INVERTO NV - Belgium 

Ranking results:

Past rankings:

Ranking timeline:

Project Participation Performance(2010-01-01 - 2025-12-31 ):

Total Project Funding:

Funding per Partner:



Total number of projects: 2
As coordinator: 0
As participant: 2
Sole participant: 0
Coordinator / Participant Ratio: 0*


Total project funding [€]:Projects [No]:
Year:coordinator*participant*per partner  as coordinatoras participant
2013 0 1.158.000 202.897 1
2011 0 3.094.997 252.060 1


Project overview:

Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2013-11-01Small Wind Turbine for Urban Environments WINDURparticipant1.158.00010
2011-09-01Electric-VEhicle Control of individual wheel Torque for On- and Off-Road Conditions (E-VECTOORC) E-VECTOORCparticipant3.094.99711