

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2012-10-01"Development of a cost-effective and sustainable insecticide-free plant protection method, eliminating widespread catastrophic damage in the forestry caused by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis" WEEVIL STOPparticipant2.512.17416
2012-10-01Knowledge Based Climate Mitigation Systems for a Low Carbon Economy COMPLEXparticipant5.428.60617
2012-10-01Benthic ecosystem fisheries Impact Study BENTHISparticipant5.994.25034
2012-10-01Impact matrix analysis and cost-benefit calculations to improve management practices regarding health status in organic dairy farming IMPROparticipant3.265.7877
2012-09-01Innovative and effective technology and logistics for forest residual biomass supply in the EU INFRESparticipant3.085.05125
2012-04-01Optimising Subsidiary Crop Applications in Rotations OSCARparticipant2.998.65420
2012-03-01Resource hotspots and the role of apex predators in terrestrial ecosystems HOTSPOTcoordinator100.0001
2012-02-01Advanced multifunctional forest management in European mountain ranges ARANGEparticipant2.991.07716
2012-01-01Promoting a functional and comparative understanding of the conifer genome- implementing applied aspects for more productive and adapted forests ProCoGenparticipant5.978.30323
2012-01-01Innovative and sustainable strategies to mitigate the impact of global change on helminth infections in ruminants GLOWORMparticipant2.998.40614
2012-01-01Safety and quality assurance measures along the pellets supply chain SafePelletsparticipant2.788.15915
2012-01-01Connecting the animal genome, gastrointestinal microbiomes and nutrition to improve digestion efficiency and the environmental impacts of ruminant livestock production RUMINOMICSparticipant5.974.67412
2012-01-01Production of Solid Sustainable Energy Carriers from Biomass by Means of Torrefaction SECTORparticipant7.565.72522
2011-11-01REstoring rivers FOR effective catchment Management REFORMparticipant6.997.60327
2011-11-01Future-oriented integrated management of European forest landscapes INTEGRALcoordinator6.998.60123
2011-10-01Enhancing biomass production from marginal lands with perennial grasses GRASSMARGINSparticipant2.998.62312
2011-10-01Mechanisms of polyploidy-mediated postzygotic reproductive isolation Triploid Blockparticipant1.447.5961
2011-10-01Broadening the Bioinformatics Infrastructure to unicellular, animal, and plant science ALLBIOcoordinator999.91510
2011-09-01BESAFE Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Arguments for our future Environment BESAFEparticipant3.009.97316
2011-07-01Root longevity and the impact on soil N fertility Legume root impactcoordinator179.6691
2011-06-07"Evaluation of fruit quality and disease resistance in sea buckthorn germplasm, based on molecular markers and metabolomics" HIPPOHEALTHcoordinator259.5651
2011-04-01Bridging the gap between science, stakeholders and policy makers Phase 2:Integration of evidence-based knowledge and its application to science and management of fisheries and the marine environment GAP2participant5.913.77339
2011-04-01Commercial Local Urban District Programme CLUDsparticipant638.4005
2011-04-01The EuroFIR Food Platform: Further integration, refinement and exploitation for its long-term self-sustainability EuroFIR-Nexusparticipant999.99820
2011-04-01Integrating Econometric and Mathematical Programming Models into an Amendable Policy and Market Analysis Tool using FADN Database FADNTOOLparticipant2.499.86213
2011-03-01Animal WelfAre Research in an enlarged Europe AWAREparticipant999.92714
2011-03-01Biocontrol and Bioremediation agents and their role in Agriculture and Forest health BioReGentparticipant57.6004
2011-02-01Knowledge exchange between Europe and America on forest growth models and optimisation for adaptive forestry FOREADAPTparticipant516.6004
2011-01-01International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic INTERACTparticipant7.300.00033
2011-01-01Ecological Function and Biodiversity Indicators in European Soils ECOFINDERSparticipant6.999.93028
2011-01-01Gentle remediation of trace element contaminated land GREENLANDparticipant2.995.50717
2010-10-01Functional significance of forest biodiversity in Europe FunDivEUROPEparticipant6.989.40726
2010-10-01"Intelligent sensing and manipulation for sustainable production and harvesting of high value crops, clever robots for crops" CROPSparticipant7.639.00814
2010-09-01Increasing Sustainability of European Forests: Modelling for Security Against Invasive Pests and Pathogens under Climate Change ISEFORparticipant2.973.18117
2010-09-01Effective use of ecosystem and biological knowledge in fisheries ECOKNOWSparticipant2.993.60714
2010-09-01Comparative Analysis of Factor Markets for Agriculture across the Member States Factor Marketsparticipant1.979.02317
2010-03-01Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe Legume-Futuresparticipant2.999.98118
2010-02-01Status and Trends of European Pollinators STEPparticipant3.499.99522
2010-02-01Adaptive Strategies to Mitigate the Impacts of Climate Change on European Freshwater Ecosystems REFRESHparticipant6.997.74726
2010-01-01Greenhouse gas management in European land use systems GHG Europeparticipant6.648.70443
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