

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2012-09-01Fiber Crops as a Sustainable Source of Bio-based Materials for Industrial Products in Europe and China FIBRAparticipant999.91516
2012-08-01Integrating bio-treated wastewater with enhanced water use efficiency to support the Green Economy in EU and India WATER4CROPSparticipant5.973.68925
2012-03-01Environment for Human Exploration and RObotic Experimentation in Space eHEROESparticipant1.999.72116
2012-01-01"Toolbox Implementation for Removal of Anti-personnel Mines, Submunitions and UXO" TIRAMISUparticipant14.934.74526
2011-12-01European Multicentre Tics in Children Studies EMTICSparticipant6.000.00030
2011-10-01Optimization of Perennial Grasses for Biomass Production OPTIMAcoordinator2.998.31921
2011-10-01SMArt systems Co-design SMACparticipant8.197.00018
2011-05-01Dynamics of the Quark-Gluon Plasma: A Journey into new phases of the Strong Interaction QGPDynparticipant655.0001
2011-03-01Airway Disease PRedicting Outcomes through Patient Specific Computational Modelling AirPROMparticipant11.713.19440
2011-02-01Embodied Motion Intelligence for Cognitive, Autonomous Robots EMICABparticipant1.549.9734
2011-01-12THE PARTICIPATORY ACTION RESEARCH APPROACH TO THE TEST OF SOUTHERN INERTIA. Comparing experiences to broaden Boundaries of Action in the Environmental and Community Planning Field PARTeScoordinator239.6051
2010-12-01International Research on Quality in Healthcare InterQualityparticipant2.950.1309
2010-10-01HYDRALAB IV More than water; dealing with the complex interaction of water with environmental elements, sediment, structures and ice HYDRALAB IVparticipant8.499.94722
2010-10-01Supporting humans in knowledge gathering and question answering\nw.r.t. marine and environmental monitoring through analysis of multiple video streams Fish4Knowledgeparticipant1.915.0004
2010-09-01Secure Web OS Application Delivery Environment webinosparticipant9.775.00023
2010-01-01NoE FlexNet - Network of Excellence for building up Knowledge for improved Systems Integration for Flexible Organic and Large Area Electronics (FOLAE) and its exploitation FlexNetparticipant4.000.00019
2010-01-01Complementary Organic Semiconductor and Metal Integrated Circuits COSMICparticipant6.999.00013
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