
AVL LIST - Austria 

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2023-02-01Bridging Models at Different Scales To Design New Generation Fuel Cells for Electrified Mobility BLESSEDparticipant3.505.34524
2023-01-01Zero Emission flexible vehicle platforms with modular powertrains serving the long-haul Freight Eco System ZEFESparticipant23.195.07840
2023-01-01European Bus Rapid Transit of 2030: electrified, automated, connected EBRT2030participant22.776.21445
2023-01-01Innovative e-motor technologies covering e-axles and e-corners vehicle architectures for high-efficient and sustainable e-mobility EM-TECHcoordinator3.834.55010
2023-01-01Towards a European-wide harmonised, transport specific LCA Approach TranSensus LCAparticipant3.675.17646
2023-01-01High efficiency, high power density, cost effective, scalable and modular power electronics and control solutions for electric vehicles HighScapecoordinator4.589.29111
2023-01-01Artificial Intelligence using Quantum measured Information for realtime distributed systems at the edge A-IQ Readycoordinator10.872.79350
2023-01-01Smart, digitalized components and systems for data-based Agriculture and Forestry AGRARSENSEparticipant14.312.02053
2023-01-01Multi-Material Design using 3D Printing MADE-3Dparticipant5.482.00713
2022-11-01High Performance Power Electronics Integrations HiPEparticipant5.481.27313
2022-09-01Multifuel SOFC system with  Maritime Energy vectors FuelSOMEcoordinator2.499.98611
2022-09-01Safety assUraNce fRamework for connected, automated mobIlity SystEms SUNRISEparticipant13.455.86627
2022-07-01Efficient and affordable Zero Emission logistics through NEXT generation Electric TRUCKs NextETRUCKparticipant11.365.81219
2022-07-01Green and Sustainable Processes for Electrode Production greenSPEEDparticipant5.289.22211
2022-06-01European Data as a PRoduct Value Ecosystems for Resilient Factory 4.0 Product and ProDuction ContinuitY and Sustainability RE4DYparticipant7.991.69932
2021-09-01Material, Operating strategy and REliability optimisation for LIFEtime improvements in heavy duty trucks MORELifecoordinator3.499.9147
2021-05-01Automotive Intelligence for/at Connected Shared Mobility AI4CSMparticipant11.885.32141
2021-05-01Highly EFFICIENT and reliable electric drivetrains based on modular, intelligent and highly integrated wide band gap power electronics modules HiEFFICIENTcoordinator11.936.41633
2021-04-01AI-augmented automation for efficient DevOps, a model-based framework for continuous development At RunTime in cyber-physical systems AIDOaRtparticipant6.834.56732
2021-03-01Disrupting the Restraint Control Systems (RCS) Market: Personalized Restraint Technology for Boosting Human Safety in Vehicles SMART-RCSparticipant2.395.5585
2021-02-01Future on-/off-road transport and mobility research, cross-border cooperation strategies, realization actions and procurement processes FUTURE-HORIZONcoordinator998.59519
2021-01-01IMproved lifetiMe stacks fOR heavy duty Trucks through ultrA-durabLe components IMMORTALparticipant3.825.92810
2021-01-01Solid oxide fuel cell combined heat and power: Future-ready Energy SO-FREEparticipant2.739.09410
2021-01-01Secure and Safe Multi-Robot Systems SESAMEparticipant6.999.78617
2021-01-01Renewable Electricity-based, cyclic and economic production of Fuel EcoFuelcoordinator4.858.5489
2021-01-01Standard-Sized Heavy-duty Hydrogen StasHHparticipant7.500.00033
2021-01-01REliable Advanced Diagnostics and Control Tools for increased lifetime of solid oxide cell Technology REACTTparticipant2.712.32310
2021-01-01ENERgy-efficient manufacturing system MANagement EnerManparticipant9.758.58823
2020-12-01Verification through Accelerated testing Leading to Improved wave energy Designs VALIDparticipant4.993.65115
2020-12-01Integrated Data Analysis Pipelines for Large-Scale Data Management, HPC, and Machine Learning DAPHNEparticipant6.609.66514
2020-09-01A Cognitive Fractal and Secure EDGE based on an unique Open-Safe-Reliable-Low Power Hardware Platform Node FRACTALparticipant4.708.84232
2020-07-01Use-centric rail freight innovation for Single European Railway Area. FR8RAIL IVparticipant7.792.67827
2020-07-01Trustable architectures with acceptable residual risk for the electric, connected and automated cars ArchitectECA2030participant3.873.45121
2020-06-01Intelligent Secure Trustable Things InSecTTparticipant11.292.39358
2020-05-01Intelligent Reliability 4.0 iRel40participant24.468.86389
2020-03-01Enabling MULTI-FUNctional performance through multi-material additive manufacturing MULTI-FUNparticipant7.891.66722
2020-01-01SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption SHOWparticipant29.968.14990
2020-01-01Development of efficient and environmental friendly LONG distance powertrain for heavy dUty trucks aNd coaches LONGRUNparticipant24.986.68036
2020-01-01Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) federation for large scale adoption of digital technologies by European SMEs DigiFedparticipant7.995.48815
2020-01-01CObalt-free Batteries for FutuRe Automotive Applications COBRAparticipant11.857.35324
2020-01-01A computing toolkit for building efficient autonomous applications leveraging humanistic intelligence TEACHINGparticipant3.990.77910
2019-12-01Holistic Approach for Driver Role Integration and Automation Allocation for European Mobility Needs HADRIANparticipant7.995.98916
2019-10-01Artificial Intelligence based cybersecurity for connected and automated vehicles CARAMELparticipant4.998.50419
2019-09-01Smart data-based assets and efficient rail freight operation FR8RAIL IIIparticipant5.804.57614
2019-09-01Experimentally Validated DNS and LES Approaches for Fuel Injection, Mixing and Combustion of Dual-Fuel Engines EDEMparticipant4.148.51810
2019-05-01Artificial Intelligence for Digitizing Industry AI4DIparticipant8.763.19141
2019-04-01Integrated, Fail-Operational, Cognitive Perception, Planning and Control Systems for Highly Automated Vehicles NewControlcoordinator11.044.81347
2019-04-01Metrology Advances for Digitized ECS industry 4.0 MADEin4participant29.382.45247
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