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Start date | Project | acronym | role | funding | partners |
2021-06-01 | Circular Packaging for Direct Food Contact Applications |
CIRCULAR FoodPack | participant | 5.366.698 | 16 |
2021-06-01 | Untangling fibroblast plasticity in vascular ageing |
FIB-AGE | coordinator | 187.572 | 1 |
2021-06-01 | Discrimination and Group Identities |
DISGRID | coordinator | 175.572 | 1 |
2021-06-01 | Reducing Inequalities in Vaccine uptake in the European Region - Engaging Underserved communities |
RIVER-EU | participant | 3.299.750 | 14 |
2021-06-01 | Nano bubbles: how, when and why does science fail to correct itself? |
NanoBubbles | participant | 8.325.461 | 7 |
2021-06-01 | Rituximab in patients with acute myocardial infarction: a phase 2 placebo-controlled randomised clinical trial |
RITA-MI 2 | participant | 6.583.216 | 14 |
2021-05-01 | Advanced research and Training Network in Food quality, safety and security |
FoodTraNet | participant | 3.801.361 | 9 |
2021-05-01 | PROactive Strategies and Policies for Energy Citizenship Transformation |
EnergyPROSPECTS | participant | 3.063.360 | 9 |
2021-05-01 | Ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment |
ONTOX | participant | 17.211.050 | 19 |
STOPSTORM | participant | 7.161.437 | 31 |
2021-04-01 | gamma-MRI: the future of molecular imaging |
GAMMA-MRI | participant | 3.372.393 | 8 |
2021-04-01 | Addressing multimorbidity in elderly atrial fibrillation patients through interdisciplinary, tailored, patient-centered care pathways |
EHRA - PATHS | participant | 5.999.776 | 15 |
2021-04-01 | Selective Inhibition of NOTCH by novel γ-Secretase Inhibitors in Tumours |
INGSIGHT | coordinator | 150.000 | 1 |
2021-03-01 | A New Intervention for Implementation of Pharmacogenetics in Psychiatry |
PSY-PGx | coordinator | 7.999.612 | 18 |
2021-03-01 | Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Early Detection Stroke Atrial Fibrillation |
MAESTRIA | participant | 13.915.311 | 20 |
2021-03-01 | Bioprinting on-chip microphysiological models of humanized kidney tubulointerstitium |
BIRDIE | coordinator | 2.999.425 | 5 |
2021-03-01 | YUFE Transforming Research and Innovation through Europe-wide Knowledge Transfer |
YUFERING | participant | 1.999.998 | 11 |
2021-03-01 | Understanding and Strengthening EU Foreign and Security Policy in a Complex and Contested World |
JOINT | participant | 2.999.981 | 14 |
2021-03-01 | Evolutionary games and population dynamics: from theory to applications |
EvoGamesPlus | participant | 3.980.390 | 14 |
2021-01-01 | Cognitive Robotic System for Digitalized and Networked (Automated) Insect Farms |
CoRoSect | coordinator | 6.995.568 | 19 |
2021-01-01 | Public participation by other means? Informal practices to engage with matters of collective concern in non-democratic settings |
InPart | coordinator | 1.499.510 | 1 |
2021-01-01 | LETHE (λήθη) – A personalized prediction and intervention model for early detection and reduction of risk factors causing dementia, based on AI and distributed Machine Learning |
LETHE | participant | 5.999.889 | 15 |
2021-01-01 | Human Platelet Lysates-based Scaffolds for Interfacial Multi-tissue Repair |
InterLynk | participant | 5.999.638 | 8 |
2021-01-01 | Developing and Implementing hands-on training on Open Science and Open Innovation for Early Career Researchers |
DIOSI | participant | 299.189 | 13 |
PILLARS | participant | 2.994.974 | 10 |
2021-01-01 | Mechanistic Integration of vascular aND endocrine pathways for Subtyping Hypertension: an Innovative network approach for Future generation research Training |
MINDSHIFT | coordinator | 4.124.385 | 6 |
2021-01-01 | Accurate, Reliable and Optimized functional MAgnetic resonance imaging at unprecedented field strength for unique exploration of the human brain |
AROMA | participant | 3.601.526 | 6 |
2021-01-01 | RESEarch for healThy AGEING |
RESETageing | participant | 899.971 | 4 |
2020-12-01 | Creating the 21st century spatial ecosystem |
FF2020 | participant | 5.999.575 | 12 |
2020-12-01 | Analyzing and Preventiving Extremism Via Participation |
PARTICIPATION | participant | 2.918.100 | 15 |
2020-11-01 | A diagnostic test to improve surveillance and care of COVID-19 patients |
COVIRNA | participant | 3.874.497 | 16 |
2020-11-01 | DIgital TEChnologies as an enabler for a conTinuous transformation of food safety system |
DiTECT | participant | 4.098.672 | 33 |
2020-10-01 | The RapiD and SecuRe AI enhAnced DiaGnosis, Precision Medicine and Patient EmpOwerment Centered Decision Support System for Coronavirus PaNdemics |
DRAGON | coordinator | 11.381.970 | 19 |
2020-10-01 | A fully automated deep learning-based software for fast, robust and accurate detection and segmentation of tumours and metastasis |
AUTO.DISTINCT | coordinator | 150.000 | 1 |
2020-10-01 | A European Cancer Image Platform Linked to Biological and Health Data for Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence and Precision Medicine in Oncology |
EuCanImage | participant | 9.994.359 | 22 |
2020-09-01 | AI-based chest CT analysis enabling rapid COVID diagnosis and prognosis |
icovid | participant | 3.172.690 | 9 |
2020-09-01 | Training the new generation of industrial doctorates in the transition towards bio-based value circles |
BioBased ValueCircle | coordinator | 3.151.769 | 14 |
2020-09-01 | Ethically Responsible INnovations in reproductive medicine |
ERIN | participant | 899.625 | 3 |
REPAIR | participant | 3.909.708 | 12 |
2020-09-01 | Accelerating the lab to market transition of AI tools for cancer management |
CHAIMELEON | participant | 8.784.039 | 18 |
2020-09-01 | Self Conversation in Virtual Reality Embodiment to Enhance Healthier Lifestyles Among Obese People |
SOCRATES | participant | 1.748.208 | 4 |
2020-09-01 | Photodynamic therapy triggered by spectral scanner CT: an efficient tool for cancer treatment |
SCANnTREAT | participant | 2.999.955 | 6 |
2020-09-01 | Level the playing field for Energy Efficiency Investment products |
LEVEL EEI | participant | 2.097.761 | 5 |
HEIR | participant | 4.999.975 | 18 |
2020-09-01 | Firm Dynamic Investments in Research and Development and Skills in Service Industries. |
INVPROD | coordinator | 187.572 | 1 |
2020-09-01 | Postural networks: linking cognitive and motor control across the lifespan |
POSTURENET | coordinator | 187.572 | 1 |
2020-09-01 | When, and how, do team members’ minds align? A dynamic perspective on shared mental models in teams with different levels of task and outcome interdependence |
ALIGNING MINDS | coordinator | 187.572 | 1 |
2020-08-01 | Deep Learning for Automated Quantification of Radiographic Tumor Phenotypes |
CANCER-RADIOMICS | coordinator | 2.000.000 | 1 |
2020-08-01 | Mapping Uncertainties, Challenges and Future Opportunities of Emerging Markets: Informal Barriers, Business Environments and Future Trends in Eastern Europe, The Caucasus and Central Asia |
MARKETS | participant | 3.925.791 | 9 |
2020-08-01 | The impact of redistribution policies on inequality tolerance and beliefs in meritocracy |
merit | coordinator | 175.572 | 1 |
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