

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2023-01-01Centre of Excellence in exascale-oriented application co-design and delivery for multiscale simulations MultiXscaleparticipant2.990.55616
2023-01-01Modelling RESTORation of wEtlands for Carbon pathways, Climate Change mitigation and adaptation, ecosystem services, and biodiversity, Co-benefits RESTORE4Csparticipant6.644.83715
2023-01-01daTa and pRocesses in sEismic hAzarD TREADparticipant2.664.38923
2023-01-01Marine forest coastal restoration: an underwater gardening socio-ecological plan OCEAN CITIZENparticipant10.369.17224
2023-01-01Integrated Computational-Experimental material Engineering of Thermal Spray coatings CoBRAINparticipant5.149.55313
2023-01-01Leveraging Early Adolescence for Development: Longitudinal and Experimental Evidence from Ghana LEADcoordinator1.638.0203
2023-01-01Essential Asymmetries of Nature ASYMMETRYparticipant1.384.60021
2023-01-01Inclusive Artificial Intelligence for Accessible Medical Imaging Across Resource-Limited Settings AIMIXcoordinator2.206.9632
2022-11-01Understanding, predicting, and treating depression in pregnancy to improve mothers and offspring mental health outcomes HappyMumsparticipant8.925.24117
2022-11-01Understanding groundwater Pollution to protect and enhance WATERquality UPWATERparticipant3.993.63713
2022-11-01Identification and development of novel colorectal cancer biomarkers via state-of-the-art liquid biopsy approaches ColoMARKparticipant2.656.67816
2022-10-15Contribution of tRNA fragments in the ETiopathogenesis of Huntington's Disease (tR-GET HD) tR-GET HDcoordinator181.1531
2022-10-01A European Health Data Toolbox for Enhancing Cardiology Data Interoperability, Reusability and Privacy DataTools4Heartcoordinator7.747.90516
2022-10-01Evaluation of Autism SpEctrum Disorder in children with Cerebral Palsy (EASED-CP) EASED-CPcoordinator330.4293
2022-10-01Brain Correlates of Socially Interactive Language Learning BraSILLcoordinator226.4412
2022-10-01CLImate Mitigation and Bioeconomy pathways for sustainable FORESTry CLIMB-FORESTparticipant5.360.73518
2022-09-01Developing Institutional open Access publishing Models to Advance Scholarly communication DIAMASparticipant2.528.18124
2022-09-01SENSE. The New European Roadmap to STEAM Education SENSE.participant1.719.78617
2022-09-01Porous Networks for Gas Sensing SENNETparticipant3.162.45619
2022-09-01leveraging the European compute infrastructures for data-intensive research guided by FAIR principles EuroScienceGatewayparticipant3.531.12418
2022-09-014-Deep Brain Reconstruction 4-DBRparticipant2.987.7756
2022-09-01SoluTions foR mItiGatinG climate-induced hEalth tReaths TRIGGERparticipant9.996.77722
2022-09-01MUSAE: a human-centred factory for a future technological sustainable development driven by arts MUSAEparticipant2.648.5518
2022-09-01Multicaloric refrigeration enhanced by multisite interactions: Bridging theory and experiment MULTICALORICScoordinator160.9321
2022-07-01Remote NMR (R-NMR): Moving NMR infrastructures to remote access capabilities R-NMRparticipant1.350.00026
2022-06-01Gene Environment interactions in Mental health trajectories of Youth Youth-GEMsparticipant8.107.98018
2022-06-01Reducing the impact of major environmental challenges on mental health environMENTALparticipant9.045.28824
2022-06-01Wetland restoration for the future ALFAwetlandsparticipant7.967.11515
2022-05-02Deciphering the Molecular Mechanism of an Enzymatic Machinery for Glycogen Biosynthesis DeciphGYGcoordinator172.9321
2022-05-01"#NitRecercat: La Nit Europea de la Recerca" NitRecerCatparticipant300.0008
2022-04-01Friends or foes? The role of Biofilm microbiomes in industrial anaerobic membrane bioreactors to MAXimise bioenergy production BioMAXcoordinator172.9321
2022-01-01GuestXR: A Machine Learning Agent for Social Harmony in eXtended Reality GuestXRparticipant4.499.5209
2022-01-01Affective work-related daily events, and changing characteristics of the work context: New challenges for management practices to deliver employees’ well-being and workplace performance EVENTScoordinator172.9321
2021-11-01Individual Change of HAbits Needed for Green European transition I-CHANGEparticipant4.949.99816
2021-11-01Nanosensors for simultaneous electrical and optical monitoring of climate change gases NEOGAScoordinator160.9321
2021-11-01Numerical Simulations of the Milky Way's Accretion History VIA LACTEAcoordinator1.498.7502
2021-10-01VISUAL TRUST. Reliability, accountability and forgery in scientific, religious and social images VISUALTRUSTcoordinator1.605.2501
2021-10-01Ultrasonic Endoscopes for DEEP Light Focusing DEEPcoordinator1.862.4621
2021-10-01THE UNCHARTED BRAIN TERRITORY - The (pre)Supplementary Motor Area and its role in language cognitive control in health and neurodegeneration preSMAcogcoordinator172.9321
2021-09-01Allostery in Drug Discovery ALLODDparticipant3.669.35413
2021-09-01Computer-assisted Analysis and Applications of Moving Interfaces in Incompressible Flows CAMINFLOWcoordinator160.9321
2021-09-01Continuous two-dimensional Stretch monitoring of fresh tissue Biopsies StretchBiocoordinator3.822.6955
2021-09-01Neuronal networks from Cortical human iPSCs for Machine Learning Processing- NEU-ChiP NEU-ChiPparticipant3.461.7806
2021-09-01"ECaBox ""Eyes in a Care Box"": Regenerating human retina from resuscitated cadaveric eyes" ECaBoxparticipant3.552.1447
2021-09-01Modalities in Substructural Logics: Theory, Methods and Applications MOSAICparticipant1.016.60030
2021-09-01From mining policy to grassroot politics. Industrial citizenship in times of crisis MINPOLcoordinator172.9321
2021-09-01Origins of Scarcity: Labour and the Metabolism of Groundwater in the Doñana Socioecological System ORIGINSOFSCARCITYcoordinator160.9321
2021-07-01OrganVision: Technology for real-time visualizing and modelling of fundamental process in living organoids towards new insights into organ-specific health, disease, and recovery OrganVisionparticipant3.694.1898
2021-06-01Activity-Based Profiling of Glycoprocessing Enzymes for Human Health and a Sustainable Society CARBOCENTREparticipant9.057.2503
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