

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2021-01-01Women, Disability, and Inclusion – Scientific Excellence in Bulgaria MILIEUparticipant895.6253
2021-01-01Gender for Excellence in Research GenderEXparticipant893.1464
2020-12-01Development of prescriptive AnalYtics baseD on aRtificial intElligence for iAMS DAYDREAMSparticipant1.709.87511
2020-11-01Archaeology of shariNg pracTIces: the material evidence of mountain marGinalisatiON in Europe (18th- 21st c. AD) ANTIGONEcoordinator1.498.0001
2020-10-01SOLAR based sCO2 Operating Low-cost plants SOLARSCO2OLparticipant9.999.99817
2020-10-01Smart integRation Of local energy sources and innovative storage for flexiBle, secure and cost-efficIent eNergy Supply ON industrialized islands ROBINSONparticipant6.994.90120
2020-09-01European Learning and Intelligent Systems Excellence ELISEparticipant11.966.85530
2020-09-01A Cognitive Fractal and Secure EDGE based on an unique Open-Safe-Reliable-Low Power Hardware Platform Node FRACTALparticipant4.708.84232
2020-06-01Training Data-driven Experts in OPTimization TraDE-OPTcoordinator3.774.8748
2020-05-01Verification and Validation of Automated Systems' Safety and Security VALU3Sparticipant7.647.35742
2020-04-01FLExibilize combined cycle power plant through power-to-X solutions using non-CONventional FUels FLEXnCONFUparticipant9.887.14121
2020-03-02Integrated Activities for the High Energy Astrophysics Domain AHEAD2020participant9.977.47341
2020-01-01Next Generation of Micro Gas Turbines for High Efficiency, Low Emissions and Fuel Flexibility NextMGTparticipant4.080.2408
2020-01-01SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption SHOWparticipant29.968.14990
2020-01-01Automated Cellular Robot-Assisted Technologies for translation of discovery-led research in Osteoarthritis AutoCRATparticipant7.452.7709
2020-01-01a Virtual and physical ExperimeNtal Towing centre for the design of eneRgy Efficient sea-faring vessels VENTuREparticipant799.9024
2019-12-01cOmmunication Platform for TraffIc ManAgement demonstrator OPTIMAparticipant1.899.86116
2019-12-01Reconstructing Democracy in Times of Crisis: A Voter-Centred Perspective REDEMparticipant1.495.78410
2019-11-01Efficient algorithms for sustainable machine learning SLINGcoordinator1.977.5001
2019-10-01The Canadian model of the public-private sponsorship for the integration of refugees: the case of Syrians and possible application in EU countries REFINTEGcoordinator255.7682
2019-09-01Identification of the Molecular Mechanisms of non-response to Treatments, Relapses and Remission in Autoimmune, Inflammatory, and Allergic Conditions 3TRparticipant40.273.19270
2019-07-01TACTIle feedback enriched virtual interaction through virtual realITY and beyond TACTILITYparticipant3.799.9469
2019-05-01Residential Building Energy Renovations with On-Bill Financing Ren-on-Billparticipant1.661.8739
2019-05-01Catholicism and the “Negro Question”: Religion, Racism, and Antiracism in a Transnational Perspective (United States and Europe, 1934-1968) US-E AntiRacismcoordinator262.2693
2019-04-01Pre-leukemic B cell repertoire alterations in patients with familial chronic lymphocytic leukemia: looking for evidence of a genetically-inherited defect in tolerance induction REPTOLcoordinator180.2771
2019-03-01Understanding neural coding of touch as enabling technology for prosthetics and robotics NeuTouchparticipant4.108.69514
2019-02-01POLlution Know-how and Abatement POLKAparticipant4.022.67517
2019-01-01HArnessing Degradation mechanisms to prescribe Accelerated Stress Tests for the Realization of SOC lifetime prediction Algorithms AD ASTRAparticipant3.008.42610
2019-01-01EnTimeMent - ENtrainment and synchronization at multiple TIME scales in the MENTal foundations of expressive gesture EnTimeMentcoordinator4.188.88611
2018-12-01Personalized Recommendations for Neurodegenerative Disease VirtualBrainCloudparticipant15.016.34317
2018-11-01Controlling mIcRobiomes CircuLations for bEtter food Systems CIRCLESparticipant9.999.96531
2018-11-01Integrating chemical and biological approaches to target NAD production and signaling in cancer INTEGRATAcoordinator3.738.57315
2018-10-01Co-production CeLL performing Human-Robot Collaborative AssEmbly CoLLaboratEparticipant6.864.60015
2018-10-01PLasmonics@Transparent cONductive oxidEs PLaTONEcoordinator168.2771
2018-03-01Nonlocal Methods for Arbitrary Data Sources NoMADSparticipant1.111.50027
2018-03-01Marine robotics research infrastructure network EUMarineRobotsparticipant4.998.73716
2018-01-01Robotics Technology for Inspection of Ships ROBINSparticipant2.746.43510
2018-01-01NanoSTARS imaging for STEM cell therapy for arthritic joints STARSTEMparticipant5.933.9529
2018-01-01Developing the methodology for a coordinated approach to the clustering, monitoring and evaluation of results of actions under the Ports of the Future topic DocksTheFutureparticipant1.275.5635
2017-10-01European Advanced Superconductivity Innovation and Training EASITrainparticipant3.841.92223
2017-10-01ENergy harVesting by Invisible Solar IntegratiON in building skins Envisionparticipant4.900.31314
2017-09-01INtelligent solutions 2ward the Development of Railway Energy and Asset Management Systems in Europe IN2DREAMSparticipant2.195.71514
2017-09-01Performance Untapped Modulation for Power and Heat via Energy Accumulation Technologies PUMP-HEATcoordinator5.904.42615
2017-09-01Detection, simulation, modelling and loading of thunderstorm outflows to design wind-safer and cost-efficient structures THUNDERRcoordinator2.396.6441
2017-09-01Piloting Automated Driving on European Roads L3Pilotparticipant35.960.97937
2017-07-01NEw WindowS on the universe and technological advancements from trilateral EU-US-Japan collaboration NEWSparticipant1.566.00031
2017-01-01Exploiting the best sensory modality for learning arithmetic and geometrical concepts based on multisensory interactive Information and Communication Technologies and serious games weDRAWparticipant2.454.6169
2016-10-01High efficient Particulate free Gasoline Engines UPGRADEparticipant9.563.22212
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