

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2015-06-01An innovative people localisation system for safe evacuation of large passenger ships LYNCEUS2MARKETparticipant7.260.97516
2015-05-01Enhanced substrates and GaN pilot lines enabling compact power applications PowerBaseparticipant19.196.54939
2015-05-01The aging germ cell – biological pathways, risk factors and mechanisms underlying anincreasing medical and socio-economic problem GermAgecoordinator5.350.5994
2015-05-01Application of omics-based strategies for improved diagnosis and treatment of endocrine hypertension ENSAT-HTparticipant7.607.33713
2015-04-01Critical Transitions in Complex Systems CRITICSparticipant3.896.6889
2015-03-01Secure Enclaves for REactive Cloud Applications SERECAcoordinator3.834.3408
2015-03-01Radiation Innovations for Therapy and Education RADIATEparticipant3.081.0616
2015-02-01New paradigms for high efficiency blue emitters for white OLEDS PHEBEparticipant3.931.6886
2015-01-01Innovative Architectures, Wireless Technologies and Tools for High Capacity and Sustainable 5G Ultra-Dense Cellular Networks 5G Wirelessparticipant3.858.49210
2015-01-01Biochemical and mechanochemical mechanisms in polarized cells BIOPOLparticipant3.911.89710
2015-01-01Robust Internal Thermal Insulation of Historic Buildings RIBuildparticipant4.962.37510
2015-01-01Robust and affordable process control technologies for improving standards and optimising industrial operations ProPATparticipant5.484.16117
2014-12-01Developing and implementing a community-based intervention to create a more supportive social and physical environment for lifestyle changes to prevent diabetes in vulnerable families across Europe Feel4Diabetesparticipant2.997.40510
2014-12-01Exploiting MELanoma disease comPLEXity to address European research training needs in translational cancer systems biology and cancer systems medicine MEL-PLEXparticipant3.605.35710
2014-12-01Towards a EU framework for the security of Widezones ZONESECparticipant9.262.73219
2014-07-01High-throughput real-time characterisation of cell-mechanical properties FASTTOUCHparticipant149.5501
2014-06-01Metal Hybrid Cavities HYMECAVparticipant277.4007
2014-03-01Philosophy of History and Globalisation of Knowledge. Cultural Bridges Between Europe and Latin America WORLDBRIDGESparticipant604.8004
2014-02-01Development of a titanium dental implant with superior antibacterial properties NANOTIparticipant863.0007
2014-02-01Non-ordered nanoparticle superstructures – aerogels as efficient (electro-)catalysts AEROCATparticipant2.194.0001
2014-02-01Vertical TransIstors for Driving Flexible Displays VIDFLEXparticipant146.4251
2014-02-01Pluripotent stem cell resources for mesodermal medicine PLURIMESparticipant6.000.00010
2014-02-01"Comparing policy framework, structure, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of functional and integrated systems of mental health care" COFIparticipant4.983.1276
2014-01-01Beyond 2020 heterogeneous wireless network with millimeter wave small cell access and backhauling MiWaveSparticipant7.358.11315
2014-01-01Parallel computing based on designed networks explored by self-propelled, biological agents ABACUSparticipant1.725.2715
2013-12-01"Reconstruction and REcovery Planning: Rapid and Continuously Updated COnstruction Damage, and Related Needs ASSessment" RECONASSparticipant4.260.2409
2013-12-01Disarming the intravascular innate immune response to improve treatment modalities for chronic kidney disease DIREKTparticipant5.984.07012
2013-11-01Links-on-the-fly Technology for Robust, Efficient and Smart Communication in Unpredictable Environments RESCUEparticipant3.132.0009
2013-11-01Adaptive Data and Power Aware Transceivers for Optical Communications ADDAPTcoordinator3.138.5088
2013-11-01Detection and multimodal presentation of indoor objects for visually impaired people RANGE-ITparticipant956.0006
2013-11-01CARbon nanoTube phOtONic devices on silicon CARTOONparticipant1.438.0375
2013-11-01Co-operative Systems in Support of Networked Automated Driving by 2030 AutoNet2030participant3.349.57011
2013-11-01Development of an integrated approach based on validated and standardized methods to support the implementation of the EC recommendation for a definition of nanomaterial NANODEFINEparticipant6.999.28329
2013-11-01Optimized oxidoreductases for medium and large scale industrial biotransformations INDOXparticipant7.825.82415
2013-10-01a Multimodal Authoring and Gaming Environment for Location-based coLlaborative AdveNtures MAGELLANparticipant6.748.52313
2013-10-01Uncertainty Management for Robust Industrial Design in Aeronautics UMRIDAparticipant3.899.89222
2013-10-01Nano-carbons for versatile power supply modules NANOCATEparticipant3.994.21013
2013-10-01A drug strategy targeting stabilised mutant p53 to fight metastatic platinum-resistant ovarian cancer GANNET53participant5.994.07218
2013-10-01Increasing Capacity 4 Rail networks through enhanced infrastructure and optimised operations CAPACITY4RAILparticipant9.890.10547
2013-10-01Nuclear Cogeneration Industrial Initiative - Research and Development Coordination NC2I-Rparticipant1.834.99022
2013-10-01Planar Atomic and Molecular Scale devices PAMSparticipant6.683.9988
2013-10-01The Human Brain Project HBPparticipant54.000.000114
2013-10-01Holistic Energy Management for third and fourth generation of EVs:\neDAS = efficiency powered by smart Design meaningful Architecture connected Systems eDASparticipant8.925.00015
2013-10-01Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond GRAPHENEparticipant54.000.00082
2013-10-01Take the energy bill back to the promised building performance TRIBUTEparticipant6.699.92817
2013-10-01Collaborative Holistic Design Laboratory and Methodology for Energy-Efficient Embedded Buildings EEEMBEDDEDcoordinator7.649.99714
2013-10-01Building life-cycle evolutionary Design methodology able to create Energy-efficient Buildings flexibly connected with the neighborhood energy system (Design4energy) DESIGN4ENERGYparticipant4.939.40718
2013-10-01Holistic and Optimized Life-cycle Integrated SupporT for Energy-Efficient building design and Construction HOLISTEECparticipant6.500.00020
2013-09-01Green Computing Node for European micro-servers EUROSERVERparticipant8.599.92911
2013-09-01Next Generation Train Control NGTCparticipant6.361.03321
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