

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2022-11-01Development of an instrumented hammer to assess the stability of hip implant during surgery: assessment of the commercial feasibility Impactorcoordinator150.0001
2022-11-01Multimodal quantitative phase microscopy MultiPhasecoordinator150.0001
2022-11-01Metal Organic Frameworks for Hydrogen production by photocatalytic overall water splitting MOF2H2participant2.998.72110
2022-11-01Barium in the Southern Ocean Indian Sector BaSIScoordinator195.9151
2022-11-01Scalable Continuous Variable Cluster State Quantum Technologies CLUSTECparticipant2.994.5449
2022-11-01The Mysterious Bang: A Language and Population Isolate Unlocks the Secrets of Interior West Africa's Lost Ethnolinguistic Diversity BANGcoordinator1.966.2501
2022-11-01Centre for Excellence in Diagnostic and Advanced Therapeutics based on Extracellular Vesicles EVCAparticipant1.487.2095
2022-11-01Unravelling the behavioural mechanisms underlying the evolution of disassortative mating DMateChoicecoordinator211.7551
2022-11-01EuPRAXIA Preparatory Phase Project EuPRAXIAparticipant2.490.00034
2022-11-01RObust and Sustainable Additive Manufacturing of Amorphous Metallic Alloys ROSAMA2participant211.7552
2022-11-01Unravelling the Effects of Music on Sleep through Musicology, Neuroscience, Psychology and Computer Science Lullabyteparticipant2.468.84419
2022-11-01Next generation X-ray/H+ Micro and Nano Scintillating Detectors X-MiNDcoordinator300.4422
2022-11-01Magnonics meets micro-electro-mechanical systems: a new paradigm for communication technology and radio-frequency signal processing MandMEMSparticipant3.298.40811
2022-10-17Genetic REcombination and MAting in Mamiellophyceae GREMAcoordinator211.7551
2022-10-03Unravelling the neuro-ethological components of emotions in honey bees FEAR-BEEScoordinator211.7553
2022-10-01Quantum Internet Alliance QIAparticipant040
2022-10-01Quantum Internet Alliance - Phase1 QIA-Phase1participant24.000.00028
2022-10-01Awareness and resilience through European multi sensor system artEmisparticipant1.979.12515
2022-10-01Safety Analysis of SMR with PAssive Mitigation strategies - Severe Accident SASPAM-SAparticipant2.991.69423
2022-10-01Measuring and Mitigating Risks of AI-driven Information Targeting MOMENTOUScoordinator1.499.9531
2022-10-01ELectoral information and analYSis System for the enhancement of democrAcy ELYSSAcoordinator150.0001
2022-10-01Quartz On-chip for Virus Detection QOVIDcoordinator150.0002
2022-10-01Giving Rural Actors Novel data and re-Useable tools to Lead public Action in Rural areas GRANULARparticipant6.633.49525
2022-10-01Low power spintronics wireless autonomous node (SWAN) integrated circuits developed via spintronics technology accelerator platform SWAN-on-chipparticipant3.180.3729
2022-10-01Geosphere INfrastructures for QUestions into Integrated REsearch Geo-INQUIREparticipant13.923.47651
2022-10-01Triple junction solar modules based on perovskites and silicon for high performance, low-cost and small environmental footprint TRIUMPHparticipant4.657.85915
2022-10-01Presence and Role of Organic Matter in Icy Satellites and ExtraSolar planets PROMISESparticipant2.251.2933
2022-10-01Cognitive robotic tools for human-centered small-scale multi-robot operations REGOcoordinator4.585.6618
2022-10-01Next generation of AI-powered robotics for agile production AGIMUScoordinator4.999.1889
2022-10-01Purposeful Intrinsically motivated Lifelong Learning Autonomous Robots PILLAR-Robotsparticipant4.990.0467
2022-10-01A companion magnetic sensor for in operando detection of magnetic biosynthesis in cancer and neurodegenerative models BioMagcoordinator150.0001
2022-10-01noVEl appRoaches to the quantuM bOUnds To cHaos VERMOUTHcoordinator195.9153
2022-10-01Phase-sensitive Alteration of Light colorAtioN in quadri-parTIte gaRnet cavIty PALANTIRIparticipant3.303.5348
2022-10-01Towards Competitive, Reliable, Safe and Sustainable Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Plants TOPCSPparticipant2.576.26118
2022-10-01Concerted European action on Sustainable Applications of REFractories CESAREFcoordinator4.103.86725
2022-10-01Long-TREC: The Long-Reads Transcriptomics European Consortium. The next generation transcriptome biology revealed by single molecule sequencing technologies LongTRECparticipant2.629.13829
2022-10-01DNA replication at the heart of cell fate decisions and cancer development RepliFateparticipant2.650.31321
2022-10-01Improving Access to Services for Victims of Domestic Violence by Accelerating Change in Frontline Responder Organisations IMPROVEparticipant2.978.09616
2022-10-01Renewable Energies System for Cities RES4CITYparticipant2.499.93417
2022-10-01European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Implementation Phase E-RIHS IPparticipant1.353.60019
2022-10-01On-chip integration of quantum electronics and photonics ONCHIPSparticipant3.000.0007
2022-10-01Field Quantum Gravity Sensors FIQUgSparticipant5.130.01010
2022-10-01Haptic sensing skin for biomedical applications with soft magnetorheological elastomers MagnetoSensecoordinator150.0001
2022-10-01Higher-order motor control of stochastic behavior in an uncertain environment MOTORHEADcoordinator1.991.7251
2022-10-01Solar driven CO2 reduction and alcohol oxidation without sacrificial reagent. SOLAR-CATcoordinator211.7553
2022-10-01Paramagnetic, fluorinated and water-soluble metal complexes for 19F MRI PARA-FLUORcoordinator211.7551
2022-10-01How do rescued scholars change their host academic environments? ScholaResccoordinator211.7552
2022-10-01Isotopes of micronutrients to trace margin sediment fluxes IsoMargincoordinator195.9151
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