

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2014-01-01Innovation Demonstration for a Competitive and Innovative European Water Reuse Sector DEMOWAREparticipant5.999.66627
2014-01-01Sensor system for detection of criminal chemical substances CRIM-TRACKparticipant3.583.9408
2014-01-01"Sustainable Lifestyles 2.0: End User Integration, Innovation and Entrepreneurship" EU-INNOVATEparticipant4.770.30614
2014-01-01AGFORWARD AGFORWARDcoordinator5.994.76626
2014-01-01Micro and Nanoscale Design of Thermally Actuating Systems MIDASparticipant340.0005
2013-12-01Integrity Testing of Deep Foundation Piles PILEINSPECTparticipant2.016.00010
2013-11-01Preventing and Remediating degradation of soils in Europe through Land Care RECAREparticipant8.549.52527
2013-11-01High quality curved aerospace composites using pultrusion manufacturing PUL-AEROparticipant1.187.3976
2013-11-01Impacts and risks from higher-end scenarios: Strategies for innovative solutions IMPRESSIONSparticipant8.914.93524
2013-10-01GReener Aeronautics International Networking-2 GRAIN 2participant507.14523
2013-10-01Efficient ice protection Systems and simulation Techniques Of ice Release on propulsive systeMs STORMparticipant3.868.67214
2013-09-01Thermal Overall Integrated Conception of Aircraft TOICAparticipant15.166.97232
2013-06-01Future RepAIR and Maintenance for Aerospace industry REPAIRparticipant4.276.27712
2013-03-01FREsnel for Solar Heat with New Receiver and Geometry FRESH NRGparticipant2.499.4456
2013-01-01Reduction in Maintenance Costs of Wind Turbine Renewable Electricity Generation through Online Condition Monitoring MONITURparticipant1.062.0006
2013-01-01Additive Manufacturing Aiming Towards Zero Waste & Efficient Production of High-Tech Metal Products AMAZEparticipant10.156.00029
2012-12-01"Continuous, highly precise, metal-free polymerisation of PLA using alternative energies for reactive extrusion" INNOREXparticipant3.322.71512
2012-12-01Collaborative and Adaptive Process Planning for Sustainable Manufacturing Environments CAPP-4-SMESparticipant3.497.95711
2012-10-01International Collaboration on Computational Modelling of Fluidised Bed Systems for Clean Energy Technologies ICOMFLUIDcoordinator617.4002
2012-09-01Smart, Cost-effective Solutions for Water Treatment and Monitoring in Small Communities in India. Decision Support System Integration WATER4INDIAparticipant2.675.37311
2012-09-01The SAfer FUEL system SAFUELparticipant4.969.48813
2012-08-01High Altitude Ice Crystals HAICparticipant14.124.63639
2012-08-01Combined morphing assessment software using flight envelope data and mission based morphing prototype wing development CHANGEparticipant3.647.8449
2012-07-01Smart Sensor Networks with energy harvesting for real time monitoring in urban Water infrastructure SMARTWATERparticipant157.5004
2012-07-01InnoVative Flexible Electric Transport V-FEATHERcoordinator2.609.18911
2012-05-01A novel concept of an extremely short take off and landing all-surface (ESTOLAS) hybrid aircraft: from a light passenger aircraft to a very high payload cargo/passenger version ESTOLASparticipant583.2434
2012-05-01Development of functionalized nanostructured polymeric membranes and related manufacturing processes for water purification NANOPURparticipant3.357.90513
2012-03-01The Piezo institute- European expertise centre for multifunctional and Integrated Piezoelectric Devices PIcoordinator443.30015
2012-03-01Customised Advisory Services for Energy-efficient Manufacturing Systems CASESparticipant379.4004
2012-01-01Novel algae-based solution for CO2 capture and biomass production ALGADISKparticipant2.416.60013
2012-01-01Development of a wind-wave power open-sea platform equipped for hydrogen generation with support for multiple users of energy H2OCEANparticipant4.525.93419
2012-01-01Empowering root-targeted strategies to minimize abiotic stress impacts on horticultural crops ROOTOPOWERparticipant2.997.44913
2011-12-01Strengthening sensor research links between the Georgian Technical University and the European Research Area SENS-ERAparticipant466.9075
2011-11-01Novel nanoparticles for drug delivery to the skin NANODRUGparticipant3.752.7538
2011-10-16On/Off-Switchable Smart Nanobioreactors SSNanocoordinator210.0931
2011-10-01Low Emissions Core-Engine Technologies LEMCOTECparticipant39.980.81539
2011-09-01Collaboration Concepts for Comodality CO3participant2.000.00019
2011-09-01International Partnership for Advanced Coatings by Thermal Spraying IPACTSparticipant705.6003
2011-07-19Multipurpose Applications by Thermodynamic Solar MATSparticipant12.515.55211
2011-07-01WaterBee Smart Irrigation Systems Demonstration Action WaterBee DAparticipant1.138.00010
2011-07-01Product-Service System across Life Cycle ProSSaLiCparticipant210.0007
2011-05-01Canadian Networking Aeronautics Project for Europe CANNAPEparticipant299.62020
2011-05-01"Multi-stakeholder, Cross-sectorial, Collaborative long term Research & Innovation Road Map to overcome Technological and Non-technological barriers towards more energy-efficient buildings & districts" BUILDING UPparticipant999.30011
2011-05-01Coordinating European Strategies on Sustainable Materials, Processes and Emerging Technologies Development in Chemical Process and Water Industry across Technology Platforms ChemWaterparticipant949.29611
2011-05-01Transitions to the Urban Water Services of Tomorrow TRUSTparticipant6.982.78133
2011-04-01Sustainable value creation in manufacturing networks SustainValueparticipant2.892.49311
2011-04-01Stimuli-responsive Zipper-like Nanobioreactors Smartparticipant180.6692
2011-02-01Enabling kNowledge Sustainability Usability and Recovery for Economic value ENSUREparticipant7.850.00014
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