

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2017-01-01Chemical Engineering of Functional Stable Metal-Organic Frameworks: Porous Crystals and Thin Film Devices chem-fs-MOFcoordinator1.527.3511
2016-11-01Sentinels Synergy for Agriculture SENSAGRIcoordinator1.854.7586
2016-10-01Skills and competences development of future transportation professionals at all levels SKILLFULparticipant2.991.67221
2016-10-01Training in Cancer Mechanisms and Therapeutics TRACTparticipant2.877.07712
2016-09-01Museums and Community: Concepts, Experiences, and Sustainability in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean EU-LAC-MUSEUMSparticipant2.422.4078
2016-09-01Remotely quantifying vegetation productivity: exploiting sun-induced fluorescence-photosynthesis relationships through field and modelling methods FLUOPHOTcoordinator158.1221
2016-06-01HYBRID MAGNETIC SUPERCAPACITORS Hy-MACparticipant150.0001
2016-04-01The Elusives Enterprise: Asymmetries of the Invisible Universe ELUSIVESparticipant3.855.58112
2016-04-01Integrated and innovative key actions for mycotoxin management in the food and feed chain MycoKeyparticipant5.000.00032
2016-03-01Long Range Surface Plasmon Polaritons as an Alternative Information Carrier for Nanoscale Quantum Circuitry QuPcoordinator170.1221
2016-02-01InvisiblesPlus InvisiblesPlusparticipant2.070.00027
2016-01-01Redesigning 2D Materials for the Formulation of Semiconducting Inks 2D-INKparticipant2.962.66110
2015-10-01European Training Network on Full Parallax Imaging ETN-FPIparticipant3.801.8408
2015-09-01Statistical Learning for Earth Observation Data Analysis. SEDALparticipant1.716.9541
2015-09-01Interfaces in opto-electronic thin film multilayer devices INFORMparticipant3.866.47314
2015-09-01Bridging the gap: from Individual Behaviour to the Socio-tEchnical MaN IBSENparticipant2.663.2377
2015-09-01Integrating Technology into Mental Health Care Delivery in Europe ICareparticipant4.972.68313
2015-08-01A Chemical Approach to Molecular Spin Qubits: Decoherence and Organisation of Rare Earth Single Ion Magnets DECRESIMparticipant1.827.3751
2015-06-01Dynamic electromechanical control of semiconductor nanostructures by acoustic fields SAWTrainparticipant3.855.69310
2015-05-18Spintronics with Non-Conventional 2D Materials SPIN2Dcoordinator158.1221
2015-03-01European Dry Eye Network EDENcoordinator2.484.7755
2015-02-23Silicon carbon oxide minerals at extreme pressure and temperature conditions SICOMINcoordinator352.1761
2015-01-01Cultural Narratives of Crisis and Renewal CRICparticipant1.044.0004
2015-01-01Solution Processed OLEDs for Lighting SOLEDLIGHTcoordinator3.692.5217
2015-01-01Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling TCCMparticipant3.785.86812
2014-03-15International Collaboration on Integrated Photonics Technologies for Advanced Bioapplications IPHOTO-BIOparticipant252.0002
2014-02-01Thematic Network Innovation for age-friendly environments in the European Union AFE-INNOVNETparticipant998.97429
2014-01-20The Contribution of the Third Sector to Europe’s Socio-economic Development THIRD SECTOR IMPACTparticipant2.498.96214
2014-01-01Collective Awareness Platforms for Improving Accessibility in European Cities Regions CAP4ACCESSparticipant2.216.9899
2014-01-01European-COMPARative Effectiveness research on online Depression E-COMPAREDparticipant5.827.00015
2014-01-01A CANcer Development mOnitor CanDocoordinator4.000.00010
2013-11-01Preventing and Remediating degradation of soils in Europe through Land Care RECAREparticipant8.549.52527
2013-09-05ERMES: An Earth obseRvation Model based RicE information Service ERMESparticipant2.477.5837
2013-09-01Aging Eye AGEYEcoordinator3.134.4607
2013-09-01European Industrial Doctorate on Solvent Emission Control: A new approach towards recycling diluted waste gases into bio-energy TRAINONSECcoordinator934.8832
2013-09-01NEUREN - Neuroscience Research Exchange Network (NEUREN) NEURENparticipant304.2006
2013-05-01Smart tools for the Prescription of orthopaedic Insoles and Footwear SMARTPIFparticipant800.8439
2013-01-01Innovative Social and Employment Policies for Inclusive and Resilient Labour Markets in Europe INSPIRESparticipant2.496.06214
2013-01-01"Utility of omic-based biomarkers in characterizing older individuals at risk for frailty, its progression to disability and general consequences to health and well-being - The FRAILOMIC Initiative" FRAILOMICparticipant11.940.34323
2012-12-01European Network on Luminescent Materials LUMINETparticipant3.639.84512
2012-12-01Self-Assembled Monolayers over Ferromagnetic Electrodes for Organic Spintronics SAMSFEREcoordinator75.0001
2012-11-01Sentinels Synergy Framework SENSYFparticipant1.992.9679
2012-11-01Signals for accommodative responses in humans SACCOparticipant1.384.2001
2012-11-01Transparent Electrodes for Large Area, Large Scale Production of Organic Optoelectronic Devices TREASORESparticipant9.092.65516
2012-11-01Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure - MIRRI MIRRIparticipant3.137.77416
2012-04-01Football Research in an Enlarged Europe: Identity dynamics, perception patterns and cultural change in Europe’s most prominent form of popular culture FREEparticipant2.433.3579
2012-04-01INVISIBLES INVISIBLESparticipant3.823.90311
2012-01-01Study of Strongly Interacting Matter HADRONPHYSICS3participant9.000.00051
2012-01-01Promoting a functional and comparative understanding of the conifer genome- implementing applied aspects for more productive and adapted forests ProCoGenparticipant5.978.30323
2012-01-01Variability in the mutation rate of RNA viruses VIRMUTparticipant1.432.0213
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