Ranking results:

Past rankings:

Overall Score:> 1000
Total Project Funding per Partner:> 1000
Total Number of Projects:> 1000

Ranking timeline:

Project Participation Performance(2020-01-01 - 2025-12-31 ):

Total Project Funding:

Funding per Partner:



Total number of projects: 13
As coordinator: 0
As participant: 13
Sole participant: 0
Coordinator / Participant Ratio: 0*


Total project funding [€]:Projects [No]:
Year:coordinator*participant*per partner  as coordinatoras participant
2022 0 300.000 0 2
2021 0 300.000 0 2
2020 0 6.987.250 141.704 9


Project overview:

Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2022-10-01Quartz On-chip for Virus Detection QOVIDparticipant150.0002
2022-09-01MagMech: Precision magnetic tweezers for the mechanobiology of cells and tissues. MagMechparticipant150.0002
2021-10-01Superconducting memristors for memory and neuromorphic applications SUPERMEMparticipant150.0002
2021-01-01Fast and accurate enantiomeric and chemical analysis FastEEparticipant150.0002
2020-11-01Maximizing the Therapeutic Potential of Music through Tailored Therapy with Physiological Feedback in Cardiovascular Disease HEART.FMparticipant150.0004
2020-11-01Improving the sustainability of the European Magnetic Field Laboratory ISABELparticipant4.937.40619
2020-10-01NanoPrint: A novel nanometric additive manufacturing tool NanoPrintparticipant150.0002
2020-09-01Leveraging the Emergence of Advanced Debt and Equity Risk-financing Solutions for the Hypergrowth of IP-driven SMEs & start-ups LEADERSHIP4SMEsparticipant999.8448
2020-09-01Augmenting the Value of Conversations with Voice Transformations ACTIVATEparticipant150.0003
2020-06-01Decreasing Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma-related Inflammation using small molecule inhibitors of STING DIM-CrICparticipant150.0002
2020-04-01Validation of a novel antiviral drug candidate against influenza FluAttackparticipant150.0002
2020-04-01Fluorescent Molecules to see when and where Molecules Break during Mechanical Fatigue Fluodamageparticipant150.0002
2020-01-01A cell separation microfabricated platform for cell migration and invasion assays TOPOCELLparticipant150.0002