

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2017-06-01Programmable edge-to-cloud virtualization fabric for the 5G Media industry 5G-MEDIAparticipant6.128.53115
2017-06-01Embedded Network Services for 5G Experiences 5G ESSENCEparticipant7.978.27323
2017-06-015G Development and validation platform for global industry-specific network services and Apps 5GTANGOparticipant6.983.50719
2017-06-01Seismic Moment and Recurrence (SMR) using Luminescence Dating Techniques SMRcoordinator254.8711
2017-04-01Integration and analysis of heterogeneous big data for precision medicine and suggested treatments for different types of patients IASIScoordinator4.337.47511
2017-03-01Novel Education and Training Tools based on digital applications related to Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology NET-Toolsparticipant1.596.0088
2017-01-01Astroparticle and Oscillations Research with Cosmics in the Abyss (ARCA and ORCA) KM3NeT - INFRADEVparticipant3.795.0006
2017-01-01MAGnetic nanoparticle based liquid ENergy materials for Thermoelectric device Applications MAGENTAparticipant4.999.77810
2017-01-01Bridging Innovative Downstream Earth Observation and Copernicus enabled Services for Integrated maritime environment, surveillance and security MARINE-EOcoordinator4.378.5849
2016-11-01FocusLocus: ADHD management Gaming System for educational achievement and social inclusion FocusLocuscoordinator999.5635
2016-11-01European Centre for Risk Management and Safe Innovation in Nanomaterials Nanotechnologies EC4SafeNanoparticipant1.999.01315
2016-09-01Securing against intruders and other threats through a NFV-enabled environment SHIELDparticipant3.607.24512
2016-07-01A lab-on-chip platform for blood cell counting and identification at the point-of-care pocL-CIparticipant148.2501
2016-05-01REsearchers' Nights organized by Athens area Research Institutions to convey the science benefits to the public and motivate young people to science careers RENAcoordinator160.0007
2016-05-01Integrated Climate forcing and Air pollution Reduction in Urban Systems ICARUSparticipant6.472.01519
2016-04-01Development of novel, high Performance hybrid TWV/GPF Automotive afteR treatment systems by raTIonAL design: substitution of PGMs and Rare earth materials PARTIAL-PGMsparticipant4.650.00014
2016-04-01NOVel, critical materials free, high Anisotropy phases for permanent MAGnets, by design. NOVAMAGparticipant5.562.36015
2016-03-01European Nuclear Science and Application Research 2 ENSAR2participant10.000.00031
2016-02-01The European network for observing our changing planet ERA-PLANETparticipant10.962.25638
2016-02-01A portable MicroNanoBioSystem and Instrument for ultra-fast analysis of pathogens in food: Innovation from LOVE-FOOD lab prototype to a pre-commercial instrument LoveFood2Marketparticipant3.151.7507
2016-01-01European Research Area for Climate Services ERA4CSparticipant21.733.64950
2016-01-01International Network on Advanced high energy Permanent Magnets INAPEMparticipant580.5007
2016-01-01Managing Affective-learning THrough Intelligent atoms and Smart InteractionS MATHISISparticipant6.531.89518
2016-01-01Big Data Analytics for Time Critical Mobility Forecasting datACRONparticipant3.993.8359
2016-01-01Recognition and Enrichment of Archival Documents READparticipant8.220.71516
2015-12-01Holistic Benchmarking of Big Linked Data HOBBITparticipant3.718.25012
2015-11-01MesopOrous matrices for localiZed pH-triggered releAse of theRapeuTic ions and drugs MOZARTparticipant4.651.22911
2015-09-01aDvanced sOcial enGineering And vulNerability Assesment Framework DOGANAparticipant4.599.80619
2015-09-01Maximizing the EU shale gas potential by minimizing its environmental footprint ShaleXenvironmenTparticipant2.999.20111
2015-07-01Converged Heterogeneous Advanced 5G Cloud-RAN Architecture for Intelligent and Secure Media Access CHARISMAparticipant5.892.24514
2015-07-01Small cEllS coordinAtion for Multi-tenancy and Edge services SESAMEparticipant7.488.43321
2015-07-01Service Programing and Orchestration for Virtualized Software Networks SONATAparticipant6.657.72116
2015-07-01Visual Privacy Management in User Centric Open Environments VisiOnparticipant2.748.91313
2015-07-01Matrix glycans as multifunctional pathogenesis factors and therapeutic targets in cancer GLYCANCparticipant567.00013
2015-06-01A panEuropean framework for strengthening Critical Infrastructure resilience to climate change EU-CIRCLEcoordinator7.283.52520
2015-06-01Multimodal imaging of the in vivo fate of bone transplants VIVOIMAGcoordinator472.5006
2015-05-01Optimising time-to-FLY and enhancing airport SECurity FLYSECcoordinator4.089.50011
2015-05-01Optimodal European Travel Ecosystem EuTravelparticipant3.873.99317
2015-04-01Robots in assisted living environments: Unobtrusive, efficient, reliable and modular solutions for independent ageing RADIOcoordinator3.805.6259
2015-02-01Your Data Stories YDSparticipant2.469.0389
2015-02-01VIrtualized hybrid satellite-TerrestriAl systems for resilient and fLexible future networks VITALparticipant2.896.8559
2015-01-01Integrating Big Data, Software and Communities for Addressing Europe’s Societal Challenges BigDataEuropeparticipant4.984.23912
2015-01-01Development and Implementation of new generation of Pseudo Random Number Generators based on Kolmogorov-Anosov K-systems MIXMAXcoordinator252.0003
2015-01-01Click Chemistry for Future Gene Therapies to Benefit Citizens, Researchers and Industry ClickGeneparticipant3.556.9909
2015-01-01International Re-Entry demoNstrator Action IRENAparticipant823.6096
2014-12-01EUropean test bed for the maritime Common Information Sharing Environment in the 2020 perspective EU CISE 2020participant13.000.00037
2014-06-01Development of the CYBER crime and CYBER terrorism reseach ROADmap CYBERROADparticipant1.289.76420
2014-05-01Researcher's Night: meeting science and your next door scientist REN-ATHENScoordinator160.0007
2014-05-01Development of Coordination Mechanisms During Different Kinds of Emergencies CONCORDEparticipant3.378.21215
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