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Start date | Project | acronym | role | funding | partners |
2023-01-01 | A University Partnership for Acceleration of European Universities |
aUPaEU | participant | 3.477.625 | 6 |
2023-01-01 | International Cooperation 0n Semiconductors |
ICOS | coordinator | 2.997.784 | 24 |
2022-12-01 | Edge AI Technologies for Optimised Performance Embedded Processing |
EdgeAI | participant | 10.171.160 | 49 |
2022-12-01 | Sustainable tecHnologies enablIng Future Telecommunication applications |
SHIFT | participant | 18.700.384 | 43 |
2022-10-01 | Research, Entrepreneurship, Training, IP-exchange & Chip pLatform of EUROPRACTICE Services |
RETICLES | participant | 7.185.344 | 5 |
2022-10-01 | Low power spintronics wireless autonomous node (SWAN) integrated circuits developed via spintronics technology accelerator platform |
SWAN-on-chip | participant | 3.180.372 | 9 |
2022-10-01 | Renewable Energies System for Cities |
RES4CITY | participant | 2.499.934 | 17 |
2022-09-01 | Circular Economy Applied To Electronic Printed Circuit Boards Based On Paper |
CircEl-Paper | participant | 4.422.986 | 8 |
2022-06-01 | Building European Nuclear Competence through continuous Advanced and Structured Education and Training Actions |
ENEN2plus | participant | 6.819.707 | 54 |
2022-06-01 | MultI-recycling strategies of LWR SNF focusing on MOlten SAlt technology |
MIMOSA | participant | 5.755.260 | 14 |
2022-06-01 | Resilient Enhancement for the Silicon Industry Leveraging the European matriX |
RESILEX | participant | 10.577.055 | 21 |
2021-06-01 | Innovative eco-efficient processing and refining routes for secondary raw materials from silicon ingot and wafer manufacturing for accelerated utilisation in high-end markets |
ICARUS | participant | 9.807.091 | 20 |
2021-04-01 | An open architecture to equip next generation HPC applications with exascale capabilities |
REGALE | participant | 3.309.292 | 18 |
2021-01-01 | Planning the Future of Research & Innovation in the European University Alliance UNITE! |
UNITE.H2020 | participant | 2.000.165 | 17 |
2021-01-01 | Thin Film Reversible Solid Oxide Cells for Ultracompact Electrical Energy Storage |
EPISTORE | participant | 4.599.129 | 15 |
2020-12-01 | Functionally Metalized Nanocellulose For Future Smart Materials |
FUNMAT | coordinator | 259.399 | 2 |
2020-10-01 | EUropean QUalification Approach for Low EnrIched Fuel sYstems for secure production supply of medical isotopes |
EU-QUALIFY | participant | 7.798.926 | 6 |
2020-09-01 | Preparation of Subduction Earthquakes: Slow, Deep, Large-scale trigger |
DEEP-trigger | participant | 1.998.920 | 5 |
2020-09-01 | HumanE AI Network |
HumanE-AI-Net | participant | 11.996.875 | 59 |
2020-01-01 | Cryogenic 3D Nanoelectronics |
SEQUENCE | participant | 4.466.277 | 10 |
2020-01-01 | Analysis, Design, And Manufacturing using Microstructures |
ADAM^2 | participant | 2.999.904 | 12 |
2019-09-01 | Company-Community Collaboration for Open Source Development of products and services |
OPEN_NEXT | participant | 5.888.174 | 19 |
2019-05-01 | Artificial Intelligence for Digitizing Industry |
AI4DI | participant | 8.763.191 | 41 |
2018-10-01 | Pulp and Paper Industry Wastes to Fuel |
Pulp and Fuel | participant | 4.954.341 | 11 |
2018-09-01 | Analysis and synthesis of wideband scattered signals from finite-size targets – aspect-independent RF analog footprint |
SCATTERERID | coordinator | 1.997.656 | 1 |
2018-04-01 | Opportunity to Carry European Autonomous driviNg further with FDSOI technology up to 12nm node |
OCEAN12 | participant | 23.077.172 | 30 |
REGENERBONE | coordinator | 149.999 | 1 |
2018-01-01 | 3D Multi-Process Sequential Integration for Smart Sensor Interfaces |
3D-MUSE | participant | 3.846.158 | 6 |
2017-11-01 | Teaching Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Science and Engineering Across Europe within Horizon 2020 |
TeacHy | participant | 1.248.529 | 12 |
2017-09-18 | Deep understanding and modelling of the hierarchical structure of Prosody |
ProsoDeep | coordinator | 123.384 | 1 |
2017-05-01 | Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters for Self-Powered Automotive Sensors: from Advanced Lead-Free Materials to Smart Systems |
ENHANCE | participant | 3.382.787 | 9 |
2016-09-01 | Circular European Economy Innovative Training Network |
CircEuit | participant | 3.995.643 | 7 |
2016-04-01 | BioActive Coatings in multi-well cell culture plates |
BIOACTIVECOATINGS | participant | 149.998 | 1 |
2016-03-31 | Silicon Carbide Nanowires for Electronic and biosensing applications |
SiCWIRE | coordinator | 138.807 | 1 |
2016-02-01 | Optimization Driven Architectural Design of Structures |
OptArch | participant | 1.620.000 | 17 |
2016-02-01 | Nanonets2Sense |
Nanonets2Sense | coordinator | 2.195.000 | 5 |
2016-01-01 | Spatial Augmented Reality as a Key for co-creativity |
SPARK | participant | 3.180.243 | 8 |
2016-01-01 | Revolutionary embedded memory for internet of things devices and energy reduction |
REMINDER | participant | 3.597.419 | 10 |
2015-12-01 | People for tHe eurOpean bioENergy mIX |
Phoenix | participant | 1.377.000 | 16 |
2015-12-01 | Synthesis and Performance Optimization of a Switching Nano-crossbar Computer |
NANOxCOMP | participant | 577.035 | 9 |
2015-11-16 | NanoElectronics Roadmap for Europe: Identification and Dissemination |
NEREID | coordinator | 1.000.000 | 13 |
2015-11-01 | European Research Infrastructure supporting Smart Grid Systems Technology Development, Validation and Roll Out |
ERIGrid | participant | 9.999.987 | 22 |
2015-09-01 | Training Network for the Design and Recycling of Rare-Earth Permanent Magnet Motors and Generators in Hybrid and Full Electric Vehicles |
DEMETER | participant | 3.802.512 | 11 |
2015-06-01 | European Joint Doctorate in Functional Materials Research |
EJD-FunMat | participant | 3.779.225 | 9 |
2015-05-01 | Which Architecture Yields Two Other Generations Of Fully depleted Advanced Substrate and Technologies |
WAYTOGO FAST | participant | 30.793.936 | 33 |
2015-04-01 | Geohazards: Risk Assessment, Mitigation and Prevention |
GEO-RAMP | participant | 1.804.500 | 6 |
2015-02-01 | The European Remanufacturing Network - coordinating and supporting European remanufacturers |
ERN | participant | 1.489.221 | 9 |
2015-01-01 | Flexible smart metering for multiple energy vectors with active prosumers |
FLEXMETER | participant | 3.197.791 | 11 |
2015-01-01 | ChiplEss MultisEnsor Rfid for GrEen NeTworks |
EMERGENT | participant | 913.500 | 6 |
2015-01-01 | Development and experimental validation of computational models for cavitating flows, surface erosion damage and material loss |
CaFE | participant | 3.939.999 | 8 |
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