

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2016-05-01RANGER: RAdars for loNG distance maritime surveillancE and SaR opeRations RANGERparticipant7.992.31310
2016-05-01Analysis of the European energy system under the aspects of flexibility and technological progress REFLEXcoordinator2.779.7009
2016-04-01Assessing risk and progression of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes to enable disease modification - Sofia ref.: 115881 RHAPSODYparticipant8.130.00027
2016-04-01Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 1 HBP SGA1participant89.000.000117
2016-04-01Synthesis of CONJUGAted Two-DimensIonal Supramolecular POlymers for ElectroNics CONJUGATIONcoordinator171.4611
2016-04-01Graphene-based disruptive technologies GrapheneCore1participant89.000.000186
2016-04-01Training towards a society of data-savvy information professionals to enable open leadership innovation MOVINGparticipant3.470.2549
2016-04-01Novel applications based on organic biluminescence BILUMcoordinator1.462.5001
2016-04-01A multidisciplinary approach to cell division: From human oocyte to synthetic biology DivIDeparticipant2.802.3999
2016-03-01Transcription Factor-mediated Neuronal Cell Fate Programming in Human Stem Cells ProNeuronscoordinator1.495.0001
2016-03-01Designing for People with Dementia: designing for mindful self-empowerment and social engagement MinDparticipant531.00019
2016-02-01Urban Collective Design Environment: A new tool for enabling expert planners to co-create and communicate with citizens in urban design U_CODEcoordinator3.603.8318
2016-02-01Intelligent Parkinson eaRly detectiOn Guiding NOvel Supportive InterventionS i-PROGNOSISparticipant3.921.30311
2016-02-01Late Gothic vaults and their complex stone members: Recovering historical design procedures, implementing knowledge in restoration practice REGothicVaultElementcoordinator149.2501
2016-02-01Towards Ubiquitous Low-power Image Processing Platforms TULIPPparticipant3.897.0559
2016-02-01Directly Modulated Lasers on Silicon DIMENSIONcoordinator2.621.7596
2016-01-01Flexible Fossil Power Plants for the Future Energy Market through new and advanced Turbine Technologies FLEXTURBINEparticipant6.477.59625
2016-01-01Secure Big Data Processing in Untrusted Clouds SecureCloudcoordinator1.499.6277
2016-01-01Clinical development of a dendritic-cell vaccine therapy for acute myeloid leukaemia AML-VACCiNparticipant6.001.48214
2016-01-01Regeneration of the adult zebrafish brain ZF-BrainRegcoordinator2.500.0001
2016-01-01elastic WIreless Networking Experimentation eWINEparticipant2.352.54611
2016-01-01UPscaling GRaphite Electrochemical ExfoliatioN UP-GREENcoordinator150.0001
2016-01-01ICT Policy, Research and Innovation for a Smart Society: towards new avenues in EU-US ICT collaboration PICASSOparticipant999.71910
2016-01-01heteroGeneous integRated magnetic tEchnology using multifunctional standardized sTack (MSS) GREATparticipant4.539.0019
2016-01-01EBSIS - Event Based Systems in Iaşi - A Twinning between Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi, Université de Neuchâtel and Technische Universität Dresden EBSISparticipant867.2054
2016-01-01Effect of ALlopurinol in addition to hypothermia for hypoxic-ischemic Brain Injury on Neurocognitive Outcome ALBINOparticipant5.994.03016
2015-12-01Rf Engineered substrates to FostER fEm performaNCE REFERENCEparticipant10.028.06216
2015-12-01Ultra-Low PoweR technologIes and MEmory architectures for IoT PRIMEparticipant12.038.77717
2015-11-01Translational approaches to disease modifying therapy of type 1 diabetes: an innovative approach towards understanding and arresting type 1 diabetes – Sofia ref.: 115797 INNODIAparticipant17.630.00036
2015-11-01Tools for cOntinuous building Performance Auditing TOPAsparticipant5.085.9469
2015-10-30Human Brain Project Framework Partnership Agreement HBP FPAparticipant086
2015-10-01Principles of Polarity – Integrating genetic, biophysical and computational approaches to understand cell and tissue polarity PolarNetparticipant3.935.9699
2015-10-01ANtibioticS and mobile resistance elements in WastEwater Reuse applications: risks and innovative solutions ANSWERparticipant3.708.69018
2015-10-01Rich, Structured Models for Scene Recovery, Understanding and Interaction RSMcoordinator1.998.2811
2015-10-01Next Generation I/O for Exascale NEXTGenIOparticipant8.114.50410
2015-09-01Runtime Exploitation of Application Dynamism for Energy-efficient eXascale computing READEXcoordinator3.534.1997
2015-09-01Reservoir Computing with Real-time Data for future IT RECORD-ITparticipant4.193.1479
2015-09-01EXTREME Dynamic Loading - Pushing the Boundaries of Aerospace Composite Material Structures EXTREMEparticipant5.277.59814
2015-09-01Integrating Technology into Mental Health Care Delivery in Europe ICarecoordinator4.972.68313
2015-08-01Troy+ stomach stem cells in homeostasis, repair and pathogenesis Troy Stem Cellsparticipant1.570.3992
2015-08-01Environmental modulators of the immune cell balance in health and disease ENVIROIMMUNEparticipant1.499.0411
2015-07-01Millimetre-Wave Based Mobile Radio Access Network for Fifth Generation Integrated Communications mmMAGICparticipant8.165.08419
2015-07-01Superfluidity: a super-fluid, cloud-native, converged edge system SUPERFLUIDITYparticipant7.894.61418
2015-07-01Dynamically Reconfigurable Optical-Wireless Backhaul/Fronthaul with Cognitive Control Plane for Small Cells and Cloud-RANs 5G-XHaulparticipant7.233.88812
2015-06-01Integrated Components for Complexity Control in affordable electrified cars 3Ccarparticipant17.550.78246
2015-06-01Advanced Lithium Sulphur battery for xEV ALISEparticipant6.899.23315
2015-06-01Slovak Centre of Excellence in Ion Beam and Plasma Technologies for Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology SlovakIONparticipant498.9067
2015-06-01Modelling stability of organic phosphorescent light-emitting diodes MOSTOPHOSparticipant3.669.4379
2015-06-01Congestion Reduction in Europe : Advancing Transport Efficiency (CREATE) CREATEparticipant3.870.14618
2015-06-01Optimised and Systematic Energy Management in Electric Vehicles OSEM-EVparticipant8.002.53612
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