
JOHN INNES CENTRE - United Kingdom 

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2012-01-01Genetics and physiology of wheat development to flowering: tools to breed for improved adaptation and yield potential ADAPTAWHEATcoordinator3.000.00021
2011-09-19Quantitative exploration of catalytic landscapes underlying the functional divergence of triterpene synthases TRICYCLEcoordinator201.0501
2011-06-01Breeding to Optimise Chinese Agriculture OPTICHINAparticipant499.7247
2011-05-23A characterization of the effectors of a plant pathogen AY-WB Effectorscoordinator201.0501
2011-05-03Molecular analysis of the mechanisms linking co-transcriptional splicing with chromatin PRP8CHROMATINcoordinator281.6801
2011-02-01More Medicines for Tuberculosis MM4TBparticipant11.873.05225
2011-01-01BIOchemical and genetic dissection of control of plant mineral NUTrition BIONUTcoordinator2.422.0349
2010-12-01Evolution of flower morphology: the selfing syndrome in Capsella CAPSEVOparticipant1.480.8262
2010-07-01"LAntibiotic Production: Technology, Optimization and improved Process" LAPTOPparticipant2.775.5367
2010-07-01AnThocyanin and polyphenol bioactives for Health Enhancement through Nutritional Advancement ATHENAcoordinator2.996.22613
2010-03-01NSP1 and NSP2: two GRAS proteins at the interplay of Nod Factor and Cytokinin signalling during symbiosis in Medicago truncatula GRAS NOD SIGNALLINGcoordinator171.7411
2010-03-01Linking the clock to metabolism TiMetparticipant5.844.3299
2010-03-01PLANT developmental biology: discovering the ORIGINS of form PLANTORIGINSparticipant1.656.0987
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