

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2011-02-01PanCare Childhood and Adolescent Cancer Survivor Care and Follow-up Studies PanCareSurFupcoordinator5.993.69517
2011-02-01Yeast biodiversity as a source of innovations in food and health CORNUCOPIAcoordinator3.426.77510
2011-01-01Social Platform identifying Research and Policy needs for Sustainable Lifestyles SPREADparticipant1.423.08210
2011-01-01International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic INTERACTparticipant7.300.00033
2011-01-01Treatment of reperfusion injury using a mitochondrial targeted approach: towards a better understanding of the disease MITOCAREparticipant5.990.95917
2011-01-01Rational Therapy for Breast Cancer: Individualized Treatment for Difficult-to-Treat Breast Cancer Subtypes RATHERparticipant5.995.7868
2011-01-01Genetic testing in Europe - Network for the further development, harmonization, validation and standardization of services EuroGentest2participant1.996.98922
2011-01-01Ecological Function and Biodiversity Indicators in European Soils ECOFINDERSparticipant6.999.93028
2011-01-01Combined structural and electronic characterization of semiconductor nanowire devices on the atomic scale using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy NanowireDeviceSTMcoordinator179.1691
2011-01-01Pan-European Gas-AeroSol-climate interaction Study PEGASOSparticipant6.999.99227
2011-01-01European Soft Matter Infrastructure ESMIparticipant7.800.00018
2011-01-01Identification of novel factors to expand hematopoietic stem cells in vitro NOVEXPANDcoordinator180.6691
2011-01-01Extreme Astrophysics: Ultra-compact binaries and gamma-ray bursts Extreme Astrophysicscoordinator164.6291
2010-12-01Chemical Bioanalysis CHEBANAparticipant5.757.83713
2010-12-01Integrated whole blood acoustophoresis and homogeneous nucleic acid detection cartridge for rapid sepsis diagnostics ACUSEPparticipant2.870.4105
2010-12-01Distributed Infrastructure for EXPErimentation in Ecosystem Research EXPEERparticipant7.400.00039
2010-12-01Quasi-anhydrous and dry membranes for next generation fuel cells QUASIDRYparticipant1.728.2397
2010-11-01Effects of posttranslational modifications of alpha-synuclein on dopaminergic neurodegeneration in a novel viral vector mediated in vivo model of Parkinson’s disease modifyPDcoordinator179.6691
2010-11-01Integration of Biology and Engineering into an Economical and Energy-Efficient 2G Bioethanol Biorefinery PROETHANOL2Gparticipant980.00010
2010-10-31Adaptive Evolution of Mutual Mate Preferences in Nature AEMMPNcoordinator244.4841
2010-10-01Understanding Transport for Concrete which is Eco friendly iNnovative and Durable TRANSCENDparticipant4.036.12014
2010-10-01Knowledge and Expertise Exchange Europe - New Zealand KEEENZparticipant176.4004
2010-10-01To See or Not to See: The Metabolic Cost of Having Eyes and its Role in the Evolution of Vision VisualEyes Costcoordinator179.1691
2010-10-01Dendrimers for photonic devices DphotoDcoordinator228.6003
2010-10-01Adaptive Transceivers for Wireless Communications ATWCparticipant992.6425
2010-10-01Climate change predictions in Sub-Saharan Africa: impacts and adaptations CLIMAFRICAparticipant3.496.23219
2010-10-01Electron dynamics to the Attosecond time scale and Angstrom length scale on low dimensional structures in Operation ELECTRONOPERAparticipant1.419.1201
2010-09-01High Pressure Electronically controlled gas injection for marine two-stroke diesel engines HELIOSparticipant2.982.2009
2010-09-01The impact of Regulation (EC) No 1394/2007 on the development of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs): an academic perspective Academic GMPparticipant498.7479
2010-09-01Plug-and-produce COmponents and METhods for adaptive control of industrial robots enabling cost effective, high precision manufacturing in factories of the future COMETparticipant5.300.00017
2010-09-01Rapid Biosensor for the Detection of Mycotoxin in Wheat MycoHuntparticipant2.670.74019
2010-09-01Highly-complex and networked control systems HYCON2participant3.900.00030
2010-09-01Robust, affordable photonic crystal sensors for point-of-care disease diagnostics Phast-IDparticipant2.680.0006
2010-08-01Supersymmetric and model independent bilepton searches at the LHC: an experimental and phenomenological approach SUSYBILEPLHCcoordinator171.8291
2010-08-01Reactive Oxygen Species and the Evolution of Life Histories ROSELHcoordinator275.5261
2010-07-01Defining regulators of hematopoietic stem cell homing and engraftment HemHomecoordinator171.8291
2010-07-01Breast Cancer Somatic Genetics Study BASISparticipant10.499.99915
2010-06-01A Think Tank Hosting an Interdisciplinary Network to provide Knowledge support to EU Energy Policy Making THINKparticipant2.188.84818
2010-06-01The highly calcium-sensitive pool of granules in biphasic insulin secretion: Experimental and theoretical investigations HCSP in beta-cellscoordinator136.0021
2010-05-01European Grid Initiative: Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure for Researchers in Europe EGI-InSPIREparticipant25.000.000143
2010-05-01European Middleware Initiative EMIparticipant12.000.00026
2010-05-01health-economic modelling of PREvention strategies for Hpv-related Diseases in European CounTries PREHDICTparticipant2.963.53213
2010-04-01European Project on Mendelian Forms of Parkinson’s Disease MEFOPAparticipant5.759.46823
2010-04-01Protein Binders for Characterisation of Human Proteome Function: Generation, Validation, Application AFFINOMICSparticipant11.000.00020
2010-04-01Processing Raw materials into Excellent and Sustainable End products while Remaining Fresh PRESERFparticipant2.547.8646
2010-04-01Mapping Genotypes to Phenotypes: Development of a Linkage Map and Mapping of Colour Polymorphisms in Ischnura elegans (Odonata) COLOURFUL GENEScoordinator179.2241
2010-03-01European Consortium for Communicating Stem Cell Research EuroStemCellparticipant830.23811
2010-03-01"Tolerance, Pluralism and Social Cohesion. Responding to the Challenges of the 21st Century in Europe" ACCEPT PLURALISMparticipant2.600.23019
2010-03-01The Hand Embodied THEparticipant7.175.69211
2010-02-01Status and Trends of European Pollinators STEPparticipant3.499.99522
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