

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2013-10-15Direct Normal Irradiance Nowcasting methods for optimized operation of concentrating solar technologies DNICASTparticipant2.994.75812
2013-10-01Interactive Manual Assembly Operations for the Human-Centered Workplaces of the Future INTERACTparticipant3.333.8969
2013-10-01Forging Online Education through FIRE FORGEparticipant1.699.9138
2013-10-01European Network for Durable Reinforcement and Rehabilitation Solutions ENDUREparticipant3.870.52114
2013-09-02Lean Intelligent Assembly Automation LIAAparticipant7.950.00015
2013-09-01Envisioning an advanced ICT-supported build-up of manufacturing skills for the Factories of the Future ManuSkillsparticipant1.050.0008
2013-09-01Security And InteroperabiLity in Next Generation PPDR CommUnication InfrastructureS SALUSparticipant3.499.82916
2013-09-01"Sediment transport in fluvial, estuarine and coastal environment" SEDITRANScoordinator3.734.06210
2013-09-01white room based on Reconfigurable robotic Island for optoelectronics WHITERparticipant6.399.55013
2013-09-01Immersive Semantics-based Virtual Environments for the Design and Validation of Human-centred Aircraft Cockpits I-VISIONcoordinator1.994.2137
2013-09-01Socially sustainable manufacturing for the Factories of the Future – SO SMART SO SMARTparticipant490.0006
2013-06-152013 RESEARCHERS&#8217; NIGHT: The Greek Events REN 2013participant90.0006
2013-06-01European research and innovation agenda for future simulation and forecasting technologies Pathfinderparticipant739.9467
2013-05-01Promoting Aeronautics Innovation and Research PROMO-AIRcoordinator550.4366
2013-05-01INNOvation in PROduction: A regional perspective on innovation drivers for SMEs and the NMP role INNO-PRO 2014coordinator197.4156
2013-05-01Global in flight health monitoring platform for composite aerostructures based on advanced VIBRATION based methods VIBRATIONparticipant1.479.1707
2013-05-01Development of a Portable Internal Reforming Methanol High Temperature PEM Fuel Cell System IRMFCparticipant1.586.03810
2013-05-01Targeting the Keap1/Nrf2 pathway in adipose tissue for obesity prevention and treatment ADIPONRF2coordinator252.7421
2013-04-01Future Internet Social and Technological Alignment Research FI-STARparticipant13.499.00043
2013-03-01Access to cultural heritage networks for Europeana AthenaPlusparticipant4.117.20440
2013-02-01Europeana Cloud: Unlocking Europe's Research via The Cloud eCloudparticipant3.799.66133
2013-02-01Validation of Numerical Engineering Simulations: Standardisation Actions VANESSAparticipant491.5088
2013-01-01Pesticides: Felicity or curse for the soil microbial community? LOVE-TO-HATEparticipant1.774.7366
2013-01-01"Development of smart machines, tools and processes for the precision synthesis of nanomaterials with tailored properties for Organic Electronics" SMARTONICSparticipant7.987.00020
2013-01-01Towards Tissue Engineering Solutions for Cardiovascular Surgery TECASparticipant3.340.2117
2012-12-01Engineering Apps for advanced Manufacturing Engineering APPS4AMEparticipant3.597.95912
2012-12-01Collaborative and Adaptive Process Planning for Sustainable Manufacturing Environments CAPP-4-SMESparticipant3.497.95711
2012-11-01Innovative Wind Conversion Systems (10-20MW) for Offshore Applications INNWIND.EUparticipant13.799.99927
2012-11-01"RD-CONNECT: An integrated platform connecting registries, biobanks and clinical bioinformatics for rare disease research" RD-CONNECTparticipant11.997.11127
2012-11-01Industry-Driven Elastic and Adaptive Lambda Infrastructure for Service and Transport Networks IDEALISTparticipant7.993.00025
2012-11-01The Electric Vehicle revOLUTION enabled by advanced materials highly hybridized into lightweight components for easy integration and dismantling providing a reduced life cycle cost logic EVOLUTIONparticipant8.933.84225
2012-11-01Citizen Observatory Web COBWEBparticipant6.549.52214
2012-10-01Expert cooperative robots for highly skilled operations for the factory of the future X-actcoordinator3.212.9919
2012-10-01Quantitative inspection of complex composite aeronautic parts using advanced X-ray techniques QUICOMparticipant3.667.10012
2012-10-01"Skill-based Propagation of ""Plug&Produce""-Devices in Reconfigurable Production Systems by AML" SKILLPROparticipant3.840.00012
2012-10-01Sense&React – The context-aware and user-centric information distribution system for manufacturing Sense and Reactcoordinator5.822.72313
2012-09-01Social Telemedia Environment for Experimental Research STEERcoordinator1.450.0006
2012-09-01Oxygenation by efficient air diffusion system for aquaculture farms (cages and earthen ponds) AIRXparticipant1.162.00010
2012-09-01"Development of Tools and Techniques to Survey, Assess, Stabilise, Monitor and Preserve Underwater Archaeological Sites" SASMAPparticipant2.231.73211
2012-09-01Boltless assembling Of Primary Aerospace Composite Structures BOPACSparticipant4.596.24314
2012-08-01Future Aircraft design following the carrier-pod concept as an enabler for co-modal seamless transport, passenger safety and environmental sustainability FANTASSYcoordinator560.7504
2012-08-01Advanced technologies for bomb-proof cargo containers and blast containment units for the retrofitting of passenger airplanes FLY-BAG2participant4.408.89513
2012-02-01Advanced concepts for trailing edge morphing wings - Design and manufacturing of test rig and test samples - Test execution SMyTEparticipant157.7153
2012-02-01From Genome Integrity to Genome Plasticity: Dynamic Complexes Controlling Once per Cell Cycle Replication DYNACOMparticipant1.531.0001
2012-01-01Strain Monitoring in Composite Stiffened Panels Using Sensors STRAINMONparticipant74.9402
2012-01-01Morphing Skin with a Tailored Non-conventional Laminate MOSKINparticipant296.9502
2012-01-01Industrialisation of Out-of-Autoclave Manufacturing for Integrated Aerostructures IRIDAparticipant382.5002
2012-01-01ENvironmental Optimization of IRrigAtion Management with the Combined uSe and Integration of High PrecisIon Satellite Data, Advanced Modeling, Process Control and Business Innovation ENORASISparticipant2.085.96513
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