

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2012-02-01Long-term effects of early nutrition on later health EarlyNutritionparticipant8.962.77138
2012-02-01"European ResearcH on DevElopmentAL, BirtH and Genetic Determinants of Ageing" EURHEALTHAGEINGcoordinator2.998.3079
2012-01-01A European multicentre double-blind placebo-controlled phase III trial of nilvadIpine in mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease NILVADparticipant5.999.97817
2012-01-01EUROPEAN FORENSIC GENETICS Network of Excellence EUROFORGEN-NOEparticipant6.613.68017
2012-01-01Strategies for Assessment of Inquiry Learning in Science SAILSparticipant3.748.68915
2012-01-01Translational Adolescent and Childhood Therapeutic Interventions in Compulsive Syndromes TACTICSparticipant6.000.00012
2012-01-01Data Service Infrastructure for the Social Sciences and Humanities DASISHparticipant5.991.05218
2012-01-01Psychiatric Diagnostic and Prevention Consortium PSYCHDPCparticipant1.779.2596
2012-01-01Rational Bioactive Materials Design for Tissue Regeneration BIODESIGNparticipant10.966.96621
2012-01-01Persistent Autonomy through Learning, Adaptation, Observation and Re-planning PANDORAparticipant2.800.0005
2012-01-01STIFFness controllable Flexible and Learn-able manipulator for surgical OPerations STIFF-FLOPcoordinator7.350.00012
2011-11-01Advanced multi-paRametric Monitoring and analysis for diagnosis and Optimal management of epilepsy and Related brain disorders ARMORparticipant3.186.9359
2011-11-01Pharmacogenomic biomarkers as clinical decision making tools for clozapine treatment of schizophrenia CRESTARcoordinator6.000.00011
2011-11-01Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate Interim Implementation MACC IIparticipant19.000.00039
2011-11-01Self-Control and the Person: An Inter-Disciplinary Account TEAMCONTROLparticipant1.033.0031
2011-10-01A Roadmap for Mental Health Research in Europe ROAMERparticipant1.999.13814
2011-10-01A Treatment-Oriented Research Project of NCL Disorders as a Major Cause of Dementia in Childhood DEM-CHILDparticipant2.998.79513
2011-10-01Advanced Immunization Technologies ADITECparticipant29.980.67052
2011-10-01Building Resilience Amongst Communities in Europe EMBRACEparticipant3.243.42311
2011-09-06Genetics of Systemic lupus erythematosus in northern and southern European populations Genetics of SLEcoordinator173.2411
2011-09-01Conformational dynamics of single molecules under force ForcePROTcoordinator100.0001
2011-07-18From German Psychology to British Poetics: the Reception of Empirical Psychology and Phrenology in British Literary Culture, 1780-1880 Psychology & Poeticscoordinator204.8931
2011-07-01Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals Interception using Radiofrequency Methods in Realtime CONPHIRMERcoordinator2.634.48910
2011-06-20Characterization of the trace metals transport and interaction mechanisms in zebrafish Danio rerio using molecular and stable isotope approaches metaltranspcoordinator179.6031
2011-06-13Multifunctional Nanotechnology for selective detection and Treatment of cancer MULTIFUNparticipant9.799.99417
2011-06-01European Network for Social Intelligence SINTELNETparticipant623.8907
2011-06-01"ECNIS2: towards ECNIS Centre for Research and Education on Cancer, Environment and Food" ECNIS2participant1.000.00022
2011-05-01Preparedness and Resilience against CBRN Terrorism using Integrated Concepts and Equipment PRACTICE PRACTICEparticipant8.424.02926
2011-05-01HER Imaging and Molecular Interaction Mapping in Breast Cancer IMAGINTparticipant5.683.59011
2011-05-01Multiscale Modelling of Hydrogen Embrittlement MultiHyparticipant3.390.72212
2011-04-01Addictions and Lifestyles In Contemporary Europe – Reframing Addictions Project ALICE RAPparticipant7.978.22645
2011-04-01BOmb factory detection by Networks of Advanced Sensors BONASparticipant3.488.36014
2011-04-01Microbes in Allergy and Autoimmunity Related to the Skin MAARSparticipant5.978.54110
2011-04-01Exploring the Terauniverse with the LHC, Astrophysics and Cosmology Terauniverseparticipant1.928.7004
2011-04-01TOpology based Motion SYnthesis for dexterous manipulation TOMSYparticipant3.000.0006
2011-04-01Economic Cycles, Employment and Health: Disentangling Causal Pathways in a Cross-National Study HEALTHCYCLEparticipant1.273.2804
2011-03-01Phase I/II ex vivo gene therapy clinical trial for recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa using skin equivalent grafts genetically corrected with a COL7A1-encoding SIN retroviral vector GENEGRAFTparticipant4.961.65410
2011-03-01Virtual Physiological Human: Sharing for Healthcare - A Research Environment VPH-Shareparticipant10.699.99520
2011-03-01Trans-European Research Training Network on Engineering and Provisioning of Service-Based Cloud Applications RELATEparticipant5.088.1567
2011-03-01TreatPolyQ – Industrial Academic Initial Training Network towards treatment of Polyglutamine Diseases TreatPolyQparticipant3.757.31816
2011-03-01Managing uncertainties in flood risk and climate change assessment: An exploratory study Man-Ucoordinator87.4521
2011-02-01Dextrous Assembler Robot Working with embodied INtelligence DARWINparticipant3.090.0006
2011-02-01Virtual Museum Transnational Network V-MusT.netparticipant4.550.00020
2011-02-01"Supporting fundamentAl rights, PrIvacy and Ethics in surveillaNce Technologies" SAPIENTparticipant1.248.5777
2011-02-01European multidisciplinary ALS network identification to cure motor neuron degeneration Euro-MOTORparticipant8.994.36215
2011-02-01IMplementation of quality indicators in PAlliative Care sTudy IMPACTparticipant2.999.90013
2011-01-01Persistent virus infection as a cause of pathogenic inflammation in type 1 diabetes - an innovative research program of biobanks and expertise PEVNETparticipant5.999.68714
2011-01-01Identifying biomarkers of ageing using whole transcriptomic sequencing EuroBATScoordinator2.998.6505
2011-01-01Systems biology of liver cancer: an integrative genomic-epigenomic approach MODHEPparticipant11.936.89918
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