

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2013-09-01Exploring Functional and Developmental Osteoclast Heterogeneity in Health and Disease EUROCLASTparticipant3.135.3519
2013-08-01Advanced Material Textile for Reinforced Structures for Complex Lightweight Applications MADMAXparticipant1.000.00017
2013-04-01"A holistic, scenario-independent, situation-awareness and guidance system for sustaining the Active Evacuation Route for large crowds." EVACUATEparticipant8.583.31219
2013-04-01Delegation of Power to International Organizations and Institutional Empowerment over Time DELPOWIOparticipant1.293.4001
2013-03-01Global solar spectrum harvesting through highly efficient photovoltaic and thermoelectric integrated cells GLOBASOLparticipant2.995.0407
2013-03-01Highly-Reactive (Regenerative) Phosphorus Building Blocks - New Concepts in Synthesis SYNPHOSparticipant1.422.0002
2013-02-01Open Semantically-enabled, Social-aware Access to Scientific Data OpenScienceLinkcoordinator2.099.9778
2013-02-01Constructing buildings with customizable size PV modules integrated in the opaque part of the building skin CONSTRUCT-PVparticipant6.913.10012
2013-02-01Process Line Implementation for Applied Surface Nanotechnologies PLIANTparticipant9.066.11021
2013-01-01Brazilian-European partnership in Dynamical Systems BREUDSparticipant707.70021
2013-01-01MicrOwave Spintronics as an AlternatIve Path to Components and Systems for Telecommunications, Storage and Security Applications MOSAICparticipant3.499.1788
2013-01-01Advanced Methods in Building Diagnostics and Maintenance AMBIparticipant716.0254
2013-01-01Dense Cooperative Wireless Cloud Network DIWINEcoordinator2.633.0009
2013-01-01The Principle of Disruption. A Figure Reflecting Complex Societies DISRUPTIONparticipant1.291.0002
2012-11-01Asymptotics of Operator Semigroups AOSparticipant109.20010
2012-11-01Enhancing the (cost-)effectiveness of diabetes self-management education: A comparative assessment of different educational approaches and conditions for successful implementation DIABETES LITERACYparticipant2.936.2449
2012-11-01Interworking and JOINt Design of an Open Access and Backhaul Network Architecture for Small Cells based on Cloud Networks iJOINparticipant3.689.00012
2012-11-01Application of the innovative data fusion based non-invasive approach for management of the diabetes mellitus SKINDETECTORparticipant1.122.00010
2012-11-01Network of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications # NEWCOM#participant2.845.99918
2012-11-01Citizen Observatory Web COBWEBparticipant6.549.52214
2012-11-01Transparent Electrodes for Large Area, Large Scale Production of Organic Optoelectronic Devices TREASORESparticipant9.092.65516
2012-11-01Tumor Infiltrating Myeloid Cell Compartment TIMCCparticipant3.756.4698
2012-10-01LEADS: Large-Scale Elastic Architecture for Data as a Service LEADSparticipant2.889.8917
2012-10-01Automatic harvesting system for SRC nurseries ROD-PICKERparticipant1.284.0006
2012-10-01Molecular Architectures for QCA-inspired Boolean Networks MOLARNETparticipant2.759.0006
2012-10-01Towards 0.7 Terahertz Silicon Germanium Heterojunction Bipolar Technology DOTSEVENparticipant8.600.00016
2012-10-01Parallel Distributed Infrastructure for Minimization of Energy ParaDIMEparticipant2.499.9985
2012-10-01Enabling Science and Technology through European Electron Microscopy ESTEEM 2participant7.500.00018
2012-10-01Sense&React – The context-aware and user-centric information distribution system for manufacturing Sense and Reactparticipant5.822.72313
2012-10-01Engine Breakthrough Components and Subsystems E-BREAKparticipant18.250.70645
2012-09-01SYnaptic MOlecular NEtworks for Bio-inspired Information Processing SYMONEparticipant2.120.0007
2012-09-015th Generation Non-Orthogonal Waveforms for Asynchronous Signalling 5GNOWparticipant2.490.9977
2012-09-01Building an European Research Community through Interoperable Workflows and Data ER-flowparticipant910.00010
2012-09-01Controlled Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials for Energy Storage and Conversion 2DMATERparticipant1.500.0002
2012-09-01New BIOtechnologiCaL approaches for biodegrading and promoting the environmEntal biotrAnsformation of syNthetic polymeric materials BIOCLEANparticipant2.995.98820
2012-07-01Glottalizations in German and Czech English GeCzEnGlottcoordinator167.3901
2012-06-01A Cross Species Approach to Understand the Mechanism and Evolution of Limb Regeneration Capacity RegenerateAcrossparticipant2.447.6001
2012-04-01People Localization for save ship evacuation during emergency LYNCEUSparticipant2.536.11515
2012-03-01Accelerated development and prototyping of nano-technology-based high-efficiency thin-film silicon solar modules FAST TRACKparticipant8.574.75625
2012-03-01Computational Geometry for efficient Motion Design by implementation through mechanisms COMMECcoordinator136.7891
2012-02-01Feeling with Light – Development of a multimodal optofluidic platform for high-content blood cell analysis LightTouchparticipant1.385.6831
2012-02-01European multicentre, randomised, phase III clinical trial of hypothermia plus best medical treatment versus best medical treatment alone for acute ischaemic stroke EuroHYP-1participant10.941.66538
2012-02-01Genomic and lifestyle predictors of foetal outcome relevant to diabetes and obesity and their relevance to prevention strategies in South Asian peoples GIFTSparticipant2.999.33216
2012-02-01Attention and Emotion in Decision Making AEDcoordinator50.0001
2012-02-01Design Principles in Late-Gothic Vault Construction - A New Approach Based on Surveys, Reverse Geometric Engineering and a Reinterpretation of the Sources REGOTHICVAULTDESIGNparticipant1.091.1601
2012-02-01Scalable, Standard based Interoperability Framework for Sustainable Pro-active Post Market Safety Studies SALUSparticipant3.325.96510
2012-01-01VitaminD3-Omega3-Home Exercise- HeALTHy Ageing and Longevity Trial DO-HEALTHparticipant5.999.54824
2012-01-01Early Prevention of Diabetes Complications in people with Hyperglycaemia in Europe E-PREDICEparticipant5.999.99635
2011-12-01European Multicentre Tics in Children Studies EMTICSparticipant6.000.00030
2011-12-01Intelligent Services for Energy-Efficient Design and Life Cycle Simulation ISEScoordinator3.243.98610
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