

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2011-11-01Development of reference methods for hazard identification, risk assessment and LCA of engineered nanomaterials NanoValidparticipant9.592.99532
2011-11-01CAncer Risk and INsulin analoGues CARINGparticipant2.974.1747
2011-08-01Celiac Disease autoantibodies targeted against transglutaminase 2: repercussions in vascular biology, disease pathogenesis and treatment TRANSVASCEDcoordinator45.0001
2011-08-01Parkinson disease susceptibility gene mutations in Drosophila melanogaster and the therapeutic potential of transgenes alternative oxidase and alternative NADH dehydrogenase DroMitcoordinator210.0361
2011-05-01Data without Boundaries DWBparticipant6.493.01729
2011-03-01(International) Socio-Technical Challenges for implementing geological disposal INSOTECparticipant1.998.85417
2011-02-01Modulation of mitochondrial complex I as a strategy to increase lifespan and prevent age-related diseases ComplexI&Agingparticipant1.491.6002
2011-01-01Persistent virus infection as a cause of pathogenic inflammation in type 1 diabetes - an innovative research program of biobanks and expertise PEVNETcoordinator5.999.68714
2011-01-01Implementing Public Participation Approaches in Radioactive Waste Disposal IPPAparticipant1.599.98816
2010-07-01The Commercialisation of Transglutaminase TRANSCOMparticipant1.680.2487
2010-05-01health-economic modelling of PREvention strategies for Hpv-related Diseases in European CounTries PREHDICTparticipant2.963.53213
2010-02-01Media Accountability and Transparency in Europe MediaAcTparticipant1.468.81113
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