

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2013-02-01Celiac disease: from lincRNAs to disease mechanism CD-LINKparticipant2.319.9141
2013-02-01"Concurrent Tuberculosis and Diabetes Mellitus; unraveling the causal link, and improving care" TANDEMparticipant5.998.49612
2013-01-01Peroxisomes: key to cell performance and health PERFUMEparticipant3.911.06412
2013-01-01A systems biology approach to RESOLVE the molecular pathology of two hallmarks of patients with metabolic syndrome and its co-morbidities; hypertriglyceridemia and low HDL-cholesterol RESOLVEcoordinator10.548.37414
2013-01-01Consortium on Organ Preservation in Europe COPEparticipant5.990.84315
2013-01-01Systems Networks Norms SYSNORMcoordinator354.1123
2012-12-01Intervention Research On Health Literacy among Ageing population IROHLAcoordinator2.896.63222
2012-12-01"New and more individualised population-based screening for cardiovascular disease; from a RCT including selfassessments, primary care and coronary artery calcification score to modelling risk-benefit" ROBINSCAparticipant3.298.9992
2012-11-01"Harvesting the power of a new model organism: stem cells, regeneration and ageing in Macrostomum lignano" MACMODELparticipant1.499.7231
2012-11-01Joint European and Latin American Research Network on Diabetic Microangiopathy EULAMDIMAcoordinator451.5002
2012-10-01MARie CuRIe AGEing Network MARRIAGEcoordinator3.955.36311
2012-10-01Interdisciplinary training network for Tourette Syndrome; structuring European Training capacities for neurodevelopmental disorders TS-EUROTRAINparticipant3.076.39810
2012-09-01Immune responses in neurodegenerative diseases: Protection or progression? Saving dying neuronsparticipant100.0002
2012-06-01Advanced Immuno-neuro-endocrine Diagnostics in Psychiatry PSYCH-AIDparticipant3.649.51411
2012-05-01Role of telomeres and stem cells in ageing ROOTSparticipant2.500.0001
2012-04-01Non-Radioactive Molecular Imaging-Driven Drug Development in Oncology OnQviewparticipant2.499.9892
2012-01-01FAll Repository for the design of Smart and sElf-adaptive Environments prolonging INdependent livinG FARSEEINGparticipant3.489.00012
2012-01-01Building data bridges between biological and medical infrastructures in Europe BIOMEDBRIDGESparticipant10.494.99925
2012-01-01Proteomic prediction and Renin angiotensin aldosterone system Inhibition prevention Of early diabetic nephRopathy In TYpe 2 diabetic patients with normoalbuminuria PRIORITYparticipant5.980.50020
2012-01-01Human leukemic stem cells: from identification towards targeting and eradication huLSCtargetingparticipant1.499.8201
2012-01-01Multidisciplinary evaluation of the cancer risk from neutrons relative to photons using stem cells and the induction of second malignant neoplasms following paediatric radiation therapy ANDANTEparticipant3.000.0009
2011-12-01European Multicentre Tics in Children Studies EMTICScoordinator6.000.00030
2011-12-01Protein damage control: regulation of toxic protein aggregation in aging-associated neurodegenerative diseases PDcontrolparticipant1.450.2491
2011-11-01Treat Iron-Related Childhood-Onset Neurodegeneration TIRCONparticipant5.215.22013
2011-11-01HEMatopoietic cell IDentity : genetic and epigenetic regulation in normal and malignant hematopoiesis HEM_IDparticipant3.269.70212
2011-10-01Joint European and South African Research Network in Anxiety Disorders EUSARNADparticipant289.80013
2011-10-01A BLUEPRINT of Haematopoietic Epigenomes BLUEPRINTparticipant29.996.66445
2011-08-01FGF1: a novel metabolic regulator involved in insulin sensitization and glycemic control FGF1T2Dcoordinator100.0001
2011-03-01EUROmediCAT: Safety of Medication use in Pregnancy in Relation to Risk of Congenital Malformations EUROMEDICATparticipant2.996.1009
2011-02-01European multidisciplinary ALS network identification to cure motor neuron degeneration Euro-MOTORparticipant8.994.36215
2011-01-01EUROCANCER STEMCELL TRAINING NETWORK EuroCSCTrainingparticipant3.252.48210
2010-12-01Development of OPN-305 as an orphan drug for the treatment of Delayed Graft Function post solid organ transplantation MABSOTparticipant5.929.06410
2010-12-01Biobank Standardisation and Harmonisation for Research Excellence in the European Union BioSHaRE-EUcoordinator11.998.15217
2010-12-01Diagnosing Parkinson’s Disease by neuromuscular function evaluation DiPARparticipant1.374.11710
2010-12-01Mechanisms of the Development of ALLergy MEDALLparticipant11.990.93923
2010-11-01Suicidality: Treatment Occurring in Paediatrics STOPparticipant3.000.00019
2010-11-01Infectious triggers of chronic autoimmunity INTRICATEparticipant5.965.08612
2010-09-01The role of microRNAs in pancreatic islet dysfunction in type 2 diabetes mellitus MiRT2DMcoordinator100.0001
2010-06-01Bacterial Synthetic Minimal Genomes for Biotechnology BASYNTHECparticipant2.993.1628
2010-05-01Paediatric European Risperidone Studies PERSparticipant5.600.00021
2010-04-01A systems BIOlogy Study to TAilored Treatment in Chronic Heart Failure BIOSTAT-CHFcoordinator11.894.28711
2010-03-01Identification and development of vaccine candidates for Buruli Ulcer Disease BuruliVacparticipant4.599.98316
2010-01-01Drivers' behavioural adaptation over the time in response to ADAS use ADAPTATIONparticipant2.537.18910
2010-01-01Systems biology towards novel chronic kidney disease diagnosis and treatment SysKIDparticipant11.789.53429
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