

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2017-03-01Functional and Molecular Characterisation of Breast Cancer Stem Cells BRECASTEMcoordinator183.4551
2017-01-01Characterization of RTEL1 mutations in Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson Syndrome RTEL1inHHScoordinator183.4551
2017-01-01Development and Characterisation of New Immunogenic GEMMs of Lung Cancer iGEMMdevcoordinator183.4551
2016-09-01The transcription-related DNA damage response TRANSDAMparticipant2.499.9881
2016-08-01Allele-specific Deconvolution of Tumour DNA Methylation and Expression Data toReveal Underlying Cell Populations DECODEcoordinator195.4551
2016-05-01Effect of heterogeneity of cancer cells on collective invasion HeteroCancerInvasioncoordinator195.4551
2016-04-01A multidisciplinary approach to cell division: From human oocyte to synthetic biology DivIDeparticipant2.802.3999
2016-01-01Strategies towards Excellence in Immuno-Oncology STREAMparticipant1.190.2615
2016-01-01Unleash IMM’s research excellence in immunity and infection through twinning to infect Lisbon and Portugal with its increase in competitiveness and innovation TwinnToInfectparticipant1.000.0003
2016-01-01INtestinal Tissue ENgineering Solution INTENSparticipant5.990.4649
2015-11-01Functions of the X chromosome in the mammalian germ line XChromosomecoordinator1.912.3691
2015-11-01Reconstitution of Chromosome Replication and Epigenetic Inheritance CHROMOREPparticipant1.983.0191
2015-10-01Principles of Polarity – Integrating genetic, biophysical and computational approaches to understand cell and tissue polarity PolarNetparticipant3.935.9699
2015-10-01Establishment of Sister Chromatid Cohesion ChromatidCohesionparticipant2.120.1001
2015-09-01DNA strand break repair and links to human disease DNA2REPAIRparticipant2.203.1531
2015-08-01Testing the role of miRNA-mediated non-cell autonomous gene regulation in type-2 immunity miRNA in Immunityparticipant1.762.5101
2015-08-01Role of extracellular miRNAs in T cell development, TH2 cell differentiation and TH2 cell-mediated effector function miRNAs in TH2 cellscoordinator183.4552
2015-08-01Investigating eukaryotic replisome dynamics at the single molecule level SMI REPcoordinator195.4552
2015-08-01Capture, dissemination and analysis of multiscale cell migration data for biological and clinical applications (MULTIMOT) MULTIMOTparticipant2.999.35410
2015-07-01Quantitative analysis of protein S-palmitoylation in host resistance to intracellular pathogens. QuantPalm_immunitycoordinator251.8582
2015-04-01Investigation of the molecular mechanisms ensuring precision and reproducibility of Sonic Hedgehog mediated patterning in the vertebrate ventral neural tube NeuralNetworkNoisecoordinator231.2832
2015-03-01The interplay between innate immunity and RNA interference in mammals RNAi vs IFNcoordinator309.2352
2012-07-01Sorting processes that ensure short and long-range action of Wnts in developing epithelia WNTEXPORTparticipant1.938.8462
2012-04-01Novel Approaches to Determine Molecular Mechanisms of Pathogenesis in Tuberculosis TB-PATHparticipant1.522.4912
2012-02-01ATMINistrating ATM signalling: exploring the significance of ATM regulation by ATMIN ATMINDDRparticipant1.499.8812
2011-11-01European and South African HIV co-infection research consortium ESAHIVcoinfResparticipant340.2005
2011-10-01MAL: an actin-regulated SRF transcriptional coactivator ACTINONSRFparticipant1.889.9952
2011-09-01Cross-species characterisation of CD8alpha+ dendritic cells and their role in immune regulation DCSUBSETparticipant2.499.9982
2011-05-01Transcription and the maintenance of genome integrity TRANSINTEGparticipant1.950.0002
2011-05-01Regulating recombination in mitotic and meiotic cells RECMITMEIparticipant2.379.1042
2010-10-01Epigenetics towards systems biology EPIGENESYSparticipant11.995.02428
2010-06-01Defects in DNA strand break repair and links to inheritable disease DNArepairparticipant2.449.0912
2010-05-01The Initiation of Eukaryotic DNA Replication: Mechanism, Regulation and Role in Genome Stability EUKDNAREPparticipant2.449.9992
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