

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2014-05-01Integrated Macro-Financial Modelling for Robust Policy Design MACFINROBODSparticipant2.500.00012
2014-04-01Hydrogen Contaminant Risk Assessment HYCORAparticipant2.159.0246
2014-02-01Managing Aquatic ecosystems and water Resources under multiple Stress MARSparticipant8.996.78225
2014-01-01Innovation Demonstration for a Competitive and Innovative European Water Reuse Sector DEMOWAREparticipant5.999.66627
2014-01-01Cost-reduction through material optimisation and Higher EnErgy outpuT of solAr pHotovoltaic modules - joining Europe’s Research and Development efforts in support of its PV industry CHEETAHparticipant9.696.13234
2014-01-01Demonstrating integrated innovative technologies for an optimal and safe closed water cycle in Mediterranean tourist facilities DEMEAUMEDparticipant4.016.47015
2014-01-01Global Earth Observation for integrated water resource assessment EARTH2OBSERVEparticipant8.869.78727
2014-01-01Exploring the potential for agricultural and biomass trade in the Commonwealth of Independent States AGRICISTRADEparticipant1.999.40117
2014-01-01Ensuring the Integrity of the European food chain FOODINTEGRITYparticipant8.998.99739
2014-01-01"Ice, Climate, and Economics - Arctic Research on Change" ICE-ARCparticipant8.874.62623
2014-01-01Danube Region INCO-NET DANUBE-INCO.NETparticipant1.996.46519
2013-12-01European Liaison on Electricity Committed Towards long-term Research Activities for Smart Grids. ELECTRAparticipant9.989.56021
2013-12-01Development of Cost efficient Advanced DNA-based methods for specific Traceability issues and High Level On-site applicatioNs DECATHLONparticipant2.956.12518
2013-12-01solving CHAllenges in Nuclear DAta CHANDAparticipant5.400.00035
2013-11-19Mitigation of space weather threats to GNSS services MISWparticipant1.968.23112
2013-11-01Stimulating Innovation for Global Monitoring of Agriculture and its Impact on the Environment in support of GEOGLAM (SIGMA) SIGMAparticipant8.750.13322
2013-11-01High-End cLimate Impacts and eXtremes HELIXparticipant8.999.99816
2013-11-01Impact of Research on EU Agriculture IMPRESAparticipant1.991.9799
2013-11-01Preventing and Remediating degradation of soils in Europe through Land Care RECAREparticipant8.549.52527
2013-11-01Land use change: assessing the net climate forcing, and options for climate change mitigation and adaptation LUC4Cparticipant5.999.07915
2013-11-01Sustainable Innovative Mobilisation of Wood SIMWOODparticipant5.990.31128
2013-11-01Development of an integrated approach based on validated and standardized methods to support the implementation of the EC recommendation for a definition of nanomaterial NANODEFINEparticipant6.999.28329
2013-11-01Materials’ Innovations for a Safe and Sustainable nuclear in Europe MATISSEparticipant4.749.99328
2013-10-28Optimal Design Tools for Ocean Energy Arrays DTOCEANparticipant4.178.23218
2013-10-01Making society an active participant in water adaptation to global change BEWATERparticipant2.934.72412
2013-10-01Solutions for present and future emerging pollutants in land and water resources management SOLUTIONSparticipant11.988.93539
2013-10-01Carbon emission mitigation by Consumption-based Accounting and Policy CARBON CAPparticipant2.939.34310
2013-10-01Economics of climate change adaptation in Europe ECONADAPTparticipant2.928.61814
2013-10-01Harmonized approach to stress tests for critical infrastructures against natural hazards STRESTparticipant3.000.00012
2013-10-01CAST (CArbon-14 Source Term) CASTparticipant4.511.18335
2013-10-01Nuclear Cogeneration Industrial Initiative - Research and Development Coordination NC2I-Rparticipant1.834.99022
2013-10-01Mapping European regional Transport Research and Innovation Capacities (METRIC) METRICparticipant499.9205
2013-09-27Quality Assurance for Essential Climate Variables QA4ECVparticipant4.998.72717
2013-09-01Preparing ESNII for HORIZON 2020 ESNII PLUSparticipant6.455.00036
2013-09-01Preparing NUGENIA for HORIZON2020 NUGENIA-PLUSparticipant6.000.00018
2013-09-01Support of the activities of all stakeholders from the PV sector to collaborate together to achieve the 2020 targets and beyond PV TP SEC IIIparticipant489.6774
2013-09-01Delivery of sustainable supply of non-food biomass to support a “resource-efficient” Bioeconomy in Europe S2BIOMparticipant3.999.62933
2013-09-01Minerals Intelligence Network for Europe MINERALS4EUparticipant1.999.00032
2013-09-01SUpport to SAfety ANalysis of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies SUSANAparticipant1.159.1247
2013-06-01Cost-effective and reliable hydrogen sensors for facilitating the safe use of hydrogen H2SENSEparticipant380.3486
2013-06-01Microbial Community-based sequencing analysis linked to anthropogenic pressures: MicroCoKit to address the water quality MICROCOKITparticipant871.6095
2013-06-01Pre-Normative Research for Thermodynamic Optimization of Fast Hydrogen Transfer HYTRANSFERparticipant1.608.6848
2013-05-01Automotive Fuel Cell Stack Cluster Initiative for Europe II AUTO-STACK COREparticipant7.757.27314
2013-05-01Development of a Portable Internal Reforming Methanol High Temperature PEM Fuel Cell System IRMFCparticipant1.586.03810
2013-05-01Understanding the Degradation Mechanisms of a High Temperature PEMFC Stack and Optimization of the Individual Components DEMSTACKparticipant1.495.6807
2013-05-01Production and Reliability Oriented SOFC Cell and Stack Design PROSOFCparticipant3.011.0008
2013-05-01HYdrogen cells for AiRborne Usage HYCARUSparticipant5.219.26510
2013-05-01Development of advanced catalysts for PEMFC automotive applications NANO-CATparticipant2.418.4398
2013-04-01Code for European Severe Accident Management CESAMparticipant3.597.17918
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