

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2010-10-01"Intelligent sensing and manipulation for sustainable production and harvesting of high value crops, clever robots for crops" CROPScoordinator7.639.00814
2010-09-01Selective Antibodies Limited Immuno Assay Novel Technology SALIANTparticipant3.362.59911
2010-09-01Comparative Analysis of Factor Markets for Agriculture across the Member States Factor Marketsparticipant1.979.02317
2010-07-01AnThocyanin and polyphenol bioactives for Health Enhancement through Nutritional Advancement ATHENAparticipant2.996.22613
2010-06-01Aggregate and Cumulative Risk Of Pesticides: an On-Line Integrated Strategy ACROPOLISparticipant2.995.54812
2010-05-01Establishing the scientific bases and technical procedures and standards to recover the European flat oyster production through strategies to tackle the main constraint, bonamiosis OYSTERECOVERparticipant2.475.51416
2010-05-01Campylobacter control - novel approaches in primary poultry production CAMCONparticipant2.999.94011
2010-05-01Public Engagement with Research and Research Engagement with Society PERARESparticipant2.728.04128
2010-04-01Reproduction of European Eel: Towards a Self-sustained Aquaculture PRO-EELparticipant2.999.30715
2010-04-01Spatial Analysis of Rural Development Measures SPARDparticipant1.910.59010
2010-04-01REsearch to improve PROduction of SEED of established and emerging bivalve species in European hatcheries REPROSEEDparticipant2.994.85313
2010-04-01Interaction in coastal waters: A roadmap to sustainable integration of aquaculture and fisheries COEXISTparticipant2.995.50014
2010-04-0130-year re-analysis of CARBON fluxES and pools over Europe and the Globe CARBONESparticipant2.561.69915
2010-03-01Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe Legume-Futuresparticipant2.999.98118
2010-03-01Developing quarantine pest detection methods for use by national plant protection organizations (NPPO) and inspection services QDetectparticipant2.995.91814
2010-03-01Multi species swards and multi scale strategies for multifunctional grassland based ruminant production systems MULTISWARDparticipant2.997.59515
2010-03-01Biocommodity refinery BIOCOREparticipant13.920.23726
2010-03-01Options for Delivering Ecosystem-Based Marine Management ODEMMparticipant6.499.13317
2010-02-01"Development of Vaccines for bTV, EHDV and AHSV" ORBIVACparticipant2.999.72918
2010-02-01New Advances in the integrated Management of food processing wAste in India and Europe: use of Sustainable Technologies for the Exploitation of byproducts into new foods and feeds NAMASTEparticipant1.499.9957
2010-02-01Status and Trends of European Pollinators STEPparticipant3.499.99522
2010-02-01Adaptive Strategies to Mitigate the Impacts of Climate Change on European Freshwater Ecosystems REFRESHparticipant6.997.74726
2010-02-01JOint Learning about Innovation Systems in African Agriculture JOLISAAparticipant999.6577
2010-01-01Jatropha curcas Applied and Technological Research on Plant Traits JATROPTcoordinator2.995.73912
2010-01-01New manufacturing infrastructure for the production of high quality Natural Fibres UltraFibreparticipant1.742.24514
2010-01-01Methodology for Effective Decision-making on Impacts and AdaptaTION (MEDIATION) MEDIATIONcoordinator3.142.74411
2010-01-01Future of Reefs in a Changing Environment (FORCE): An ecosystem approach to managing Caribbean coral reefs in the face of climate change FORCEparticipant6.474.63219
2010-01-01Future of Reefs in a Changing Environment (FORCE): An ecosystem approach to managing Caribbean coral reefs in the face of climate change FORCEparticipant6.474.63219
2010-01-01Forage Fish Interactions FACTSparticipant2.938.37515
2010-01-01Greenhouse gas management in European land use systems GHG Europeparticipant6.648.70443
2010-01-01Research into Impacts and Safety in CO2 Storage (RISCS) RISCSparticipant3.958.53023
2010-01-01Discovery and preclinical development of new generation tuberculosis vaccines NEWTBVACparticipant11.996.73035
2010-01-01Nanoparticles in Food: Analytical methods for detection and characterisation NanoLysecoordinator2.945.82310
2010-01-01Determining factors and critical periods in food habit formation and breaking in early childhood: a multidisciplinary approach HabEatparticipant2.998.79911
2010-01-01New tools and approaches to control Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) in the EU and Asia PoRRSConparticipant2.999.07016
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