

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2023-03-01Carbon-neutral pathways of recycling marine plastic waste CUPOLAparticipant257.60015
2023-03-01Molecular mechanisms and consequences of thermal stress rippling through changing aquatic environments MolStressH2Ocoordinator1.999.8451
2023-01-01Comprehensive, fast, user-friendly and thoroughly validated open-source energy system planning framework Mopoparticipant5.996.58014
2023-01-01Hybrid services from advanced thermal energy storage sytems HYSTOREparticipant7.313.46418
2023-01-01Towards a European-wide harmonised, transport specific LCA Approach TranSensus LCAparticipant3.675.17646
2023-01-01Blueprint demonstration for co-created effective, efficient and resilient networks of MPAs BLUE4ALLparticipant8.018.80622
2023-01-01Bridging the gaps in nanosafety for animal-free prediction of adverse outcomes nanoPASSparticipant3.073.7369
2023-01-01Development of a multifunctional biomaterial patch for buccal delivery of peptide-analogue treatments BUCCAL-PEPcoordinator3.371.7797
2023-01-01Machine Learning for Autonomic System Operation in the Heterogeneous Edge-Cloud Continuum MLSysOpsparticipant5.711.25012
2023-01-01Universal Platform Components for Safe Fair Interoperable Data Exchange, Monetisation and Trading UPCASTparticipant8.587.12615
2023-01-01Confidential Computing and Privacy-preserving Technologies for 6G CONFIDENTIAL6Gparticipant4.999.15313
2023-01-01CitiObs – Enhancing Citizen Observatories for healthy, sustainable, resilient and inclusive cities CitiObsparticipant4.991.20515
2023-01-01Nanoencapsulation of bioactive compounds from plant by products to produce sensitive skin cosmetics NanoCosmosparticipant993.6007
2023-01-01Flexible Work, Rigid Politics: The Nexus Between Labour Precariousness and Authoritarian Politics in The Global South (Brazil, India, Philippines) WorkPoliticsBIPcoordinator1.998.7111
2023-01-01integRated intElligent multi-modal tRanspOrt infrastrUcTurE: distributed localised decision-making at the network edge RE-ROUTEcoordinator671.60010
2023-01-01Spectres & Camouflage: The Sound of Silence (1938-1970) Spectres-Camouflagecoordinator1.499.5861
2022-12-01Closing the gap between fork and farm for circular nutrient flows P2GreeNparticipant7.250.11732
2022-11-01Vital IntelliGence to Investigate ILlegAl DisiNformaTion VIGILANTparticipant3.376.60519
2022-11-01Identification and development of novel colorectal cancer biomarkers via state-of-the-art liquid biopsy approaches ColoMARKparticipant2.656.67816
2022-10-10Body Imagery and Posture Effects in Development and Learning BIPEDALcoordinator257.5612
2022-10-03The Queen's Post: The Form, Function, and Power of Early Tudor Queens' Correspondence THEQUEENSPOSTcoordinator199.6942
2022-10-01Growing Up in Digital Europe Preparation Phase (GUIDEPREP) GUIDEPREPcoordinator2.379.73823
2022-10-01Multi-actor collaboration dynamics and capacity building network inside and between AKIS to foster the upscaling of SFSCs across Europe EU4Adviceparticipant3.809.05921
2022-10-01SEcure Decentralised Intelligent Data MARKetplace SEDIMARKparticipant4.396.83613
2022-10-01Navigating European Forests and forest bioeconomy sustainably to EU climate neutrality ForestNavigatorparticipant5.995.23724
2022-09-01Food systems transformation towards healthy and sustainable dietary behaviour PLANEATparticipant11.392.81825
2022-09-01MARine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning leading to Ecosystem Services MARBEFESparticipant12.915.06823
2022-09-01Facilitating Innovations for Resilient Livestock Farming Systems Re-Livestockparticipant9.560.13437
2022-09-01The enforcement of EU Competition Law in the pharmaceutical sector: before, during, and after a health crisis (learning from the COVID-19 Pandemic) COMPHACRISIScoordinator215.5341
2022-09-01Mapping Literary Representations of Coercive Confinement in Ireland, from the Mid-nineteenth Century to the Present CONFINEDcoordinator215.5342
2022-09-01Augmenting and Evaluating the Physical and Digital Infrastructure for CCAM deployment AUGMENTED CCAMparticipant8.999.80827
2022-09-01SoluTions foR mItiGatinG climate-induced hEalth tReaths TRIGGERparticipant9.996.77722
2022-09-01Towards a functional continuum operating system ICOSparticipant10.997.67521
2022-09-01MUSAE: a human-centred factory for a future technological sustainable development driven by arts MUSAEparticipant2.648.5518
2022-07-25The microRNA-m6A epitranscriptome: Integrative analysis of its role in normal brain behaviour and the development of epilepsy MethylMiRcoordinator215.5343
2022-07-01Flexible energy systems Leveraging the Optimal integration of EVs deployment Wave FLOWparticipant9.873.62826
2022-07-01European Women and Religious Dissent: The Advent of Modernity and the Democratic Public Sphere EuWoRDcoordinator199.6941
2022-06-01Gene Environment interactions in Mental health trajectories of Youth Youth-GEMsparticipant8.107.98018
2022-06-01European Research Infrastructures - Pathway to Improved Resilience and Digital and Remote Access eRImoteparticipant1.429.87712
2022-06-01Wellbeing and Employability for Youths with Psychosocial Disabilities through Digital Technologies WAYSIDEcoordinator281.9712
2022-06-01Sustainable Transition to the Agile and Green Enterprise STAGEparticipant4.691.49015
2022-06-01Vectors to Accessible Critical Raw Material Resources in Sedimentary Basins VECTORparticipant5.606.68018
2022-06-01Deciphering Irish Alcohol and Substance use: Post-war Representations and Accounts DIASPORAcoordinator1.417.8181
2022-05-01Transport Research Arena 2024: Dublin TRA2024coordinator1.423.12115
2022-03-09Novel CONnection design and modelling idealisations utilising CATENAry acTION in the disproportionate collapse resistance mechanism of cold-formed steel panelised structures ConCatenaTioncoordinator196.5911
2022-01-17COntesting GOvernance by NUmbers: The Mobilizations of Food Delivery Couriers across Europe in Time of the Pandemic COGONUcoordinator184.5911
2022-01-01The Integrator-centric approach for realising innovative energy efficient buildings in connected sustainable green neighbourhoods PROBONOparticipant20.158.48957
2022-01-01Expanding Agency: Women, Race and the Global Dissemination of Modern Architecture Expanding Agencycoordinator2.082.9061
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