2020 | |
Criterium: | Position: |
Overall Score: | 900-1000 |
Total Project Funding per Partner: | > 1000 |
Total Number of Projects: | 700-800 |
2019 | |
Criterium: | Position: |
Overall Score: | 400-500 |
Total Project Funding per Partner: | > 1000 |
Total Number of Projects: | 300-400 |
2016 | |
Criterium: | Position: |
Overall Score: | 200-300 |
Total Project Funding per Partner: | 600-700 |
Total Number of Projects: | 100-200 |
Networking Rank (Reputation): | 700-800 |
2008 | |
Criterium: | Position: |
Overall Score: | > 1000 |
Networking Rank (Reputation): | > 1000 |
Total number of projects: 42
As coordinator: 0
As participant: 42
Sole participant: 0
Coordinator / Participant Ratio: 0*
Total project funding [€]: | Projects [No]: | |||||
Year: | coordinator* | participant* | per partner | as coordinator | as participant | |
2021 | 0 | 22.873.058 | 203.904 | 4 | ||
2020 | 0 | 12.169.615 | 680.025 | 5 | ||
2019 | 0 | 125.257.880 | 654.590 | 11 | ||
2017 | 0 | 3.909.905 | 0 | 1 | ||
2016 | 0 | 217.679.245 | 1.616.989 | 21 |
Total number of partners: 974
Partner loyalty:
Frequent Partner: (> 2 projects): 890
Rare Partner: 84
Frequent / Rare Partner Ratio: 10.6
Start date | Project | acronym | role | funding | partners |
2021-02-01 | U-space for UAM | Uspace4UAM | participant | 3.999.966 | 14 |
2021-01-01 | Flexible ATCO Endorsement and LDACS Complement | PJ33-W3 FALCO | participant | 5.315.207 | 29 |
2021-01-01 | Virtual Centre | PJ32-W3 VC | participant | 5.579.565 | 32 |
2021-01-01 | PJ34-W3 AURA “ATM U-SPACE INTERFACE” | PJ34-W3 AURA | participant | 7.978.320 | 46 |
2020-12-01 | ALBATROSS: The most energy efficient flying bird | ALBATROSS | participant | 3.996.331 | 19 |
2020-06-01 | Satellite-borne and IN-situ Observations to Predict The Initiation of Convection for ATM | SINOPTICA | participant | 999.285 | 6 |
2020-06-01 | Highly Automated Air Traffic Controller Workstations with Artificial Intelligence Integration | HAAWAII | participant | 1.825.000 | 7 |
2020-05-01 | Meteorological uncertainty management for Flow Management Positions | FMPMet | participant | 849.000 | 9 |
2020-04-01 | Safely Optimized Runway Throughput | VLD3-W2 SORT | participant | 4.500.000 | 22 |
2019-12-01 | Separation Management and Controller Tools | PJ10-W2 PROSA | participant | 20.057.736 | 28 |
2019-12-01 | PJ.20 W2 Master Planning | PJ20-W2 AMPLE | participant | 2.088.795 | 35 |
2019-12-01 | 4D Skyways | PJ18-W2 4D Skyways | participant | 18.345.076 | 27 |
2019-12-01 | Enable RPAS Insertion in Controlled Airspace | PJ13 - W2 ERICA | participant | 13.150.436 | 30 |
2019-12-01 | Airport airside and runway throughput | PJ02-W2 AART | participant | 16.469.485 | 34 |
2019-12-01 | Digital Network Management Services | PJ09-W2 DNMS | participant | 6.735.750 | 21 |
2019-12-01 | PJ05-W2 Digital Technologies for Tower | PJ05-W2 DTT | participant | 9.311.744 | 31 |
2019-12-01 | Integrated Communication, Navigation and Surveillance System | PJ14-W2 I-CNSS | participant | 18.529.379 | 29 |
2019-12-01 | PJ.19 W2 Content Integration, Performance Management and Business Case Development | PJ19-W2 CI | participant | 4.500.702 | 27 |
2019-12-01 | PJ04 W2 Total Airport Management | PJ04-W2 TAM | participant | 8.262.197 | 27 |
2019-11-01 | PJ01 Wave 2 Enhanced Arrivals and Departures | PJ01-W2 EAD | participant | 7.806.582 | 24 |
2017-01-01 | Cross Border SESAR Trials for Enhanced Arrival Management | PJ25 XSTREAM | participant | 3.909.905 | 20 |
2016-12-01 | Integrated Surface Management | PJ03a SUMO | participant | 12.721.437 | 37 |
2016-12-01 | Total Airport Management | PJ04 TAM | participant | 8.802.430 | 30 |
2016-12-01 | Increased Runway and Airport Throughput | PJ02 EARTH | participant | 15.592.783 | 35 |
2016-11-01 | Common Services | PJ15 COSER | participant | 5.349.617 | 18 |
2016-11-01 | SWIM Technical Infrastructure | PJ17 SWIM-TI | participant | 9.386.744 | 28 |
2016-11-01 | Essential and Efficient Communication Navigation and Surveillance Integrated System | PJ14 EECNS | participant | 22.970.581 | 30 |
2016-11-01 | PJ24 VLD Network Collaborative Management | PJ24 NCM | participant | 3.760.702 | 19 |
2016-11-01 | Controller Working Position / Human Machine Interface - CWP/HMI | PJ16 CWP HMI | participant | 12.628.762 | 28 |
2016-11-01 | Remote Tower for Multiple Airports | PJ05 Remote Tower | participant | 9.013.121 | 31 |
2016-11-01 | Content Integration | PJ19 CI | participant | 7.227.142 | 28 |
2016-11-01 | Enhanced Arrivals and Departures | PJ01 EAD | participant | 16.934.064 | 24 |
2016-11-01 | Flight Object Interoperability VLD Demonstration | PJ27 IOPVLD | participant | 1.233.047 | 13 |
2016-11-01 | Trajectory based Free Routing | PJ06 ToBeFREE | participant | 5.965.008 | 17 |
2016-11-01 | Controller Tools and Team Organisation for the Provision of Separation in Air Traffic Management | PJ10 PROSA | participant | 26.388.519 | 29 |
2016-11-01 | 4D Trajectory Management | PJ18 4DTM | participant | 22.193.941 | 28 |
2016-11-01 | Advanced DCB | PJ09 DCB | participant | 6.651.147 | 30 |
2016-11-01 | Master Plan Maintenance | PJ20 AMPLE | participant | 3.327.676 | 28 |
2016-10-01 | European Natural Airborne Disaster Information and Coordination System for Aviation | EUNADICS-AV | participant | 7.441.814 | 21 |
2016-09-01 | Initial Trajectory Information Sharing | PJ31 DIGITS | participant | 18.955.106 | 17 |
2016-04-18 | Probabilistic Nowcasting of Winter Weather for Airports | PNOWWA | participant | 597.500 | 3 |
2016-04-01 | Machine Learning of Speech Recognition Models for Controller Assistance | MALORCA | participant | 538.104 | 5 |