

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2017-09-01Advanced hoListic Adverse Drone Detection, Identification Neutralization ALADDINparticipant4.998.24018
2017-09-01PLUG-N-play passive and active multi-modal energy HARVESTing systems, circular economy by design, with high replicability for Self-sufficient Districts Near-Zero Buildings PLUG-N-HARVESTcoordinator5.993.46613
2017-09-01Co-designing and piloting demand-driven mechanisms, skill-sets and measures for stimulating and facilitating open innovation across European innovation systems INVITEparticipant2.499.9419
2017-09-01FuturePulse: Multimodal Predictive Analytics and Recommendation Services for the Music Industry FuturePulseparticipant2.249.1509
2017-09-01Transition Areas for Infrastructure-Assisted Driving TransAIDparticipant3.836.3548
2017-08-01Recycling carbon dioxide in the cement industry to produce added-value additives: a step towards a CO2 circular economy RECODEparticipant7.904.41514
2017-07-015G Mobile Network Architecture for diverse services, use cases, and applications in 5G and beyond 5G-MoNArchparticipant7.681.08916
2017-07-01SMart mobILity at the European land borders SMILEcoordinator4.999.27616
2017-06-01Programmable edge-to-cloud virtualization fabric for the 5G Media industry 5G-MEDIAparticipant6.128.53115
2017-06-01Accelerating C-ITS Mobility Innovation and depLoyment in Europe C-MobILEparticipant12.575.00038
2017-06-01FORTIKA - Cyber Security Accelerator for trusted SMEs IT Ecosystems FORTIKAcoordinator3.997.02518
2017-06-01Mobility as a Service in a multimodal European cross-border corridor MyCorridorparticipant3.491.33118
2017-05-01Safe-Guarding Home IoT Environments with Personalised Real-time Risk Control GHOSTparticipant3.603.83211
2017-05-01Biofuels Research Infrastructure for Sharing Knowledge II BRISK IIparticipant9.968.14417
2017-05-01SMart IsLand Energy systems SMILEparticipant12.106.04720
2017-05-01autonomous swarm of heterogeneous RObots for BORDER surveillance ROBORDERcoordinator7.999.31625
2017-05-01SAFER Level Crossing by integrating and optimizing road-rail infrastructure management and design SAFER-LCparticipant4.888.92717
2017-05-01Safe and green Sensor Technologies for self-explaining and forgiving Road Interactive aPplications SAFE STRIPparticipant4.595.81418
2017-03-01ERA Mobility and Researchers Career Days in Greece: A contribution to decrease brain drain ERA-MobilCar.GRcoordinator80.0005
2017-01-01SURveillance Video Archives iNvestigation assisTant SURVANTparticipant1.994.7975
2017-01-01Advanced direct biogas fuel processor for robust and cost-effective decentralised hydrogenproduction BIOROBURplusparticipant2.996.24911
2017-01-01Enhancing decision support and management services in extreme weather climate events beAWAREcoordinator5.953.78011
2017-01-01HARMONIzation and integrative analysis of regional, national and international Cohorts on primary Sjögren’s Syndrome (pSS) towards improved stratification, treatment and health policy making HarmonicSSparticipant9.998.75039
2017-01-01Federation for FIRE Plus Fed4FIREplusparticipant9.899.37522
2017-01-01SMart weArable Robotic Teleoperated Surgery SMARTsurgparticipant3.990.20611
2017-01-01integrated Smart GRID Cross-Functional Solutions for Optimized Synergetic Energy Distribution, Utilization Storage Technologies inteGRIDyparticipant12.329.01331
2017-01-01RoBot for Autonomous unDerGround trenchless opERations, mapping and navigation BADGERparticipant3.698.0047
2017-01-01Data-Driven Bioeconomy DataBioparticipant12.580.48651
2017-01-01Nose to Brain Delivery of antibodies via the Olfactory Region for the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis Using Novel Multi-functional Biomaterials Combined with a Medical Device N2B-patchparticipant5.325.49912
2017-01-01ACTivating InnoVative IoT smart living environments for AGEing well ACTIVAGEparticipant19.922.45153
2017-01-01AUTOmated driving Progressed by Internet Of Things AUTOPILOTparticipant19.924.98447
2017-01-01Management Of Networked IoT Wearables – Very Large Scale Demonstration of Cultural Societal Applications MONICAparticipant14.850.89631
2017-01-01Reliable Capacity Provisioning and Enhanced Remediation for Distributed Cloud Applications RECAPparticipant4.607.87110
2016-11-01KONFIDO - Secure and Trusted Paradigm for Interoperable eHealth Services KONFIDOparticipant4.992.07815
2016-11-01Demonstration of innovative integrated biomass logistics centres for the Agro-industry sector in Europe AGROinLOGparticipant5.935.71516
2016-11-01Stakeholder community for once-only principle: Reducing administrative burden for citizens SCOOP4Cparticipant992.4805
2016-11-01Renewable Power Generation by Solar Particle Receiver Driven Sulphur Storage Cycle PEGASUSparticipant4.695.3656
2016-11-01Collaborative Recommendations and Adaptive Control for Personalised Energy Saving enCOMPASSparticipant2.000.35015
2016-11-01Improved energy and resource efficiency by better coordination of production in the process industries CoProparticipant6.059.64517
2016-10-03Sustainable Processes and Optimized Technologies for Industrially Efficient Water Usage SPOTVIEWparticipant6.863.36015
2016-10-01Understanding and measuring SUb-23 nm particle emissions from direct injection engines including REAL driving conditions SUREAL-23coordinator3.428.7137
2016-10-01Coordination of Automated Road Transport Deployment for Europe CARTREparticipant3.000.00036
2016-10-01Skills and competences development of future transportation professionals at all levels SKILLFULparticipant2.991.67221
2016-10-01Systematic Design and Testing of Advanced Rotating Packed Bed Processes and Phase-Change Solvents for Intensified Post-Combustion CO2 Capture ROLINCAPcoordinator3.089.84512
2016-10-01Reliable Bio-based Refinery Intermediates BioMatescoordinator5.923.3169
2016-10-01Collaborative cApacity Programme on Its Training-educAtion and Liaison CAPITALparticipant1.814.31311
2016-10-01Empowering and participatory adaptation of factory automation to fit for workers Factory2Fitparticipant4.322.46310
2016-10-01MOdel based coNtrol framework for Site-wide OptmizatiON of data-intensive processes MONSOONparticipant5.497.19012
2016-10-01Zero-defect manufacturing strategies towards on-line production management for European factories Z-Fact0rcoordinator4.206.25314
2016-09-01Ecosystem for Collaborative Manufacturing Processes – Intra- and Interfactory Integration and Automation COMPOSITIONparticipant7.634.25412
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