

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2023-05-01breakthrough technologies for an implantable artificial kidney KIDNEWparticipant3.293.2287
2023-02-01From fragments to high affinity binders interfacing integrated structural biology, medicinal chemistry and artificial intelligence Fragment-Screenparticipant8.265.08025
2023-01-01Asset Level Modelling of RISKs In the Face of Climate Induced Extreme Events and ADAPTtation RISKADAPTparticipant2.533.53618
2023-01-01BioExcel Centre of Excellence for Computational Biomolecular Research BioExcel-3participant2.936.9028
2023-01-01Piloting Underground Storage of Heat In geoThermal reservoirs PUSH-ITparticipant17.903.34822
2023-01-01Personalised pharmacometabolomic optimisation of treatment for hypertension Hypermarkerparticipant8.046.25012
2023-01-01Strategies and tOOls for Incentivization and management of flexibility in Energy Communities with distributed Resources RESCHOOLparticipant5.593.57016
2023-01-01Discovering the causes of three poorly understood cancers in Europe DISCERNparticipant8.857.81320
2023-01-01GraspOS: next Generation Research Assessment to Promote Open Science GraspOSparticipant2.985.44118
2023-01-01daTa and pRocesses in sEismic hAzarD TREADparticipant2.664.38923
2023-01-01Mucinase-based innovative therapy to enhance cancer treatment MUC-BITEcoordinator150.0001
2023-01-01New Copernicus capability for trophic ocean networks NECCTONparticipant8.527.58923
2023-01-01Enhanced and cost-effective biosecurity in livestock production BioSecureparticipant4.868.32319
2023-01-01Process Attribution of Regional Emissions PARIScoordinator3.526.15517
2023-01-01Wind In My Backyard: Using holistic modelling tools to advance social awareness and engagement on large wind power installations in the EU WIMBYparticipant3.346.45516
2022-10-01Environmental Exposure Assessment Research Infrastructure Preparatory Phase Project EIRENE PPPparticipant2.883.57020
2022-10-01SoBigData RI Preparatory Phase Project SoBigData RI PPPparticipant3.222.26632
2022-10-01Geosphere INfrastructures for QUestions into Integrated REsearch Geo-INQUIREparticipant13.923.47651
2022-10-01Public Administration Capabilities for Digital and Sustainable Transition PADSTparticipant1.242.1384
2022-10-01Dynamics of nitrous oxide release to the atmosphere under coastal hypoxia DYNOXcoordinator203.4641
2022-10-01Breeding for coffee and cocoa root resilience in low input farming systems based on improved rootstocks BOLEROparticipant7.809.60518
2022-10-01MIBIREM – Toolbox for Microbiome based Remediation MIBIREMparticipant5.998.17311
2022-09-01Developing Institutional open Access publishing Models to Advance Scholarly communication DIAMASparticipant2.528.18124
2022-09-01Moral residue - epistemological ramifications, ethical implications and didactic opportunities MOREparticipant2.455.2634
2022-09-01Allergenicity Prediction Toolbox for novel foods ALLPreTparticipant2.642.60224
2022-09-01STOP SPREAD BAD BUGS: novel antimicrobial approaches to combat multidrug resistance in bacteria STOP SPREAD BAD BUGSparticipant4.060.35423
2022-09-01SKILL BILL: Skill to Boost Innovation and professional fulfiLLment in a sustainable economy SKILL BILLparticipant2.493.64010
2022-09-01Bridges in social networks: Harnessing dual identity to improve interethnic relations DUALNETScoordinator1.999.8941
2022-09-01Philosophy of Dark Energy PhilDarkEnergycoordinator187.6241
2022-09-01Psychology, Criminal Interrogation and the Impact of Knowledge, 1880-1940 InterPsycoordinator203.4642
2022-09-01Glycoengineered erythrocytes for better influenza vaccines Sugar-enabledVACcoordinator150.0001
2022-09-01Coherent and cross-compliant ocean governance for delivering the EU Green Deal for European Seas CrossGovparticipant2.999.9977
2022-09-01Intelligent Ecosystem to improve the governance, the sharing and the re-use of health Data for Rare Cancers IDEA4RCparticipant8.190.46825
2022-08-01The Neural Correlates of Object Location Memory NeuraCOLMcoordinator203.4642
2022-08-01Crossmodal estimation of decisions, guesses and delays in decision making: a collaboration between psychology, physiology and artificial intelligence CrossEDGEcoordinator203.4641
2022-08-01Edible Metal-Organic Frameworks for Food Fortification EMOFFFparticipant187.6243
2022-07-01Remote NMR (R-NMR): Moving NMR infrastructures to remote access capabilities R-NMRparticipant1.350.00026
2022-07-01Human Ads: Towards Fair Advertising in Content Monetization on Social Media HUMANadscoordinator1.500.0001
2022-07-01GRAPH reconstruction, COspectrality and SYnchronisation through the lens of number theory, geometry and algorithms GRAPHCOSYcoordinator187.6241
2022-07-01Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas IN SITUparticipant3.999.84013
2022-07-01Seaweed based market applications SeaMarkparticipant8.279.72025
2022-07-01The evolutionary origins of human culture: a primatological perspective CULT_ORIGINScoordinator1.500.0001
2022-06-01Circular Economy Modelling for Climate Change Mitigation CircoModcoordinator4.999.93512
2022-06-01SUNER-C: SUNERGY Community and eco-system for accelerating the development of solar fuels and chemicals. SUNER-Ccoordinator3.997.64631
2022-06-01Exposure To electromAgnetic fIelds and plaNetary health ETAINcoordinator6.635.05313
2022-06-01Ammonia and MOF Based Hydrogen storagE for euRope AMBHERparticipant4.915.87017
2022-06-01Harmonisation and monitoring platform for certification schemes and labels to advance the sustainability of bio-based systems HARMONITORparticipant2.000.00010
2022-06-01SCALE - Smart Charging ALignment for Europe SCALEparticipant9.991.61129
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