

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2012-05-01Transition States for Multielectron Ionization Phenomena TranS-MIparticipant81.9003
2012-04-16Improving therapy and intervention through imaging TAHITIcoordinator134.4004
2012-04-01"Sustainable-Smart Grid Open System for the Aggregated Control, Monitoring and Management of Energy" E-GOTHAMparticipant1.142.41717
2012-04-01nSafety Certification of Software-Intensive Systems with Reusable Components NSAFECERparticipant2.553.55431
2012-04-013D GaN for High Efficiency Solid State Lighting GECCOparticipant3.816.1986
2012-03-01Exploring the Effects of Emotion on Human Cognition EMOTIONCOGcoordinator100.0001
2012-03-01A Systems Biology approach to disclose auxin synthesis in plants SysBioAuxcoordinator100.0001
2012-03-01Regulation of Plant Potassium Channels REGOPOCcoordinator100.0001
2012-03-01Post-transcriptional networks regulating organ-specific and general infection mechanisms in the rice blast fungus RiceBlast-networkscoordinator100.0001
2012-02-01Enabling information re-Use by linking clinical REsearch and CAre EURECAparticipant9.651.00020
2012-02-01Modular Multi-use Deep Water Offshore Platform Harnessing and Servicing Mediterranean, Subtropical and Tropical Marine and Maritime Resources TROPOSparticipant4.877.91121
2012-01-05USA and Europe Cooperation in Mini UAVs UECIMUAVScoordinator111.3002
2012-01-01Advances in Numerical and Analytical tools for DEtached flow prediction ANADEcoordinator4.463.64210
2012-01-01Maximizing marine omega-3 retention in farmed fish: sustainable production of healthy food Omega3maxcoordinator611.9484
2012-01-01Proposal for a harmonized European methodology for the safety assessment of innovative reactors with fast neutron spectrum planned to be built in Europe SARGEN_IVparticipant999.12822
2011-11-01Sustainable farm Management Aimed at Reducing Threats to SOILs under climate change SMARTSOILparticipant2.989.48012
2011-11-01Cloud platforms Lead to Open and Universal access for people with Disabilities and for All CLOUD4allparticipant7.582.66130
2011-11-01Guiding Patients Anytime Everywhere MobiGuideparticipant5.386.99613
2011-11-01Open Source FPGA Accelerator & Hardware Software Codesign Toolset for CUDA Kernels FASTCUDAparticipant1.195.7556
2011-11-01Role Of Biodiversity In climate change mitigatioN ROBINparticipant6.985.67812
2011-11-01Speech synthesis that improves through adaptive learning SIMPLE4ALLparticipant3.100.0005
2011-11-01Cognitive Rehabilitation of Apraxia and Action Disorganisation Syndrome CogWatchparticipant3.649.6588
2011-11-01REstoring rivers FOR effective catchment Management REFORMparticipant6.997.60327
2011-10-01WSN Development, Planning and Commissioning & Maintenance ToolSet WSN DPCMparticipant417.08611
2011-10-01Optimization of Perennial Grasses for Biomass Production OPTIMAparticipant2.998.31921
2011-10-01Development of a methodology and tool to evaluate the impact of ICT measures on road transport emissions ICT-EMISSIONSparticipant2.899.81011
2011-10-01Low Emissions Core-Engine Technologies LEMCOTECparticipant39.980.81539
2011-10-01Effects of Climate Change on Air Pollution Impacts and Response Strategies for European Ecosystems ECLAIREparticipant6.997.00140
2011-10-01A network for supporting the coordination of Supercomputing research between Europe and Latin America RISCparticipant440.00010
2011-10-01GLObal Robotic telescopes Intelligent Array for e-Science GLORIAcoordinator2.499.95514
2011-10-01Support action to contribute to the preparation of future community research programme in user centred Design for ECO-multimodal MOBILity DECOMOBILparticipant311.00010
2011-09-01OPerating RAck For Full-Electric Vehicle OPERA4FEVparticipant3.731.60411
2011-09-01GLOBAL excursion - Extended Curriculum for Science Infrastructure Online GLOBAL excursionparticipant800.0007
2011-09-01Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology DRIHMparticipant3.500.00012
2011-09-01Data Science for Simulating the Era of Electric Vehicles DATA SIMparticipant2.368.2699
2011-09-01The 2050+ Airport 2050APparticipant2.077.8298
2011-09-01Smart Intelligent Aircraft Structures SARISTUparticipant32.434.31169
2011-09-01Multi-cores Partitioning for Trusted Embedded Systems MultiPARTESparticipant2.850.00010
2011-09-01SME's Training and Hands-on in Optical Design and Simulation SMETHODSparticipant559.4678
2011-08-01AFRICA BUILD (Building a Research and Education Infrastructure for Africa) AFRICA BUILDcoordinator1.999.4948
2011-06-01European Network for Social Intelligence SINTELNETcoordinator623.8907
2011-06-01"A new generation of concentrator photovoltaic cells, modules and systems" NGCPVcoordinator4.999.9987
2011-06-01The sustainable freight railway: Designing the freight vehicle – track system for higher delivered tonnage with improved availability at reduced cost SUSTRAILparticipant6.599.93331
2011-05-01FI-WARE: Future Internet Core Platform FI-WAREparticipant40.999.00092
2011-05-01Human Brain Project HBPparticipant1.414.38813
2011-05-01Development of a new generation of CIGS-based solar cells NANOCISparticipant430.5004
2011-05-01"moBile, Autonomous and affordable SYstem to increase safety in Large unpredIctable environmentS" BASYLISparticipant2.037.26510
2011-04-01pSafety Certification of Software-intensive Systems with Reusable Components pSafeCerparticipant1.739.99124
2011-04-01INFINITY: INfrastructure support and capacity building for the Future INternet communITY INFINITYcoordinator3.000.00014
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