

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2012-12-01European Union Action to Fight Environmental Crime EFFACEparticipant2.318.62511
2012-11-01Foundational Research on MULTIlevel comPLEX networks and systems MULTIPLEXparticipant6.000.00023
2012-11-01Hybrid Renewable Energy Converter for continuous and flexible power production HRC POWERparticipant2.383.0417
2012-11-01"From Brain Gene Transfer Towards Gene Therapy: Pharmacological Assessment of AAV, CAV and LVV" BRAINVECTORSparticipant1.597.78312
2012-11-01Statistical Mechanics of Active Matter SMARTparticipant1.448.4001
2012-11-01Scalable End-user Access to Big Data Optiqueparticipant9.759.69410
2012-11-01Hamiltonian PDE's and small divisor problems: a dynamical systems approach HAMPDESparticipant678.0003
2012-10-01Energy Demand Aware Open Services for Smart Grid Intelligent Automation SmartHGcoordinator3.299.99811
2012-10-01Innovative Hydrometallurgical Processes to recover Metals from WEEE including lamps and batteries - Demonstration HYDROWEEE DEMOparticipant2.671.2509
2012-10-01Bloch electromagnetic surface wave Bio-sensors for early cancer diagnosis BILOBAcoordinator3.600.0009
2012-09-01Cities demonstrating cybernetic mobility CITYMOBIL2coordinator9.500.00047
2012-09-01Distributed computing, storage and radio resource allocation over cooperative femtocells TROPICparticipant3.390.00010
2012-09-01UNIQUE gasifier for hydrogen Production UNIfHYparticipant2.203.5999
2012-09-01Lithium Sulfur Superbattery Exploitating Nanotechnology LISSENparticipant2.579.94015
2012-08-01Integrating bio-treated wastewater with enhanced water use efficiency to support the Green Economy in EU and India WATER4CROPSparticipant5.973.68925
2012-08-013D-Quantum Integrated Optical Simulation 3D-QUESTparticipant1.474.8001
2012-07-01Deterministic coupling between SITE-controlled, dilute nitride-based LighT Emitters and tailor-made photonic-crystal structures SITELiTEcoordinator193.7271
2012-06-01Research and Civil Society Dialogue towards a low-carbon society R&DIALOGUEparticipant4.131.44115
2012-05-01Security and Safety Modelling SESAMOparticipant1.968.11421
2012-03-01ET-LCGT Telescopes: Exchange of Scientists ELiTESparticipant203.7009
2012-02-01European multicentre, randomised, phase III clinical trial of hypothermia plus best medical treatment versus best medical treatment alone for acute ischaemic stroke EuroHYP-1participant10.941.66538
2012-02-01Transition Location Effect on Shock Wave Boundary Layer Interaction TFASTparticipant3.567.79016
2012-01-01Numerical Relativity and High Energy Physics NRHEPparticipant159.6004
2012-01-01Sensors system for detection and tracking Of dangerous materials in order to increase the airport Security in the indoor landside area SOSparticipant1.884.2055
2012-01-01Pathways common to brain development and ageing: defining strategies for preventive therapy and diagnostics DEVELAGEparticipant2.994.1379
2011-12-01European Multicentre Tics in Children Studies EMTICSparticipant6.000.00030
2011-12-01A user friendly Decision Support System for an integrated vineyard management, for addressing quality and quantity production variability optimising the use of resources VINTAGEparticipant2.153.31213
2011-12-01Compact Multifuel-Energy To Hydrogen converter CoMETHyparticipant2.484.09512
2011-12-01Developing and Applying Structural Techniques for Combinatorial Objects DASTCOparticipant850.0001
2011-12-01Non-commutative deformations of quantum field theory NCD of QFTcoordinator100.0001
2011-11-01Atypical Works in Pre-Industrial Europe. Pluriactivity, Mobility and Social Identities AtypicalWorkPatternscoordinator45.0001
2011-11-01HEMatopoietic cell IDentity : genetic and epigenetic regulation in normal and malignant hematopoiesis HEM_IDparticipant3.269.70212
2011-11-01Safe and Autonomous Physical Human-Aware Robot Interaction SAPHARIcoordinator8.297.47414
2011-11-01Molecular mechanisms involved in skeletal muscle repair and muscular dystrophy Muscle repair mdxcoordinator100.0001
2011-10-01Bridging Communities for Next Generation Policy-Making CROSSOVERparticipant473.3156
2011-10-01Cluster of Research Infrastructures for Synergies in Physics CRISPparticipant11.999.00017
2011-10-01Transitioning towards Urban Resilience and Sustainability TURaSparticipant6.813.81933
2011-10-01Optimising Passenger Transport Information to Materialize Insights for Sustainable Mobility OPTIMISMparticipant1.345.9219
2011-10-01A BLUEPRINT of Haematopoietic Epigenomes BLUEPRINTparticipant29.996.66445
2011-09-01New embedded Systems arcHItecturE for multi-Layer Dependable solutions nSHIELDparticipant1.711.14824
2011-09-01MOTivational strength of ecosystem services and alternative ways to express the value of BIOdiversity BIOMOTparticipant3.152.8398
2011-09-01The Role of the Vertical Dimension in Memory and Navigation Vertical Dimensioncoordinator75.0001
2011-07-01Disordered Ultra-Cold Atoms DUCAcoordinator173.3841
2011-06-01Smart Vehicle to Grid Interface SMARTV2Gparticipant2.520.0007
2011-06-01"Advanced, High Performance, Polymer Lithium Batteries for Electrochemical Storage" APPLESparticipant3.332.29812
2011-06-01Simulator for Moving Target Indicator System SIMTISYSparticipant1.643.7017
2011-06-01Development of Pre-operational Services for Highly Innovative Maritime Surveillance Capabilities DOLPHINparticipant3.992.37521
2011-05-01FI-WARE: Future Internet Core Platform FI-WAREparticipant40.999.00092
2011-05-01Sub-seabed CO2 Storage: Impact on Marine Ecosystems (ECO2) ECO2participant10.500.00029
2011-05-01Novel processing routes for effective sewage sludge management Routesparticipant3.364.60019
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