalent interactions driving RNP dynamics in development and disease RNPdynamicsparticipant2.396.2614
2020-01-01Cancer Long Survivors Artificial Intelligence Follow Up CLARIFYparticipant4.841.96313
2020-01-01Advanced Reasoning in Arithmetic Theories ARiATparticipant1.481.8642
2020-01-01Bio-inspired and bionic materials for enhanced photosynthesis BEEPparticipant2.531.96110
2020-01-01innovative MachIne leaRning to constrain Aerosol-cloud CLimate Impacts (iMIRACLI) iMIRACLIparticipant4.185.7179
2020-01-01Rethinking China’s Model of Urban Governance ChinaUrbancoordinator2.492.7861
2020-01-01CETOCOEN Excellence CETOCOEN Excellenceparticipant14.296.4667
2020-01-01Is There No Such Thing As Childhood? New Childhoods in Britain and Turkey between 1976 and 1997 CHIBRITcoordinator224.9341
2019-12-01Brain-inspired technologies for intelligent navigation and mobility iNavigateparticipant1.932.00022
2019-12-01EndoMapper: Real-time mapping from endoscopic video EndoMapperparticipant3.697.2284
2019-11-01Correlated Non-Equilibrium Quantum Matter: Fundamentals and Applications to Nanoscale Systems Corr-NEQMcoordinator1.495.4781
2019-11-01Protecting wind-turbine leading edges with nanoengineered superhydrophobic urethane coatings SUNCOATcoordinator150.0001
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