

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2015-11-01RELapses prevENTion in chronic autoimmune disease: common mechanisms and co-morbidities RELENTparticipant5.999.43115
2015-09-01Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science services CORBELparticipant14.837.80039
2015-08-01Mechanisms of Gene Silencing by the Glucocorticoid Receptor SILENCEcoordinator1.496.2751
2015-06-01European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research CONCERTparticipant19.822.87832
2015-06-01Research Infrastructures for Phenotyping, Archiving and Distribution of Mouse Disease Models - Promoting International Cooperation and User Engagement to Enhance Biomedical Innovation IPAD-MDcoordinator1.103.61411
2015-05-01Application of omics-based strategies for improved diagnosis and treatment of endocrine hypertension ENSAT-HTparticipant7.607.33713
2015-04-01Understanding the dynamic determinants of glucose homeostasis and social capability to promote Healthy and active aging DYNAHEALTHparticipant5.917.26613
2014-06-01The role of epithelial sodium channels in adult neural stem cells ENAC_IN_ANSCScoordinator161.9691
2014-05-01Identifying and Overcoming Bottlenecks of Micropollutant Degradation at Low Concentrations MICRODEGRADEparticipant1.962.6301
2014-02-01Systems Biology to Identify Molecular Targets for Vascular Disease Treatment SYSVASCparticipant5.976.41317
2014-02-01Chromatin states in neurogenesis – from understanding chromatin loops to eliciting neurogenesis for repair CHRONEUROREPAIRparticipant2.376.5601
2014-02-01"Proposal to assess an innovative Immunotherapy, based on a thioredox peptide antigen, in a Phase I Trial for Type-1 Diabetes" EXALTparticipant6.000.0005
2014-02-01Phytoremediation driven energy crops production on heavy metal degraded areas as local energy carrier PHYTO2ENERGYparticipant921.6236
2014-01-01Wheat and barley Legacy for Breeding Improvement WHEALBIparticipant4.999.99618
2014-01-01Upscaling human insulin-producing beta cell production by efficient differentiation and expansion of endoderm progenitors HUMENparticipant5.962.6449
2013-10-01European-study on Quantifying Utility of Investment in Protection from Tobacco EQUIPTparticipant2.047.90811
2013-10-01Organic Bioelectronics ORGBIOparticipant3.784.17714
2013-10-01Identification and validation of novel pharmaceutical drug targets for cardiovascular disease CARTARDISparticipant5.973.52113
2013-09-01Multi-dimensional omics approach to stratification of patients with low back pain PAIN-OMICSparticipant5.998.88611
2013-09-01Clinical and system –omics for the identification of the MOlecular DEterminants of established Chronic Kidney Disease IMODE-CKDparticipant2.794.78910
2013-09-01Hybrid Fluorescence Optoacoustic Imaging HIFIcoordinator168.7941
2013-06-01Open Project for the European Radiation Research Area OPERRAparticipant8.000.00035
2013-04-01Optical Imaging and Laser TEchniques for BIomedical Applications OILTEBIAparticipant3.500.89010
2013-02-01BBMRI - Large Prospective Cohorts BBMRI-LPCparticipant8.000.00030
2013-02-01Taking Nanotechnological Remediation Processes from Lab Scale to End User Applications for the Restoration of a Clean Environment NANOREMparticipant10.393.63229
2013-02-01"The study of Hsp90 through the use of nuclear magnetic resonance, small angle scattering and calorimetry." HSP90NMRcoordinator167.3901
2013-01-01Reverse engineering the vertebrate molecular machinery for magnetic biomineralisation MAGNETOGENETICSparticipant1.469.1002
2013-01-01Development of mouse mutant resources for functional analyses of human diseases - Enhancing the translation of research into innovation INFRAFRONTIER-I3coordinator9.900.00023
2013-01-01Integrated Biotechnological Solutions for Combating Marine Oil Spills KILL●SPILLparticipant8.996.59934
2012-11-01"Risk, Stem Cells and Tissue Kinetics – Ionising Radiation" RISK - IRparticipant6.685.00012
2012-10-01Functional anatomical molecular optical screening FAMOSparticipant10.099.99917
2012-10-01Studies on a cohort of Serbian children exposed to x-irradiation to determine the contribution of the non-coding genome to susceptibility at low doses DARK.RISKcoordinator1.730.0005
2012-10-01Methods for Integrated analysis of Multiple Omics datasets MIMOMICSparticipant5.993.30815
2012-10-01Development of COMBInatorial BIOmarkers for subclinical atherosclerosis COMBI-BIOparticipant2.964.6956
2012-06-01Proton Ionization Molecular Mass Spectrometry PIMMSparticipant4.134.04212
2012-05-01NO-dependent protein translocation and S-nitrosylation of nuclear proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana PRONITROARABcoordinator174.4751
2012-02-01Nuclear foundations of cellular potency NUCLEARPOTENCYparticipant1.496.0002
2012-02-01Support of Patient Empowerment by an intelligent self-management pathway for patients EMPOWERparticipant3.024.3407
2012-01-01"CATO - CBRN crisis management: Architecture, Technologies and Operational Procedures" CATOparticipant10.278.06227
2012-01-01European Plant Phenotyping Network EPPNparticipant5.500.00014
2012-01-01Building data bridges between biological and medical infrastructures in Europe BIOMEDBRIDGESparticipant10.494.99925
2012-01-01Training for functional soil microorganism biodiversity TRAINBIODIVERSEparticipant4.988.91111
2012-01-01Realizing the European Network in Biodosimetry RENEBparticipant999.18326
2011-11-01Specificity of Rc3h1/2 proteins in post-transcriptional control of immunity and autoimmune disease Rc3h1/2-Specificityparticipant1.392.4001
2011-10-01Biomarker for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Europe BiomarCaREparticipant6.000.00030
2011-10-01Cardiovascular Risk from Exposure to Low-dose and Low-dose-rate Ionizing Radiation PROCARDIOcoordinator2.998.38713
2011-10-01Cognitive and Cerebrovascular Effects Induced by Low Dose Ionising Radiation CEREBRADparticipant2.999.51712
2011-10-01Coordinating the cooperation of the ESFRI project Infrafrontier with the International Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) InfraCoMPcoordinator779.9979
2011-10-01Reduction of Suicides and Trespasses on RAILway property RESTRAILparticipant2.816.24318
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