

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2011-05-01Coordinating research in support to application of EAF (Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries) and management advice in the Mediterranean and Black Seas CREAMparticipant999.13722
2011-04-01Commercial Local Urban District Programme CLUDsparticipant638.4005
2011-03-01European Regions, EU External Borders and the Immediate Neighbours. Analysing Regional Development Options through Policies and Practices of Cross-Border Co-operation EUBORDERREGIONSparticipant2.644.32014
2011-03-01Enhance environmental awareness through social information technologies EveryAwareparticipant2.066.2455
2011-03-01Ecoefficient Biodegradable Composite Advanced Packaging EcoBioCAPparticipant2.999.78017
2011-02-01African Vector Control: New Tools AvecNetparticipant11.999.98917
2011-02-01Multilingual Joint Word Sense Disambiguation MULTIJEDIparticipant1.288.4001
2011-02-01European Particle physics Latin American NETwork EPLANETcoordinator3.245.40013
2011-01-01Biology and control of vector-borne infections in Europe EDENextparticipant11.981.71052
2011-01-01Advanced Technologies for the Production of Cement and Clean Aggregates from Construction and Demolition Waste C2CAparticipant3.346.84315
2011-01-01Sensitivity Analysis for Deterministic Controller Design SADCOparticipant5.700.59111
2011-01-01Patient specific modelling and simulation of focused ultrasound in moving organs FUSIMOparticipant3.471.67911
2011-01-01"Microorganism and enzyme Immobilization: NOvel Techniques and Approaches for Upgraded Remediation of Underground-, wastewater and Soil" MINOTAURUSparticipant2.999.11016
2011-01-01Low Carbon at Work: Modelling agents and organisations to achieve transition to a low carbon Europe LOCAWparticipant1.493.4227
2011-01-01Characterisation of European CO2 storage SiteCharparticipant3.720.57517
2010-12-01Photocatalytic and membrane technology process for olive oil mill waste water treatment PHOTOMEMparticipant909.9368
2010-11-01"Vaccination against Shigella and ETEC: novel antigens, novel approaches" STOPENTERICSparticipant11.460.63017
2010-11-01Practical Approximation Algorithms PAALparticipant1.000.0002
2010-11-01To the root of organ growth: the control of root meristem activity in Arabidopsis ROMAparticipant1.475.9991
2010-10-01A Toolbox for Photon Orbital Angular Momentum Technology PHORBITECHparticipant2.242.2007
2010-10-01Scalable Semantic Product Data Stream Management for Collaboration and Decision Making in Engineering SMART VORTEXparticipant7.800.00016
2010-10-01InteGrated Laboratories to investigate the mechanics of ASeismic vs. Seismic faulting GLASSparticipant1.514.4003
2010-10-01Advanced coexistence technologies for radio optimisation in licensed and unlicensed spectrum ACROPOLISparticipant3.000.00016
2010-10-01Methods for Advanced Multi-Objective Optimization for eDFY of complex Nano-scale Circuits MAnONparticipant752.4814
2010-09-01Participative Research labOratory for Multimedia and Multilingual Information Systems Evaluation PROMISEparticipant3.529.35715
2010-09-01Internet of Things Architecture IoT-Aparticipant11.956.28420
2010-09-01An ubiquitous embedded systems framework for energy-aware buildings using activity and context knowledge GreenerBuildingsparticipant1.849.7918
2010-08-15RATIONAL: Secure Mobile Networks of Selfish Individuals RATIONALcoordinator210.2841
2010-08-01European South American network on Combinatorial Optimization under Uncertainty EUSACOUparticipant55.8004
2010-06-07Interacting Buoyant Coastal Currents INBUCOCcoordinator114.8771
2010-06-01pilot embedded Systems arcHItecturE for multi-Layer Dependable solutions PS.HI.E.L.D.participant900.59917
2010-06-01CoLlAborative eMbedded networks for submarine surveillance CLAMparticipant1.999.9847
2010-06-01Artifact-Centric Service Interoperation ACSIparticipant3.243.9379
2010-06-01"Social Networks: Algorithms, Privacy, and Security" SNAPScoordinator158.7591
2010-05-01"Advancing small-scale hydro-meteorological predictions through mobile X-band dual-polarization radar systems: methods, algorithms and applications" HYDREXcoordinator173.2591
2010-04-01GENESIs: Green sEnsor NEtworks for Structural monItoring GENESIcoordinator2.000.0007
2010-04-01The early state and its chora. Towns, villages and landscape at Ebla in Syria during the 3rd Millennium BC. Royal archives, visual and material culture, remote sensing and artificial neural networks EBLA CHORAparticipant1.105.2402
2010-04-01Emotional interaction grounded in realistic context TANGOparticipant2.784.9997
2010-04-01Biowaste and Algae Knowledge for the Production of 2nd Generation Biofuels BioWALK4Biofuelscoordinator2.902.00012
2010-01-01Road safety Data Collection, Transfer and Analysis DACOTAparticipant5.500.01218
2010-01-01Emerging communities for collective innovation: ICT Operational tool and supporting methodologies for SME Associations collectiveparticipant2.640.00014
2010-01-01Femtocell-based netwoRk Enhancement by intErference managEment and coorDination of infOrmation for seaMless connectivity FREEDOMparticipant2.529.9898
2010-01-01Natural human-robot cooperation in dynamic environments NIFTiparticipant6.610.9869
2010-01-01City Alternative Transport System CATSparticipant2.970.24512
2010-01-01Combined Highly Active Anti-retroviral Microbicides CHAARMparticipant11.999.99834
2010-01-01Critical Phenomena in Random Systems CriPheRaSyparticipant2.098.8001
2010-01-01Fronts and Interfaces in Science and Technology FIRSTparticipant3.974.55211
2010-01-01Research into Impacts and Safety in CO2 Storage (RISCS) RISCSparticipant3.958.53023
2010-01-01Mechanisms for Optimization of hybrid ad-hoc networks and satellite NETworks MONETparticipant2.421.2557
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