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Start date | Project | acronym | role | funding | partners |
2013-01-01 | IntegratinG Renewables in the EuropEaN Electricity Grid |
IGREENGRID | participant | 4.336.217 | 12 |
2013-01-01 | Advanced Model Development and Validation for Improved Analysis of Costs and Impacts of Mitigation Policies |
ADVANCE | participant | 5.699.168 | 14 |
GAME-ABLING | participant | 1.136.995 | 11 |
2012-11-01 | SMARTgrid KeY NEighborhood indicator cockpit |
SMARTKYE | participant | 1.965.465 | 7 |
2012-11-01 | Europe-Wide Platform for Cooperative Mobility Services |
MOBiNET | participant | 10.963.000 | 33 |
2012-11-01 | Tomorrow's Elastic, Adaptive Mobility |
TEAM | participant | 11.102.000 | 28 |
Broker@Cloud | participant | 3.388.000 | 7 |
2012-10-01 | Innovative fast inductive charging solution for electric vehicles |
FASTINCHARGE | participant | 1.654.085 | 9 |
2012-10-01 | Creativity in learning through Social Computing and Game Mechanics in the Enterprise |
COLLAGE | participant | 2.899.917 | 9 |
2012-10-01 | Photonics for High-Performance, Low-Cost & Low-Energy Data Centers, High Performance Computing Systems:Terabit/s Optical Interconnect Technologies for On-Board, Board-to-Board, Rack-to-Rack data links |
PhoxTroT | participant | 8.700.000 | 21 |
2012-10-01 | Multi-coRe, multi-level, WDM-enAbled embedded optical enGine for Terabit board-to-board and rack-to-rack parallel optics |
MIRAGE | coordinator | 2.999.964 | 8 |
2012-10-01 | ICT Solutions for Efficient Water Resources Management |
ICeWater | participant | 2.959.922 | 9 |
2012-10-01 | Water Enhanced Resource Planning "Where water supply meets demand" |
WatERP | participant | 3.270.000 | 9 |
2012-10-01 | Advanced software-based seRvice provisioning and migraTIon of legacy Software |
ARTIST | participant | 6.953.705 | 13 |
2012-10-01 | Energy ManagEment and RechArging for efficient eLectric car Driving |
EMERALD | participant | 3.150.000 | 17 |
2012-09-01 | Smart wearable and autonomous negative pressure device for wound monitoring and therapy |
SWAN-iCARE | participant | 6.113.999 | 11 |
2012-09-01 | Cities demonstrating cybernetic mobility |
CITYMOBIL2 | participant | 9.500.000 | 47 |
2012-09-01 | Co-operative ITS Systems for Enhanced Electric Vehicle Mobility |
Mobility2.0 | participant | 1.999.973 | 11 |
ARUM | participant | 8.489.679 | 20 |
2012-06-01 | Science Night Out |
SNO | coordinator | 34.300 | 2 |
2012-03-01 | Social IMpact Policy Analysis of Technological Innovation Challenges |
SIMPATIC | participant | 2.696.560 | 9 |
2012-02-01 | "European ResearcH on DevElopmentAL, BirtH and Genetic Determinants of Ageing" |
EURHEALTHAGEING | participant | 2.998.307 | 9 |
2011-10-01 | EXPERiments in live social and networked MEDIA experiences |
EXPERIMEDIA | participant | 4.984.997 | 25 |
2011-10-01 | Buildings Energy Advanced Management System |
BEAMS | participant | 1.800.000 | 8 |
2011-10-01 | Persuasive Advisor for CO2-reducing cross-modal Trip Planning (Peacox) |
Peacox | participant | 2.350.000 | 9 |
2011-10-01 | The innovative use of virtual and mixed reality to increase human comfort by changing the perception of self and space |
VR-HYPERSPACE | participant | 3.424.849 | 9 |
2011-10-01 | A High-Level Paradigm for Reliable Large-scale Server Software |
RELEASE | participant | 2.400.000 | 8 |
2011-09-01 | 100 Gb/s Optical RAM on-chip:\nSilicon-based, integrated Optical RAM enabling High-Speed Applications in Computing and Communications |
RAMPLAS | participant | 1.998.166 | 7 |
2011-09-01 | PRACE - Second Implementation Phase Project |
PRACE-2IP | participant | 18.000.000 | 57 |
2011-07-01 | Specification, Implementation, Field Trial, and Standardisation of the Vehicle-2-Grid Interface |
PowerUp | participant | 2.413.515 | 11 |
2011-04-01 | Reinforcing FLEXibility of SMEs by dynamic business process management |
ReFLEX | participant | 1.073.116 | 8 |
2011-02-01 | Assessment of Climate Change Mitigation Pathways and Evaluation of the Robustness of Mitigation Cost Estimates |
AMPERE | participant | 3.149.490 | 22 |
2011-02-01 | From data sharing and integration via VPH models to personalised medicine |
p-medicine | participant | 13.329.898 | 19 |
2010-10-15 | Method of Osteo-fracture Study through Automatic Identification and Classification: biomechanical analysis of bone trabecular structure |
MOSAIC | coordinator | 146.497 | 1 |
2010-10-01 | Virtualized Storage Services Foundation for the Future Internet |
VISION Cloud | participant | 9.175.000 | 13 |
2010-10-01 | Pushing dynamic and ubiquitous interaction between services Leveraged in the Future Internet by ApplYing complex event processing |
PLAY | participant | 2.947.735 | 9 |
2010-10-01 | Self Orchestrating CommunIty ambiEnT IntelligEnce Spaces |
SOCIETIES | participant | 10.598.177 | 14 |
2010-10-01 | POLYSYS: Direct 100G connectivity with optoelectronic POLYmer-InP integration for data center SYstems |
POLYSYS | coordinator | 2.560.000 | 5 |
2010-10-01 | Active support and reaL-time coordination based on Event pRocessing in open source software developmenT |
ALERT | participant | 2.948.856 | 10 |
2010-10-01 | GALACTICO:\nblendinG diverse photonics And eLectronics on silicon for integrAted and fully funCTIonal COherent Tb Ethernet |
GALACTICO | participant | 2.900.000 | 11 |
2010-09-01 | DEcentralized, cooperative, and privacy-preserving MONitoring for\ntrustworthiness |
DEMONS | participant | 5.346.821 | 13 |
2010-09-01 | Initiative to enHance cOLlaboration and promote Advancement of future ICT services in Europe |
HOLA! | participant | 441.000 | 5 |
2010-09-01 | Cooperative Advanced Driver Assistance System for Green Cars |
EcoGem | participant | 2.043.922 | 11 |
2010-09-01 | Exploiting Social Networks for Building the Future Internet of Services |
SocIoS | coordinator | 2.754.327 | 9 |
2010-07-01 | PRACE - First Implementation Phase Project |
PRACE-1IP | participant | 20.000.000 | 46 |
2010-07-01 | A holistic approach towards the development of the first responder of the future |
E-SPONDER | participant | 8.790.044 | 17 |
2010-06-01 | A Think Tank Hosting an Interdisciplinary Network to provide Knowledge support to EU Energy Policy Making |
THINK | participant | 2.188.848 | 18 |
2010-06-01 | TEstbed for Future Internet Services |
TEFIS | participant | 3.845.343 | 19 |
2010-06-01 | Optimized Infrastructure Services |
OPTIMIS | participant | 7.131.090 | 16 |
2010-06-01 | Building service testbeds on FIRE |
BonFIRE | participant | 7.200.000 | 26 |
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