

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2013-12-01EUropean PORTWorkers TRAIning Scheme EU-PORTRAITScoordinator1.388.7408
2013-12-01RAPP– Robotic Applications for Delivering Smart User Empowering Applications RAPPcoordinator1.950.0007
2013-11-01Publishing and Enriching Linked Open Statistical Data for the Development of Data Analytics and Enhanced Visualization Services OpenCubecoordinator985.3395
2013-11-01Mining and Understanding of multilinguaL contenT for Intelligent Sentiment Enriched coNtext and Social Oriented inteRpretation MULTISENSORcoordinator2.965.0009
2013-11-01Scaffolding Scalable Software Services S-CASEparticipant2.520.0009
2013-11-01REVEALing hidden concepts in Social Media REVEALparticipant5.168.00011
2013-11-01Renewable Mobility Services in Smart Cities MOVESMARTparticipant2.450.00011
2013-10-01The Wikirate Project - Crowdsource Better Companies Wikiratecoordinator1.885.0007
2013-10-01User Empowerment for Enhanced Online Presence Management USEMPparticipant2.270.0007
2013-10-01ICT Roadmap and Data Interoperability for Energy Systems in Smart Cities READY4SmartCitiesparticipant999.38910
2013-06-01Significance-Based Computing for Reliability and Power Optimization SCoRPiOcoordinator1.890.7756
2013-04-01Future Internet Social and Technological Alignment Research FI-STARparticipant13.499.00043
2013-03-01Reusable low-cost platform for digitizing and preserving traditional participative sports RePlayparticipant1.949.6378
2013-02-01Promoting and Enhancing Reuse of Information throughout the Content Lifecycle taking account of Evolving Semantics PERICLESparticipant9.600.00011
2013-02-01Concise Preservation by combining Managed Forgetting and Contextualized Remembering ForgetITparticipant6.590.00012
2013-02-01Intangible Treasures - Capturing the Intangible Cultural Heritage and Learning the Rare Know-How of Living Human Treasures i-Treasurescoordinator5.200.00016
2013-01-01Cooperative Mobility Pilot on Safety and Sustainability Services for Deployment Compass4Dparticipant4.998.00033
2012-11-01Community set-up and networking for the reMIXing of online MEDIA fragments MediaMixerparticipant743.4767
2012-11-01Global Online Science Labs for Inquiry Learning at School Go-Labparticipant9.696.58219
2012-11-01Enhanced Network Security for Seamless Service Provisioning in the Smart Mobile Ecosystem NEMESYSparticipant2.750.0006
2012-10-01Photonics for High-Performance, Low-Cost & Low-Energy Data Centers, High Performance Computing Systems:Terabit/s Optical Interconnect Technologies for On-Board, Board-to-Board, Rack-to-Rack data links PhoxTroTparticipant8.700.00021
2012-10-01Integrating Active, Flexible and Responsive Tertiary Prosumers into a Smart Distribution Grid INERTIAcoordinator3.640.60610
2012-10-01Talent and Extended Mobility in the European Innovation Union TANDEMparticipant278.6285
2012-10-01Management of weather events in transport system MOWE-ITparticipant1.641.56413
2012-09-013D Living Interactions through Visual Environments 3D-LIVEparticipant1.350.0006
2012-09-01City-Hub City-HUBparticipant1.296.08510
2012-09-01Bringing Western Balkans closer to Innovation Union: An example of EURAXESS Regional Collaboration WeB-InUnioncoordinator199.9706
2012-09-01In-situ wireless monitoring of on - and offshore WINd TURbine blades using energy harvesting technology - Demonstration WINTUR DEMOparticipant1.044.00010
2012-09-01High temperature thermal energy Storage by Reversible thermochemical Reaction StoRReparticipant2.204.5027
2012-06-01Research and Civil Society Dialogue towards a low-carbon society R&DIALOGUEparticipant4.131.44115
2012-06-01Integrated SAfety Benefit Estimation tooL for 2-wheeLErs ISABELLEcoordinator100.0001
2012-05-01Fully artificial photo-electrochemical device for low temperature hydrogen production ArtipHyctionparticipant2.187.0408
2012-04-01Open Discovery Space: A socially-powered and multilingual open learning infrastructure to boost the adoption of eLearning resources Open Discovery Spaceparticipant7.650.00051
2012-03-01Advanced Video Surveillance archives search Engine for security applications ADVISEparticipant2.989.76211
2012-02-01Distributed Knowledge-Based Energy Saving Networks DISKNETparticipant505.7004
2012-02-01Demonstration of a Condition Monitoring System for Tidal Stream Generators TidalSense Demoparticipant1.621.90013
2012-02-01Reality Sensing, Mining and Augmentation\nfor Mobile Citizen–eGovernment Dialogue Live+Govparticipant2.453.0128
2012-02-01Clothes Perception and Manipulation CloPeMacoordinator2.810.0005
2012-01-01Trans-national Cooperation among NCPs (NCP) PeopleNetwork+participant995.86416
2012-01-01New Method for Superior Integrated Hydrogen Generation System 2+ NEMESIS2+participant1.614.9447
2012-01-01Advanced Network Coding for Video Surveillance CodeLancecoordinator1.811.5294
2012-01-01Implant Disposable Antibacterial Coating (I.D.A.C.): a Novel Approach to Implant-Related Infections in Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery I.D.A.C.participant3.000.00012
2012-01-01Enhancing The Outreach and Effectiveness of the EURAXESS Network Partners. EURAXESS T.O.P II EURAXESS T.O.P IIparticipant2.999.98319
2011-12-01Network of Excellence in Internet Science EINScoordinator4.997.00048
2011-11-01Cloud platforms Lead to Open and Universal access for people with Disabilities and for All CLOUD4allparticipant7.582.66130
2011-11-01A multivariate platform for assessing the impact of strategic decisions in electrical power systems CASSANDRAcoordinator2.834.0009
2011-11-01Dementia Ambient Care: Multi-Sensing Monitoring for Intelligent Remote Management and Decision Support Dem@Carecoordinator7.300.00013
2011-11-01Occupant Aware, Intelligent and Adaptive Enterprises Adapt4EEcoordinator2.794.0009
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