

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2011-01-12Harmonised Assessment of Reliability of MOdern Nuclear I&C Software HARMONICSparticipant999.4586
2011-01-01Solid Oxide Fuel Cells – Integrating Degradation Effects into Lifetime Prediction Models SOFC-Lifeparticipant2.418.62013
2011-01-01Ageing Diagnostics and Prognostics of low-voltage I&C cables ADVANCEcoordinator2.311.78811
2011-01-01MATerials TEsting and Rules MATTERparticipant5.993.91929
2010-12-01Energy-Hub for residential and commercial districts and transport E-Hubparticipant7.993.71019
2010-10-01Low-temperature heat valorisation towards electricity production LOVEparticipant3.299.7899
2010-10-01Trustworthy Wireless Industrial Sensor neTworks TWISNetparticipant2.186.2497
2010-06-01European Exascale Software Initiative - 2010/2011 EESIcoordinator640.0008
2010-04-01Transmission system operation with large penetration of Wind and other renewable Electricity sources in Networks by means of innovative Tools and Integrated Energy Solutions TWENTIESparticipant31.774.56529
2010-02-01Treatment of long term irradiation embrittlement effects in RPV safety assessment LONGLIFEparticipant2.621.57517
2010-02-01OPEN HOUSE - Benchmarking and mainstreaming building sustainability on the EU based on transparency and openness (open source and availability) from model to implementation OPEN HOUSEparticipant3.498.73021
2010-02-01High Performance Computing Technologies for Smart Distribution Network Operation HiPerDNOparticipant4.380.06012
2010-01-01Grid for Vehicles - Analysis of the impact and possibilities of a mass introduction of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles on the electricity networks in Europe G4Vparticipant2.531.25814
2010-01-01Structural integrity for lifetime management – non-RPV components STYLEparticipant2.971.75720
2010-01-01Open Architecture for Secondary Nodes of the Electricity SmartGrid OpenNodeparticipant2.789.9709
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