

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2011-09-01Trans-national Infrastructure for Plant Genomic Science transPLANTparticipant4.349.70011
2011-07-01Fluorescence intraoperative imaging platform for tumor margin delineation FI2P4TUMcoordinator162.7421
2011-04-01Priming epithelial cell activation to regenerate the lung PEARLparticipant1.291.6701
2011-04-01Combining epidemiology and radiobiology to assess cancer risks in the breast, lung, thyroid and digestive tract after exposures to ionizing radiation with total doses in the order of 100 mSv or below EPIRADBIOcoordinator5.818.07319
2011-03-01Airway Disease PRedicting Outcomes through Patient Specific Computational Modelling AirPROMparticipant11.713.19440
2011-02-01A pan-European infrastructure for quality in nanomaterials safety testing QUALITYNANOparticipant7.000.00032
2011-01-15A new logic to control signalling pathways in the mouse brain: The role of MAPK in emotional behavior MapkMoodcoordinator162.1611
2011-01-01Genetic testing in Europe - Network for the further development, harmonization, validation and standardization of services EuroGentest2participant1.996.98922
2011-01-01Modelling latent causes in molecular networks LatentCausesparticipant1.238.5901
2010-12-01PREvention of Late Stent Thrombosis by an Interdisciplinary Global European effort PRESTIGEparticipant5.979.64215
2010-12-01Biobank Standardisation and Harmonisation for Research Excellence in the European Union BioSHaRE-EUparticipant11.998.15217
2010-12-01Mechanisms of the Development of ALLergy MEDALLparticipant11.990.93923
2010-11-01Infectious triggers of chronic autoimmunity INTRICATEparticipant5.965.08612
2010-10-01Sharing capacity across Europe in high-throughput sequencing technology to explore genetic variation in health and disease GEUVADISparticipant2.000.00017
2010-10-01EUCOMM: Tools for Functional Annotation of the Mouse Genome EUCOMMTOOLScoordinator11.999.67311
2010-10-01Uncovering the mechanisms of inflammation induced liver tissue destruction and carcinogenesis LIVERCANCERMECHANISMparticipant1.212.1901
2010-10-01Deep Tissue Optoacoustic Imaging for Tracking of Dynamic Molecular and Functional Events DYNAMITparticipant1.452.6501
2010-06-01Systems Biology of Stem Cells and Reprogramming SyBoSSparticipant10.530.00011
2010-05-01Multi-disciplinary biodosimetric tools to manage high scale radiological casualties MULTIBIODOSEparticipant3.493.20016
2010-04-01Protein Binders for Characterisation of Human Proteome Function: Generation, Validation, Application AFFINOMICSparticipant11.000.00020
2010-03-01Epidemiological Studies of Exposed Southern Urals Populations SOLOparticipant4.997.52012
2010-03-01Unraveling key abiotic and biotic interactions for sustainable anaerobic biotransformation of chlorinated solvents in groundwater AnDeMiCcoordinator226.8341
2010-02-01OPtimization of Treatment and Management of Schizophrenia in Europe (OPTiMiSE) OPTiMiSEparticipant11.187.68523
2010-02-01Deciphering mechanisms of ciliary disease CiliaryDiseaseparticipant1.449.6401
2010-01-01Low Dose Research towards Multidisciplinary Integration DoReMiparticipant12.999.99938
2010-01-01Transport related Air Pollution and Health impacts – Integrated Methodologies for Assessing Particulate Matter TRANSPHORMparticipant6.915.55421
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