

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2017-09-01Novel braced frame for earthquake resilience CBF-EQREScoordinator183.4551
2017-01-01Testing and Evaluating Sophisticated information and communication Technologies for enaBling a smartEr griD TESTBEDparticipant598.5005
2016-09-01Microscale Processes Governing Global Sustainability MILEPOSTparticipant2.810.1981
2016-07-01High Energy Optical Soliton Dynamics for Efficient Sub-Femtosecond and Vacuum-Ultraviolet Pulse Generation HISOLparticipant1.723.1911
2016-03-01MultiModal Mall Entertainment Robot MuMMERparticipant4.297.8357
2016-03-01Multi-instrument analysis of Rosetta data – Establishing a new paradigm for cometary activity MiARDparticipant984.4389
2015-11-02Scattering and Amplification of fundamental photonic-hydrodynamic excitations in Kerr non-linear media SOUNDCONEcoordinator183.4551
2015-08-03Climate-resilient pathways for the development of concrete infrastructure: adaptation, mitigation and sustainability ClimatConcoordinator195.4551
2015-07-01Real-TIME probing of Ultrafast Phenomena UPTIMEparticipant1.999.4072
2015-06-01Furthering the Knowledge Base For Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Shale Gas Development (FracRisk) FracRiskparticipant2.939.99812
2015-04-01Sensors for LArge scale HydrodynaMic Imaging of ocean floor LAkHsMIparticipant3.040.2216
2015-03-01Marine Investment for the Blue Economy MARIBEparticipant1.977.95110
2015-01-01ArcInTex ETN ArcInTex ETNparticipant3.856.7018
2015-01-01Innovative Architectures, Wireless Technologies and Tools for High Capacity and Sustainable 5G Ultra-Dense Cellular Networks 5G Wirelessparticipant3.858.49210
2014-07-01Development of a bioplastic package for organic cosmetic creams - BIOBEAUTY - BIOBEAUTYparticipant1.094.9998
2014-07-01Three-Photon Entanglement THREEPLEcoordinator231.2831
2014-07-01Quality-of-Experience Improvement for Mobile Multimedia across Heterogeneous Wireless Networks QUICKparticipant378.0004
2014-06-16Marine microplastics toxicity: investigating microplastics and their co-contaminants in marine organisms MARMICROTOXcoordinator221.6061
2014-02-01A Total Photon Camera for Molecular Imaging of Live Cells TOTALPHOTONparticipant2.280.2322
2014-01-01Demonstration of pilots in hospitals dedicated to the diagnosis and the non-invasive treatment of cataract CATACUREcoordinator1.348.0006
2014-01-01Long-term research activities in the area of advanced CO2 Capture Technologies for Clean Coal Energy Generation CO2TRIPparticipant300.3004
2014-01-01Framework to respond to regulatory needs of future nanomaterials and markets FUTURENANONEEDSparticipant6.799.99725
2014-01-01European Academy for Marine and Underwater Robotics ROBOCADEMYparticipant3.610.61210
2014-01-01Radio technologies for broadband mm-wave satellite communication systems DORADAcoordinator1.542.1522
2013-10-01SUSTAINABLE NANOTECHNOLOGIES SUNparticipant10.249.96235
2013-08-01"A novel, autonomous and REVersible Inflow control VALve to increase oil production and reservoir recovery rate by stopping the production of unwanted water and gas locally in the reservoirs" REVIVALparticipant1.158.0008
2013-08-01Femtosecond comb optical parametric oscillators for high-resolution spectroscopy in the mid-infrared METROCOMBparticipant1.499.0008
2013-06-15Advanced Transformation Optical Materials for bio-Imaging and light-Concentration ATOMICcoordinator294.6932
2013-04-01Biological Foundation for the Safety Classification of Engineered Nanomaterials (ENM): Systems Biology Approaches to Understand Interactions of ENM with Living Organisms and the Environment NANOSOLUTIONSparticipant10.000.00037
2013-03-01A common European approach to the regulatory testing of nanomaterials NANOREGparticipant10.000.00068
2013-02-01Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Materials for the Additive Manufacture of High Temperature Components in Power Generation OXIGENparticipant3.999.66211
2013-02-01Protecting the health of Europeans by improving methods for the detection of pathogens in drinking water and water used in food preparation AQUAVALENSparticipant8.963.42543
2013-01-01Support Action for a Targeted Intelligent Autonomous Robotics Contest: The European Roboathlon EURATHLONparticipant1.649.9968
2013-01-01Optical Infrared Co-ordination Network for Astronomy OPTICONparticipant8.500.00025
2013-01-01A scalable quantum architecture SEQUOIAparticipant1.498.4571
2012-12-01EMbOdied-perceptive Tutors for Empathy-based learning EMOTEparticipant2.898.7476
2012-11-01Orchestration of Renewable Integrated Generation in Neighbourhoods ORIGINcoordinator2.811.4658
2012-11-01Light in moving media MOLIGHTparticipant1.556.5801
2012-09-01An innovative very low-cost thermo-electric technology for large-scale renewable solar energy applications INNOVTEGparticipant1.290.97910
2012-09-01ARchaeological RObot systems for the World's Seas ARROWSparticipant2.977.72610
2012-08-01Marine Microorganisms: Cultivation Methods for Improving their Biotechnological Applications MACUMBAparticipant8.999.94824
2012-07-01Kerr based Opa for High Energy infraRed PulsE geNeraTion KOHERENTcoordinator248.2211
2012-04-01Mitigation of risk and control of exposure in nanotechnology based inks and pigments - NANOMICEX - NANOMICEXparticipant3.535.29013
2012-01-01Persistent Autonomy through Learning, Adaptation, Observation and Re-planning PANDORAcoordinator2.800.0005
2011-11-01Managing Risks of Nanoparticles MARINAparticipant8.999.92451
2011-11-01Probabilistic Adaptive Real-Time Learning And\nNatural Conversational Engine PARLANCEcoordinator3.625.0006
2011-10-01A High-Level Paradigm for Reliable Large-scale Server Software RELEASEparticipant2.400.0008
2011-09-01Collaboration Concepts for Comodality CO3participant2.000.00019
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