

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2016-03-01PERtussIS COrrelates of Protection Europe - Sofia ref.: 115910 PERISCOPEparticipant21.000.00024
2016-03-01Linking genetic resources, genomes and phenotypes of Solanaceous crops G2P-SOLparticipant6.891.26519
2016-03-01A holistic multi-actor approach towards the design of new tomato varieties and management practices to improve yield and quality in the face of climate change TomGEMparticipant4.993.50618
2016-03-01Improving the stability of high-quality traits of berry in different environments and cultivation systems for the benefit of European farmers and consumers GoodBerryparticipant4.868.33320
2016-01-01Chimeric Antigen Receptors (CARs) for Advanced Therapies CARATparticipant5.989.1598
2016-01-01Development of an innovative gene therapy platform to cure rare hereditary muscle disorders MYOCUREparticipant5.998.9389
2015-12-01Systems Medicine of Mitochondrial Parkinson’s Disease SysMedPDparticipant5.999.9908
2015-01-01Innovation Management Support for SMEs Innosupportparticipant125.8864
2014-11-01Ebola Virus Disease - correlates of protection, determinants of outcome, and clinical management EVIDENTparticipant1.759.32511
2014-07-01Innovation Management Support for SMEs Innosupportparticipant39.2002
2013-04-01Computational Horizons In Cancer (CHIC): Developing Meta- and Hyper-Multiscale Models and Repositories for In Silico Oncology CHICparticipant10.582.00017
2012-10-01The development and evaluation of Multipurpose crops as new biorefining feedstocks for the production of industrial BioProducts and biomass MultiBioProparticipant5.770.92211
2012-09-01Economic iNsTRuments to Achieve Climate Targets in Europe ENTRACTEparticipant2.935.2769
2012-04-01Sugar Alcohol based Materials for Seasonal Storage Applications SAM.SSAparticipant2.941.9979
2012-01-01Novel Bone Morphogenetic Protein-6 Biocompatible Carrier Device for Bone Regeneration OSTEOGROWparticipant5.683.08911
2012-01-01Next Generation Genome Based High Resolution Tracing of Pathogens PathoNgen-Traceparticipant5.995.2678
2011-02-01From data sharing and integration via VPH models to personalised medicine p-medicineparticipant13.329.89819
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