

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2013-03-01Switching the disease off: Effects of spatial and temporal inactivation of mutant huntingtin in Huntington disease SWITCH-HDcoordinator999.0062
2013-02-01The influence of environmental factors on antimicrobial activity of human intestinal defensins DEFENSINACTIVITYparticipant1.500.0002
2013-01-01Fluvial processes and sediment dynamics of slope channel systems: Impacts of socio economic-and climate change on river system characteristics and related services FLUMENparticipant214.7007
2013-01-01Identifying correlates of protection to accelerate vaccine trials: systems evaluation of two models of experimentally-induced immunity to malaria SYSMALVACparticipant2.803.6527
2013-01-01Ancient Pathogen Genomics of Re-Emerging Infectious Disease APGREIDcoordinator1.474.5601
2013-01-01Microbial formation of minerals by communities of Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria in modern and ancient environments MICROFOXparticipant1.499.0001
2012-11-01Glioma Actively Personalized Vaccine Consortium GAPVACparticipant5.970.43613
2012-11-01EID on the advanced science and technology of rat models for neurodegenerative diseases PHENORATcoordinator924.5172
2012-11-01Profiling Responders In Antibody Therapies PRIATparticipant2.967.4858
2012-11-01Beyond the Genome; training the next generation of ophthalmic researchers EYETNparticipant3.090.7977
2012-10-01C-DAX: Cyber-secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids C-DAXparticipant2.931.00010
2012-10-01Industrial Academic Initial Training Network towards focused treatment of age-related motor symptoms MOVING BEYONDcoordinator2.438.6579
2012-10-01Integrated European omics research project for diagnosis and therapy in rare neuromuscular and neurodegenerative diseases NEUROMICScoordinator12.000.00019
2012-10-01NANOphotonic DEvice for Multiple therapeutic drug monitoring NANODEMparticipant3.983.0009
2012-09-01Circulating Tumor Cells TheRapeutic APheresis: a novel biotechnology enabling personalized therapy for all cancer patients CTCTRAPparticipant6.000.00012
2012-09-01Preclinical development of drugs and drug delivery technology for the treatment of inherited photoreceptor degeneration DRUGSFORDcoordinator4.971.4286
2012-09-01De-coding European Foreign Policy from the Outside. Views from the Maghreb Periphery EU-MED INSIGHTScoordinator174.4751
2012-09-01Nanotechnology based cochlear implant with gapless interface to auditory neurons NANOCIparticipant3.599.8539
2012-07-01Development of a handheld antimalarial drug resistance diagnostic device using nanowire technology NANOMALparticipant3.992.1504
2012-07-01Optogenetic examination of the role of feedback on visual processing and perception NeuroOptoGenparticipant1.903.1141
2012-06-01Adaptive Brain Computations ABCparticipant3.805.43110
2012-05-01New Algorithmic and Mathematical Tools to Construct a Net of Life LifeNetcoordinator192.4621
2012-03-01Innovative Sensor for the fast Analysis of Nanoparticles in Selected Target Products INSTANTcoordinator3.771.94611
2012-01-01IMmune MOdulating strategies for treatment of MErkel cell Carcinoma IMMOMECparticipant5.717.97911
2012-01-01Ensuring STABiLIty in organic Solar cells ESTABLISparticipant3.870.29312
2012-01-01European Training Network for Excellence in Molecular Imaging in Diabetes BetaTrainparticipant3.981.67010
2012-01-01Paleoanthropology at the Gates of Europe: Human Evolution in the Southern Balkans PaGEparticipant1.288.2001
2012-01-01Cortical circuits of visual perception Perceptparticipant1.299.9921
2011-12-01PRIMES: Protein interaction machines in oncogenic EGF receptor signalling PRIMESparticipant11.999.64014
2011-11-01Epilepsy Pharmacogenomics: delivering biomarkers for clinical use EpiPGXparticipant5.997.99615
2011-11-01Augmented BNCI Communication ABCparticipant2.449.8699
2011-11-01Managing Risks of Nanoparticles MARINAparticipant8.999.92451
2011-11-01Overcome failure to Publish nEgative fiNdings OPENparticipant499.99111
2011-10-01Hybrid organic/inorganic memory elements for integration of electronic and photonic circuitry HYMECparticipant3.132.4759
2011-10-01SENSE-PARK: Supporting and Empowering Parkinson patients in their home environment using a Novel SEnsory information system that monitors daily-life-relevant parameters of PARKinson disease and their SENSE-PARKcoordinator2.160.0007
2011-10-01Wearable interfaces for hAnd function recoverY WAYparticipant2.249.8437
2011-10-01Localization of thermonuclear burning on accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars AMSP X-ray burstscoordinator100.0001
2011-10-01SCIentific gateway Based User Support SCI-BUSparticipant3.750.00015
2011-10-01EUropean DATa EUDATparticipant9.300.00029
2011-10-01Compound-dependent dilution and reactive processes in groundwater DILREACTcoordinator221.9201
2011-09-01Protecting biodiversity in the face of climate change ProtectingBioFaCCtscoordinator100.0001
2011-04-01Optical and adaptational limits of vision OPALcoordinator2.855.8376
2011-04-01Collective scattering of light COSCALIcoordinator86.1003
2011-04-01Combining epidemiology and radiobiology to assess cancer risks in the breast, lung, thyroid and digestive tract after exposures to ionizing radiation with total doses in the order of 100 mSv or below EPIRADBIOparticipant5.818.07319
2011-03-01TreatPolyQ – Industrial Academic Initial Training Network towards treatment of Polyglutamine Diseases TreatPolyQcoordinator3.757.31816
2011-02-01Integrated research on DEvelopmental determinants of Aging and Longevity IDEALparticipant11.986.95116
2011-02-01No two halves are identical: a quantitative study of cranial asymmetry in human and non-human primates DAcoordinator30.0001
2011-02-01Proteomics Research Infrastructure Maximising knowledge EXchange and access (XS) PRIME-XSparticipant7.797.04012
2011-01-01SiS Catalyst: Children as Change Agents for the future of Science in Society SiS CATALYSTparticipant4.090.12019
2011-01-01Coordination of projects on new approaches to replace current repeated dose systemic toxicity testing of cosmetics and chemicals COACHparticipant1.500.0003
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