

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2013-06-01Fostering sustainability and uptake of research results through Networking activities in Black Sea & Mediterranean areas IASONparticipant998.17314
2013-06-01Socio-economic implications for individual responses to Air Pollution Policies in EU +27 SEFIRAparticipant998.0008
2013-06-01Microbial Community-based sequencing analysis linked to anthropogenic pressures: MicroCoKit to address the water quality MICROCOKITcoordinator871.6095
2013-06-01Harvesting Dynamic 3D Worlds from Commodity Sensor Clouds Harvest4Dparticipant2.730.6706
2013-05-02Ontology driven analysis of nominal systematic polysemy in WordNet ODASPcoordinator179.7401
2013-05-01INNOvation in PROduction: A regional perspective on innovation drivers for SMEs and the NMP role INNO-PRO 2014participant197.4156
2013-05-01LIGHT13:Turn on the Light on Science LIGHT13coordinator130.0002
2013-05-01Production Method Of Electrical Energy by Enhanced Thermal Electron Emission by the Use of Superior Semiconductors PROME3THE2US2coordinator2.995.2598
2013-05-01Development of Biomaterial-based Delivery Systems for Ischemic Conditions - An Integrated Pan-European Approach ANGIOMATTRAINparticipant3.762.5378
2013-05-01"A new methodology based on an advanced molecular probe for early detection of DPD enzyme deficiency in oncological patients, also enabling a personalised and effective drug management" CARESSparticipant1.155.9607
2013-05-01Unravelling paradoxes in regulatory T cell biology: the molecular basis for an mTOR-dependent oscillatory metabolic switch controlling immune tolerance and autoimmunity MENTORINGTREGSparticipant1.500.0001
2013-05-01Simulators and Interfaces with Quantum Systems SIQSparticipant8.800.00032
2013-04-01Large Scale Experimentation Scenarios to Mainstream eLearning in Science, Mathematics and Technology in Primary and Secondary Schools Inspiring Scienceparticipant4.900.00029
2013-04-01Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy EAGLEparticipant2.999.81219
2013-04-01High-Resolution Solar Physics Network SOLARNETparticipant6.000.00032
2013-04-01Sound-Light Manipulation in the Terahertz SOULMANparticipant2.180.3063
2013-04-01A Quantitative Approach to Management and Design of Collective and Adaptive Behaviours QUANTICOLparticipant2.605.0005
2013-03-01Best Action for National Development of International Expert Researchers Activity BANDIERAcoordinator830.4911
2013-03-01Multiscale Immune System Simulator for the ONset of Type 2 Diabetes integrating genetic, metabolic and nutritional data MISSION-T2Dcoordinator2.310.0007
2013-03-01New operational steps towards an alliance of European research fleets EUROFLEETS2participant9.000.00031
2013-03-01A common European approach to the regulatory testing of nanomaterials NANOREGparticipant10.000.00068
2013-03-01Global Lakes Sentinel Services GLASSparticipant1.999.9608
2013-03-01LAndslide Modelling and tools for vulnerability assessment Preparedness and REcovery management LAMPREcoordinator1.964.19610
2013-03-01Next-generation polymer nanofibers: from electrified jets to hybrid optoelectronics NANO-JETSparticipant1.491.8232
2013-03-01Physarum Chip: Growing Computers from Slime Mould PhyChipparticipant2.099.9845
2013-02-01Europeana Cloud: Unlocking Europe's Research via The Cloud eCloudparticipant3.799.66133
2013-02-01European Network Group for Ageing Well and its Deployment ENGAGEDparticipant997.99115
2013-02-01Open Semantically-enabled, Social-aware Access to Scientific Data OpenScienceLinkparticipant2.099.9778
2013-02-01A Guided Matter-Wave Interferometer on a Atom-Chip MatterWaveparticipant2.600.0005
2013-02-01Strengthening cooperation in European research on sustainable exploitation of marine resources in the seafood chains- ERANET COFASPparticipant1.999.91226
2013-02-01Intangible Treasures - Capturing the Intangible Cultural Heritage and Learning the Rare Know-How of Living Human Treasures i-Treasuresparticipant5.200.00016
2013-02-01A European Training Network for Sustainable Phosphorus Chemistry SUSPHOSparticipant3.676.69313
2013-02-01Policy RECommendations for Open Access to Research Data in Europe RECODEparticipant949.4898
2013-02-01"Mediterranean Science, Policy, Research & Innovation Gateway" MED-SPRINGparticipant3.999.94529
2013-02-01Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Dataset Networking in Europe ARIADNEparticipant6.499.65224
2013-02-01bottom-UP blueprinting GRAphene baseD Electronics UPGRADEparticipant999.9134
2013-02-01Stardust-The Asteroid and Space Debris Network STARDUSTparticipant4.049.90910
2013-02-01Ameliorating the Sustainable Control of Invasive Insects ASCIIcoordinator260.4004
2013-01-16make it ReAAL ReAALparticipant4.994.00017
2013-01-01eEnvironmental services for advanced applications within INSPIRE eENVplusparticipant2.450.00019
2013-01-01Computations and Organization of Retes Through the Interaction of\nComputational, Optical and Neurophysiological Investigations of the Cerebral cortex CORTICONICparticipant2.399.0005
2013-01-01INtegration of technological Solutions for Imaging, Detection, and Digitisation of hidden Elements in artworks INSIDDEparticipant2.897.1068
2013-01-01European Technology for Digital Audiovisual Media Preservation PRESTO4Uparticipant1.994.53214
2013-01-01Preserving Linked Data Prelidacoordinator769.9875
2013-01-01Quantum Waveguides Application and Development qwadparticipant1.649.9995
2013-01-01Services Activations for GRowing Eurosur's Success SAGRESparticipant3.434.46717
2013-01-01Increasing Resilience through Earth Observation INCREOparticipant1.924.71810
2013-01-01"Utility of omic-based biomarkers in characterizing older individuals at risk for frailty, its progression to disability and general consequences to health and well-being - The FRAILOMIC Initiative" FRAILOMICparticipant11.940.34323
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