

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2018-01-01Open and Inclusive Healthcare for Citizens Based on Digital Fabrication Made4Youcoordinator1.999.8269
2018-01-01Using science for/in diplomacy for addressing global challenges S4D4Ccoordinator2.499.95010
2017-11-01Boosting European citizens knowledge and awareness of bioeconomy BLOOMcoordinator2.400.00013
2017-10-01Entrepreneurial skills for young social innovators in an open digital world. A European Initiative DOITparticipant2.479.42314
2017-05-01Excellence in science and innovation for Europe by adopting the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation NewHoRRIzonparticipant6.799.94320
2017-01-01Digital Fabrication and Maker Movement in Education: Making Computer-supported Artefacts from Scratch eCraft2Learnparticipant1.943.24814
2017-01-01Knowledge in the making in the European society KNOWMAKparticipant1.998.1398
2016-09-01STI International Cooperation Network for Eastern Partnership Countries – PLUS EaP PLUSparticipant1.569.07918
2016-05-01RoadMAPs to Societal Mobilisation for the Advancement of Responsible Industrial Technologies SMART-mapparticipant1.515.6369
2016-03-01Giving focus to the Cultural, Scientific and Social Dimension of EU – CELAC Relations EULAC Focusparticipant2.499.65320
2016-02-15Strengthening Research and Innovation Links towards Ukraine RI-LINKS2UAcoordinator999.93413
2016-02-01Strengthening Technology, Research and Innovation Cooperation between Europe and South Africa 2020 ESASTAP 2020participant999.95310
2016-02-01Bilateral Coordination for the Enhancement and Development of STI Partnerships between the EU and the USA BILAT USA 4.0participant1.949.99617
2016-02-01Social Innovation Community SICparticipant2.991.90612
2016-02-01Increasing INternational Science, Technology and Innovation COoperation between BRAzil and the European Union INCOBRAparticipant1.948.74014
2016-02-01Promoting gender balance and inclusion in research, innovation and training PLOTINAparticipant2.296.18810
2016-01-01Understanding Collective Awareness Platforms with the Maker Movement MAKE-ITparticipant1.999.8639
2016-01-01Collective Awareness Platform for Tropospheric Ozone Pollution CAPTORparticipant1.963.9839
2015-02-01Enhanced bi-regional STI cooperation between the EU and the Black Sea Region BLACK SEA HORIZONcoordinator1.499.50419
2015-01-01Tools and Actions for Impact Assessment and Policy makers Information TAIPIparticipant799.8385
2015-01-01Supporting and promoting responsible research and innovation in ICT RRI-ICT Forumparticipant999.7507
2014-12-01Developing and Enabling Nanotechnology Awareness-Building through the Creation and Exchange of enhanced Communication and Visualisation Tools and Guidance for ‘Seeing at the Nanoscale’ SeeingNanoparticipant996.4799
2014-05-01EU-India Platform for the Social Sciences and Humanities EQUIPparticipant1.498.39413
2014-02-01Scalable cost-effective facilitation of professional identity transformation in public employment services EmployIDcoordinator5.550.00010
2014-01-01Collective Awareness Platforms for Improving Accessibility in European Cities Regions CAP4ACCESSparticipant2.216.9899
2014-01-01Social Innovation: Driving Force of Social Change SI-DRIVEparticipant4.872.64925
2014-01-01Public Participation in Developing a Common Framework for Assessment and Management of Sustainable Innovation CASIparticipant3.897.38119
2014-01-01"RRI TOOLS, a project to foster Responsible Research and Innovation for society, with society." RRI TOOLSparticipant6.942.03126
2014-01-01Danube Region INCO-NET DANUBE-INCO.NETcoordinator1.996.46519
2013-11-01Further linking Russia to the ERA: Coordination of MS/ AC S&T programmes towards and with Russia ERA.NET RUS PLUSparticipant3.500.00026
2013-11-01Support for the advancement of policy cooperation between India and Europe in Research and Innovation INDIGO POLICYcoordinator1.349.9618
2013-11-01Innovation driven Initiative for the Development and Integration of Indian and European Research INNO INDIGOparticipant2.499.82915
2013-10-01"European Research Area - Canada for Science, Technology and Innovation Partnership" ERA-CAN PLUSparticipant1.349.9997
2013-10-01ENER2I (ENErgy Research to Innovation): Reinforcing cooperation with ENP countries on bridging the gap between energy research and energy innovation ENER2Icoordinator999.55512
2013-10-01ENER2I (ENErgy Research to Innovation): Reinforcing cooperation with ENP countries on bridging the gap between energy research and energy innovation ENER2Iparticipant999.55512
2013-09-11STI International Cooperation Network for Central Asian Countries INCONET CAparticipant1.999.70318
2013-09-11STI International Cooperation Network for Central Asian Countries INCONET CAparticipant1.999.70318
2013-09-01"Japan-EU Partnership in Innovation, Science and TEchnology" JEUPISTEparticipant1.249.71110
2013-09-01STI International Cooperation Network for Eastern Partnership Countries INCONET EAPcoordinator2.999.95019
2013-07-01Mobilizing institutional reforms for better R&I systems/institutions in Europe MIRRISparticipant1.496.21513
2013-06-01SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN: Sustain and enhance cooperation on sustainable development between Europe and Southeast Asia SUSTAIN EU-ASEANparticipant999.40015
2013-06-01SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN: Sustain and enhance cooperation on sustainable development between Europe and Southeast Asia SUSTAIN EU-ASEANparticipant999.40015
2013-06-01"DANube macroregion: Capacity building and Excellence in River Systems (basin, delta and sea)" DANCERSparticipant999.93315
2013-01-01Advancing SSA-EU cooperation in research and innovation for global challenges CAAST-NET PLUSparticipant4.000.00027
2013-01-01Advancing SSA-EU cooperation in research and innovation for global challenges CAAST-NET PLUSparticipant4.000.00027
2012-12-01"Latin America, Caribbean and European Union Network on Research and Innovation" ALCUE NETparticipant3.751.93721
2012-11-01Advancement of the bilateral Partnership in scientific Research and Innovation with the Russian Federation BILAT-RUS-ADVANCEDparticipant1.497.79816
2012-10-01Society as infrastructure for e-science via technology, innovation and creativity Socientizeparticipant709.9995
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