

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2015-01-01Mind and Time: Investigation of the Temporal Traits of Human-Machine Convergence TIMESTORMparticipant2.892.5006
2015-01-01Customer-driven design of product-services and production networks to adapt to regional market requirements ProRegiocoordinator5.145.32112
2014-11-01European Training Network to Accelerate the Development Chain of Nanostructured Polymers TheLinkparticipant3.794.89910
2014-09-01Evaluation of the Uncertainties of the Galactic Magnetic Field to Elucidate the Origin of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays COSMICMAGcoordinator338.3621
2014-07-01Severe Accident Facilities for European Safety Targets SAFESTcoordinator3.190.0008
2014-06-01Holistic Personal public Eco-mobility HoPEparticipant1.796.00013
2014-06-01European Network for Education and Training in Radiation Protection ENETRAP IIIparticipant780.00013
2014-05-01Advanced Tools to Observe Magnetic and dynamical properties of Skyrmions and vortices down to the atomic scale ATOMScoordinator161.9691
2014-04-01Integrated High-Temperature Electrolysis and Methanation for Effective Power to Gas Conversion HELMETHcoordinator2.529.3527
2014-02-01Shared Standards for Open Data and Public Sector Information Share-PSI 2.0participant917.50040
2014-02-01Event Prediction and Decision Support based on Huge Data from Physical-Social Systems EPPICSparticipant6.562.00012
2014-02-01Scalable cost-effective facilitation of professional identity transformation in public employment services EmployIDparticipant5.550.00010
2014-02-01Ecosystem infrastructure for smart and personalised inclusion and PROSPERITY for ALL stakeholders Prosperity4Allparticipant7.700.00025
2014-02-01Interdisciplinary Strategic Intelligence wareHouse and Think-tank for Energy INSIGHT_Eparticipant1.999.50812
2014-02-01European Facility for Airborne Research in Environmental and Geo-sciences EUFAR2participant6.000.00024
2014-02-01"Responsible Research and Innovation in Business and Industry in the Domain of ICT for, Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing" RESPONSIBLE-INDUSTRYparticipant1.496.99210
2014-02-01Technological Evolution of Synergy Between Physicochemical and Living Systems EVOBLISSparticipant2.555.9785
2014-02-01DropletMicroarrays: Ultra High-Throughput Screening of Cells in 3D Microenvironments DROPCELLARRAYparticipant1.499.8201
2014-01-15Innovation and Commercialisation in the NMP thematic area INCOMERAparticipant1.500.00021
2014-01-02Towards Intelligent Micro-Bearings – Tribological Aspects (IMBeing) IMBEINGparticipant319.2004
2014-01-01Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon 2020 through a Joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium EUROfusionparticipant424.800.00029
2014-01-01New materials for highly efficient and reliable organic solar cells MATHEROcoordinator3.611.6917
2013-12-01Stratospheric and upper tropospheric processes for better climate predictions STRATOCLIMparticipant8.548.47828
2013-12-01Impact of Biogenic versus Anthropogenic emissions on Clouds and Climate: towards a Holistic UnderStanding BACCHUSparticipant8.746.58721
2013-12-01Dynamics-aerosol-chemistry-cloud interactions in West Africa DACCIWAcoordinator8.746.95216
2013-11-01Broadband Integrated and Green Photonic Interconnects for High-Performance Computing and Enterprise Systems BIG PIPESparticipant3.240.0007
2013-11-01Development of Reliable Emission and Atomization Models for Combustor Design DREAMCODEparticipant970.8484
2013-11-01Access CenTer for PHotonics innovAtion Solutions and Technology support ACTPHASTparticipant8.000.00028
2013-11-01xLiMe – crossLingual crossMedia knowledge extraction xLiMecoordinator2.987.0008
2013-11-01Land use change: assessing the net climate forcing, and options for climate change mitigation and adaptation LUC4Ccoordinator5.999.07915
2013-11-01Renewable Mobility Services in Smart Cities MOVESMARTparticipant2.450.00011
2013-11-01Materials’ Innovations for a Safe and Sustainable nuclear in Europe MATISSEparticipant4.749.99328
2013-11-01Control of meiotic recombination: from Arabidopsis to crops COMRECparticipant3.645.64211
2013-10-01CIVIS CIVISparticipant2.978.82112
2013-10-01Improving humanoid walking capabilities by human-inspired mathematical models, optimization and learning KoroiBotparticipant4.159.9997
2013-10-01High Performance Smart Multifunctional Technical Textiles for the Construction Sector MULTITEXCOparticipant1.663.00011
2013-10-01CAST (CArbon-14 Source Term) CASTparticipant4.511.18335
2013-10-01The Human Brain Project HBPparticipant54.000.000114
2013-10-01Semantic Data Management SEMDATAparticipant405.8005
2013-10-01Materials for Ageing Resistant Li-ion High Energy Storage for the Electric Vehicle MARS-EVparticipant6.575.03417
2013-10-01In depth characterization of bio-mimetic lipid membrane structures generated by dip-pen nanolithography DPNLIPIDMEMBRANEScoordinator168.7941
2013-10-01High throughput integrated technologies for multimaterial functional Micro Components HINMICOparticipant3.895.57116
2013-10-01Shock-robust Design of Plants and their Supply Chain Networks ROBUSTPLANETparticipant3.142.89211
2013-10-01Molecular Quantum Spintronics MoQuaSparticipant2.006.0005
2013-10-01Interaction phenomena in novel materials INTERNOMparticipant114.0003
2013-09-01Whole-body Adaptive Locomotion and Manipulation WALK-MANparticipant5.620.0005
2013-09-01Engaging Society in Horizon 2020 ENGAGE2020participant998.1236
2013-09-01Preparing ESNII for HORIZON 2020 ESNII PLUSparticipant6.455.00036
2013-09-01DAREED – Decision support Advisor for innovative business models and useR engagement for smart Energy Efficient Districts DAREEDparticipant2.910.28112
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