

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2014-10-01Imaging the Event Horizon of Black Holes BLACKHOLECAMparticipant13.975.7445
2014-09-16Trojan-Lipid-Sensor TROJAN-LIPID-SENSORcoordinator359.0821
2014-09-01Social Network Implementation of Health Campaigns Among Youth SNIHCYparticipant1.999.5941
2014-08-01On the neural basis of working memory: How the brain retains information in the face of distraction MEM_DISTRACTIONcoordinator259.2931
2014-08-01The neural implementation of contextual influences in speech perception SPEECH IN CONTEXTcoordinator259.2931
2014-08-01Antiviral Defense in the Vector Mosquito Aedes aegypti: induction and suppression of RNA silencing pathways VIVARNASILENCINGparticipant2.000.0001
2014-08-01Multi-Modal Functional Fingerprint of the Human Brain. Application in ADHD BRAIN FINGERPRINTcoordinator183.4701
2014-07-01Visualizing cell maintenance: Chemical tools to investigate the microenvironments of misfolded proteins VISQCcoordinator100.0001
2014-05-01Magnetism at the time and length scale of the Exchange interaction EXCHANGEparticipant2.495.1801
2014-05-01Enhancing cognitive flexibility in autism ENHANCINGFLEXIBILITYcoordinator243.8481
2014-05-01Narratives in health communication –a multi-disciplinary approach to strengthen understanding of the roles and uses of narratives in conveying health information and changing health behaviors HEALTHNARcoordinator98.7004
2014-05-01Towards gene identification and personalized prophylactic medication for lithiopathies in lithium-using patients LITHIOPATHIEScoordinator270.7861
2014-04-01Personalized diagnosis and treatment of hyperinsulinemic hypoglycaemia caused by beta-cell pathology BETACUREcoordinator6.000.00017
2014-04-01Clinical ultrasound platform for the quantitative and longitudinal imaging of theranostics and cellular therapy CONQUESTparticipant1.199.8821
2014-03-01Integrative strategy for the development of urinary bladder analogs REBTXcoordinator183.4701
2014-03-01Measuring and modeling how misregulation in gene regulatory networks causes intellectual disability MISREGULATIDcoordinator100.0001
2014-03-01Regulatory transcriptional networks orchestrating mouse pluripotent embryonic stem cells SYSSTEMCELLparticipant2.500.0001
2014-03-01Multidisciplinary Approaches to Translational Research In Conduct Syndromes MATRICScoordinator4.500.00019
2014-02-01Clinical Intervention Modelling, Planning and Proof for Ablation Cancer Treatment ClinicIMPPACTparticipant2.843.0008
2014-02-01Gendering the Academy and Research: combating Career Instability and Asymmetries GARCIAparticipant2.297.8267
2014-02-01Comparing the effectiveness of palliative care for elderly people in long term care facilities in Europe PACEparticipant5.566.14012
2014-01-20The Contribution of the Third Sector to Europe’s Socio-economic Development THIRD SECTOR IMPACTparticipant2.498.96214
2014-01-01Effective Gender Equality in Research and the Academia EGERAparticipant2.229.1558
2014-01-01Ecology of anaerobic methane oxidizing microbes ECO-MOMparticipant2.500.0001
2014-01-01Promoting Attainment of Responsible Research and Innovation in Science Education PARRISEparticipant2.498.12520
2014-01-01Improving Children's Auditory Rehabilitation ICAREparticipant4.085.6299
2014-01-01Perception and Action in Health and Disease HEALTHPACcoordinator3.325.5481
2013-12-01Unraveling the Language of Perspective PERSPECTIVEparticipant1.044.7981
2013-12-01Membrane partitioning of homologous proteins MEMPARTparticipant1.500.0001
2013-11-01Aggression subtyping for improved insight and treatment innovation in psychiatric disorders AGGRESSOTYPEcoordinator6.000.00023
2013-11-01Social innovation to improve physical activity and sedentary behaviour through elite European football clubs: European Fans in Training EUROFITparticipant5.957.15812
2013-10-01User Empowerment for Enhanced Online Presence Management USEMPparticipant2.270.0007
2013-10-01Nonequilibrium phenomena at femtosecond/nanometer scale FEMTO/NANOparticipant1.637.6301
2013-10-01The Human Brain Project HBPparticipant54.000.000114
2013-10-01Training scientists to develop and Image materials for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine ITERMcoordinator3.575.7298
2013-10-01Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond GRAPHENEparticipant54.000.00082
2013-10-01IMAging GEnetics for MENtal Disorders IMAGEMENDparticipant6.000.00014
2013-10-01Interaction phenomena in novel materials INTERNOMcoordinator114.0003
2013-10-01Regulation of gene expression and cell fate by DNA (hydroxy)methylation HEAVYMETHYLparticipant1.499.7762
2013-09-01A genomics toolbox to enhance business for SMEs in the market of starter cultures and probiotics GENOBOXparticipant874.0006
2013-09-01Advanced Brain Imaging with MRI ABRIMcoordinator478.8802
2013-09-01Genetic interaction networks in a self-renewing human tissue TISSUECONTROLNETWORKcoordinator100.0001
2013-09-01Introducing diagnostic applications of ‘3Gb-testing’ in human genetics 3GB-TESTparticipant499.66811
2013-09-01The Developing Human Connectome Project DHCPparticipant14.974.3134
2013-09-01European Initial Training Network on Developmental and Computational Biology DEVCOMcoordinator4.015.9707
2013-09-01Mainstreaming Gender in the European Union after the Financial Crisis MGINEUAFCcoordinator175.9751
2013-09-01Focused ultrasound under magnetic resonance guidance for targeted drug delivery in the brain MRGFUS IN THE BRAINcoordinator259.7451
2013-08-01Molecular Billiards in Slow Motion MOLBILparticipant1.500.0001
2013-06-01Open Project for the European Radiation Research Area OPERRAparticipant8.000.00035
2013-06-01Neural control of human freeze-fight-flight NEURODEFENSEparticipant1.499.5301
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