

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2011-10-01COntinuous Multi-parametric and Multi-layered analysis Of DIabetes TYpe 1 & 2 Commodity12participant4.051.00011
2011-10-01Ion Transport Proteins in Control of Cancer Cell Behaviour IonTraCparticipant3.925.58010
2011-10-01Advanced Immunization Technologies ADITECparticipant29.980.67052
2011-10-01Active and Passive Exploitation of Light at the Nanometre Scale APEX-SPPcoordinator100.0001
2011-10-01on-Demand System Reliability DeSyReparticipant2.799.9828
2011-10-01Organic/inorganic hybrids for solution-processable photonic structures OASISparticipant1.242.4781
2011-10-01Data Infrastructure for Chemical Safety diXaparticipant2.800.0007
2011-10-01Coupled fluid-solid numerical modelling for deep-water and far-offshore floating wind turbines using an adaptive finite element method ICFLOATcoordinator199.5501
2011-10-01Gromov Witten Theory and Integrable Systems GROWINTcoordinator192.8501
2011-10-01Random Dynamical Systems RDS-JALCcoordinator165.5411
2011-09-01A Decision Support System for Reducing CO2 and Black Carbon Emissions by Adaptive Traffic Management CARBOTRAFparticipant3.060.0008
2011-09-01Identifying causes of lipoprotein trapping in arteries LDLTrappingcoordinator75.0001
2011-09-01Design of a pan-European Infrastructure for Large Apparatus studying Grand Unification, Neutrino Astrophysics and Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillations LAGUNA-LBNOparticipant4.900.00039
2011-09-01Thyroid hormone and development of cardiomyocytes derived from human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells T3D3 stem cellscoordinator208.5931
2011-09-01Smart Intelligent Aircraft Structures SARISTUparticipant32.434.31169
2011-09-01Optimal Design and Operation of Microbial Ecosystems for Bioenergy Production and Waste Treatment DOP-ECOScoordinator100.0001
2011-09-01Microbubble-mediated transfection of Peptide Nucleic Acid conjugates targeting mRNA quadruplexes to modulate gene expression in vivo RNAG4coordinator100.0001
2011-09-01Facilitating Analysis and Synthesis Technologies\nfor Effective Reconfiguration FASTERparticipant2.800.0008
2011-09-01Simulation Platform for Non Destructive Evaluation of Structures and Materials SIMPOSIUMparticipant4.250.55420
2011-09-01Turbulent phenomena in space plasmas: boosting observations, data analysis and numerical simulations TURBOPLASMASparticipant291.9003
2011-09-01Cascading failures in electrical networks: stochastic analysis and distributed prevention methods PROFILINGBLACKOUTScoordinator208.5931
2011-09-01Interface engineering of ionic conductor multilayer and cathode nanocomposite thin film oxides Oxide Interfacescoordinator200.5501
2011-09-01Intelligent Transportation Systems for Safer and Improved Traffic ITS4SITcoordinator272.9801
2011-08-01"Prevention and improved diagnosis of adolescent genital disease in schistosomiasis endemic KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa" VIBE-FGS-EUSANparticipant417.9006
2011-08-01Ion beam techniques for the sub-nanometric characterisation of advanced energy conversion heterostructured materials IonBeaTHeteroMatcoordinator201.0501
2011-07-17New chemical tools for profiling protein lipidation in cancer LIPOPROTcoordinator209.0931
2011-07-15Three-dimensional multiscale model for material degradation and fracture in polycrystalline materials 3D Multiscale Modelcoordinator210.0931
2011-06-27Sex determination pathway in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae VecTrapcoordinator280.1801
2011-06-01Innovative anti-influenza drugs excluding viral escape ANTIFLUparticipant5.999.99811
2011-06-01European Network for Social Intelligence SINTELNETparticipant623.8907
2011-06-01Quality of chronic kidney disease management in people with diabetes in England after the introduction of new primary care policies for diabetes and renal disease CKD-UKcoordinator45.0001
2011-06-01"ECNIS2: towards ECNIS Centre for Research and Education on Cancer, Environment and Food" ECNIS2participant1.000.00022
2011-06-01"A new generation of concentrator photovoltaic cells, modules and systems" NGCPVparticipant4.999.9987
2011-06-01Elucidation of the molecular and functional basis of disease phenotypes in the rat model ELABORATEparticipant2.476.1082
2011-05-01REVerse engineering of audio-VIsual coNtent Data REWINDparticipant1.943.0908
2011-05-01IT Future of Medicine ITFoMparticipant1.480.00025
2011-05-01Five Challenges in Computational Anatomy FCCAparticipant1.740.0001
2011-04-01Addictions and Lifestyles In Contemporary Europe – Reframing Addictions Project ALICE RAPparticipant7.978.22645
2011-04-01Development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to improve patient outcome in lung and pancreatic tumours CANCERALIAparticipant2.996.8097
2011-04-01Ecological and Genomic Approaches to Speciation in Island Birds BIRDISLANDcoordinator200.5501
2011-04-01Molecular mechanisms leading to genome-wide DNA demethylation during epigenetic reprogramming Reprogrammingcoordinator199.5501
2011-04-01Rigidity of Scalar Curvature and Regularity for Mean Curvature Flow RSC AND RMCFcoordinator100.0001
2011-04-01Exploring the Terauniverse with the LHC, Astrophysics and Cosmology Terauniverseparticipant1.928.7004
2011-04-01Correlated Multielectron Dynamics in Intense Light Fields CORINFcoordinator3.766.28111
2011-04-01PEM with Innovative low cost Core for Automotive applicatioN PEMICANparticipant1.861.3528
2011-04-01autoNomous, self-Learning, OPTImal and compLete Underwater Systems NOPTILUSparticipant3.779.71110
2011-04-01Combining epidemiology and radiobiology to assess cancer risks in the breast, lung, thyroid and digestive tract after exposures to ionizing radiation with total doses in the order of 100 mSv or below EPIRADBIOparticipant5.818.07319
2011-04-01Active Constraints Technologies for Ill-defined or Volatile Environments ACTIVEparticipant5.778.00019
2011-04-01Identification of Genes Controlling Senescence in Human Epithelial Cells: Role in Cancer EPITHELIALSENESCENCEcoordinator171.7411
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