

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2015-02-01A new process for the manufacture of methanol from waste glycerol GreenMethanolcoordinator149.9941
2015-01-01European Consortium for Communicating Stem Cell Research EuroStemCellparticipant600.00031
2015-01-01Peer to Peer Smart Energy Distribution Networks (P2P-SmartTest) P2P-SmarTestparticipant3.496.1429
2014-12-01Synthesis of methanol from captured carbon dioxide using surplus electricity MethCO2participant8.622.2938
2014-10-01From Credit Crunch to Austerity Europe: how news narratives on the financial crisis are continually shifting and what this means for democracy NEWS FLOWcoordinator221.6061
2014-09-10The molecular basis for the ability of PLC zeta to stimulate mammalian embryo development ZETA-STIMcoordinator309.2351
2014-09-01Multi-Agent Systems and Secured coupling of Telecom and EnErgy gRIds for Next Generation smartgrid services MAS2TERINGparticipant2.957.4919
2014-09-01Improving prediction of the triggering of bipolar disorder episodes by childbirth POSTPARTUM BIDcoordinator282.1091
2014-07-18A Definitive Study of Dust in the Local Universe (DustPedia) DUSTPEDIAcoordinator2.093.0686
2014-07-03Sustainable Chemistry with Iodine Reagents SUSCIRcoordinator309.2351
2014-07-01Role and function of olfaction in Seabirds BIRDSCENTScoordinator221.6061
2014-05-01Investigation of Novel biomarkers and Definition of the role of the microbiome In Graves’ Orbitopathy (INDIGO) INDIGOcoordinator1.192.7995
2014-02-01Water analytics and Intelligent Sensing for Demand Optimised Management WISDOMparticipant2.952.96412
2014-02-01Retrofitable Automated Microtome System incorporating contactless sample transportation for Histology process MICROLEANparticipant1.154.6559
2014-02-01Low-carbon Lifestyles and Behavioural Spillover CASPIparticipant1.486.5631
2014-02-01Development and application of global lipidomic arrays to inflammatory vascular disease LIPIDARRAYparticipant2.969.3452
2014-02-01Managing Aquatic ecosystems and water Resources under multiple Stress MARSparticipant8.996.78225
2014-02-01Platform foR European Preparedness Against (Re-)emerging Epidemics PREPAREparticipant23.992.37527
2014-02-01Assessment of the impact of drivers of change on Europe's food and nutrition security TRANSMANGOparticipant3.905.23413
2014-01-01Anthrax Environmental Decontamination Network AEDNETcoordinator228.0005
2013-12-19Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project HELPparticipant2.475.8258
2013-11-01Wavelength tunable Advanced Single Photon Sources WASPSparticipant1.998.5356
2013-11-01Taking imaging into the therapeutic domain: Self-regulation of brain systems for mental disorders BRAINTRAINcoordinator5.998.66110
2013-10-01"European stem cell consortium for neural cell replacement, reprogramming and functional brain repair" NEUROSTEMCELLREPAIRparticipant6.000.00013
2013-10-01A portable device for Early detection and treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury based on advanced qEEG and HD-TES to prevent major Health problems and specially for use in emergencies and telemedicine. EMEREEGparticipant1.187.0008
2013-10-01Female Investigators in Nonlinear Optical Nanoscopy - FINON FINONparticipant3.470.6526
2013-10-01"Human pluripotent stem cell differentiation, safety and preparation for therapeutic transplantation in Huntington’s disease" REPAIR-HDcoordinator6.000.0009
2013-09-05VIALACTEA - The Milky Way as a Star Formation Engine VIALACTEAparticipant2.488.5919
2013-09-02"Portable, Exhaustive, Reliable, Flexible and Optimized appRoach to Monitoring and Evaluation of building eneRgy performance" PERFORMERparticipant5.716.56614
2013-09-01BluePharmTrain BLUEPHARMTRAINparticipant3.896.33311
2013-09-01Implementing sustainable E&T programmes in the field of Radioactive Wastes Disposal PETRUS IIIparticipant1.425.00020
2013-09-01NOVel cheap and Abundant Materials for catalytic biomass conversion NOVACAMparticipant1.786.8424
2013-09-01Finding the Ghost in the Genome: Assessing the contribution of epigenetics to environmental plasticity in the soil sentinel Lumbricus rubellus EPIWORMcoordinator221.6061
2013-07-01Smart Specialisation For Regional Innovation SMARTSPECcoordinator2.344.22311
2013-06-01Integrating Economic Regional Impact Models INTERIMcoordinator294.6931
2013-06-01Tailored Quantum Structures TAQUScoordinator309.2351
2013-04-08Assessing the Toxicity of nitrates in a host-Parasite system PARA-TOXcoordinator221.6061
2013-04-01Large Scale Experimentation Scenarios to Mainstream eLearning in Science, Mathematics and Technology in Primary and Secondary Schools Inspiring Scienceparticipant4.900.00029
2013-04-01Novel low cost catalyst for direct hydrogen peroxide synthesis LOWCOSTPEROXIDEparticipant149.5071
2013-04-01Multi-terminal DC grid for offshore wind MEDOWcoordinator3.925.53711
2013-03-01Euro-Mediterranean Urban Voids Ecology EMUVEcoordinator221.6061
2013-03-01Global solar spectrum harvesting through highly efficient photovoltaic and thermoelectric integrated cells GLOBASOLparticipant2.995.0407
2013-02-01Photocatalytic Materials for the Destruction of Recalcitrant Organic Industrial Waste PCATDEScoordinator3.954.39511
2013-01-01Kinetic Inductance Detectors – a New Imaging Technology for Observations In and From Space SPACEKIDScoordinator1.995.2877
2013-01-01Far Infra-red Space Intereferometer Critical Assessment: Scientific Definition and Technology Development for the Next Generation THz Space Interferometer FISICAparticipant1.996.5869
2013-01-01Model-based Cooperative and Adaptive Ship-based Context Aware Design CASCADEparticipant2.779.4927
2013-01-01"Law, science and interests in European policy-making" LASIparticipant1.453.7481
2012-12-01"Design, Manufacturing and Impact Testing of Advanced Composite Materials" CARHAY2011coordinator110.5912
2012-12-01Adsorbent carbons for the removal of biologically active toxins ACROBATparticipant1.449.6597
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