

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2012-09-01European development of Superconducting Tapes: integrating novel materials and architectures into cost effective processes for power applications and magnets EUROTAPESparticipant13.499.93922
2012-08-01Optimal Control Technologies in Quantum Information Processing QUAINTparticipant399.90115
2012-07-01A modular micro nuclear magnetic resonance in vivo platform for the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans NMCELparticipant3.396.9602
2012-06-01Coordinated Access to Lightsources to Promote Standards and Optimization CALIPSOparticipant7.500.00020
2012-06-01European Trans-disciplinary Assessment of Climate Engineering EuTRACEparticipant999.96014
2012-06-01Access to Large Infrastructures in China and Europa ALICEparticipant624.0005
2012-06-01Access to Large Infrastructures for Severe Accidents ALISAcoordinator1.000.0002
2012-05-14Hydraulic Stimulation Modeling in Geothermal Systems HySMcoordinator167.3901
2012-05-09Decisions and Behaviors for Cognitive Automobiles Research DBCARcoordinator167.3901
2012-05-01Educational curriculum for the usage of Linked Data EUCLIDparticipant661.9984
2012-04-01HANDHold - HANDHeld OLfactory Detector HANDHOLDparticipant3.495.8069
2012-03-16MOlecular Loading and SURface anchoring of Metal-Organic Frameworks: a training and career development action MOLSURMOFcoordinator174.4751
2012-03-01Impact of hydrological extremes on alpine karst groundwater resources IMKAcoordinator100.0001
2012-03-01Bentonite Erosion: effects on the Long term performance of the engineered Barrier and Radionuclide Transport (BELBaR) BELBARparticipant2.581.47616
2012-02-01From materials science and engineering to innovation for Europe M-ERA.NETparticipant3.000.00040
2012-02-01Fate and Impact of Atmospheric Pollutants AMISparticipant924.0009
2012-02-01Better Upscaling and Optimization of Nanoparticle and Nanostructure Production by Means of Electrical Discharges BUONAPART-Eparticipant7.799.92921
2012-02-01Bridges Across the Language Divide EU-BRIDGEcoordinator7.875.00012
2012-01-02Pre-normative research on safe indoor use of fuel cells and hydrogen systems HyIndoorparticipant1.528.97410
2012-01-01Cross-lingual Knowledge Extraction X-Likeparticipant3.550.0008
2012-01-01Target binders TARGETBINDERcoordinator3.988.73010
2012-01-01Biomass based energy intermediates boosting biofuel production BioBoostcoordinator5.088.53113
2012-01-01PELlets versus GRanulates: Irradiation, Manufacturing & Modelling PELGRIMMparticipant2.999.99912
2012-01-01Proposal for a harmonized European methodology for the safety assessment of innovative reactors with fast neutron spectrum planned to be built in Europe SARGEN_IVparticipant999.12822
2012-01-01Fast / Instant Release of Safety Relevant Radionuclides from Spent Nuclear Fuel FIRST-Nuclidescoordinator2.494.51311
2012-01-01Advanced fuelS for Generation IV reActors: Reprocessing and Dissolution ASGARDparticipant5.493.72516
2012-01-01Energy-Efficient Multi-Terabit/s Photonic Interconnects EnTeraPICparticipant1.498.8001
2011-12-01"Development and demonstration of a dynamic, web-based, renewable energy rating platform" EAGLEparticipant2.398.54814
2011-12-01Enhanced reliability and lifetime of ceramic components through multiscale modelling of degradation and damage RoLiCerparticipant2.600.0007
2011-12-01Joint Advanced Severe accidents Modelling and Integration for Na-cooled fast neutron reactors JASMINparticipant2.991.1829
2011-11-01Advanced manufacturing processes for Low Cost Greener Li-Ion batteries GREENLIONparticipant5.600.00019
2011-11-01Integrating European Infrastructure to support science and development of Hydrogen- and Fuel Cell Technologies towards European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy H2FCcoordinator7.999.97719
2011-11-01Advanced multi-paRametric Monitoring and analysis for diagnosis and Optimal management of epilepsy and Related brain disorders ARMORparticipant3.186.9359
2011-11-01Metal supported SOFC technology for stationary and mobile applications METSAPPparticipant3.366.63110
2011-11-01Safe ExploitAtion Related CHemistry for HLM reactors SEARCHparticipant2.977.52413
2011-11-01Demonstration Network Of ground-based Remote Sensing Observations in support of the GMES Atmospheric Service NORSparticipant2.000.00011
2011-11-01eCO-friendly urban Multi-modal route PlAnning Services for Mobile uSers eCOMPASSparticipant2.650.0006
2011-11-01Combinatorial Patterning of Particles for High Density Peptide Arrays CombiPatterningparticipant1.494.6001
2011-11-01Earth system Model Bias Reduction and assessing Abrupt Climate change EMBRACEparticipant6.999.73020
2011-11-01Intelligent Design Methodologies for Low Pollutant Combustors for Aero-Engines IMPACT-AEparticipant4.899.17521
2011-11-01Nano Scale Disruptive Silicon-Plasmonic Platform for Chip-to-Chip Interconnection NAVOLCHIcoordinator2.400.0008
2011-10-15Self adaptive heterogeneous manycore based on Flexible Tiles FlexTilesparticipant3.670.00012
2011-10-01Integrated non-CO2 Greenhouse gas Observing System INGOSparticipant7.999.99938
2011-10-01European Robotic Surgery EuRoSurgeparticipant900.0007
2011-10-01LAsers for Applications at Accelerators: A Marie Curie Initial Training NETwork LA3-NETparticipant4.581.06911
2011-10-01High performance Monte Carlo reactor core analysis HPMCcoordinator550.9064
2011-10-01Low Emissions Core-Engine Technologies LEMCOTECparticipant39.980.81539
2011-10-01Effects of Climate Change on Air Pollution Impacts and Response Strategies for European Ecosystems ECLAIREparticipant6.997.00140
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