

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2017-01-01Expectations and Social Influence Dynamics in Economics ExSIDEparticipant3.864.09017
2016-12-01frontierCities2 - Another Level of Impact frontierCities2participant2.739.1407
2016-11-01EU-China study on IoT and 5G EXCITINGparticipant999.54815
2016-10-01Beyond “Straight Talking”: The Consequences of Vocal Cues to Sexual Identity for Modern Prejudice TheGayVoicecoordinator183.4551
2016-09-01Improving the Smart Control of Air Pollution in Europe iSCAPEparticipant5.850.82915
2016-08-01Project to Lead Ecodesign Integration with Aerospace Development and Engineering Systems PLEIADESparticipant2.499.1554
2016-08-01Constructing the Higher Education Student: a comparative study of six European countries EUROSTUDENTSparticipant1.753.9362
2016-07-01City Platform as a Service - Integrated and Open CPaaS.ioparticipant1.326.4087
2016-06-01The innovation journey of tourism entrepreneurs: evidence from the UK and Spain and policy implications INNOVATEcoordinator183.4551
2016-04-01Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 1 HBP SGA1participant89.000.000117
2016-02-01Technology for Self Removal of Spacecraft TeSeRparticipant2.840.49112
2016-02-01Audio Commons: An Ecosystem for Creative Reuse of Audio Content AudioCommonsparticipant2.979.0556
2016-02-01Software Defined Networks and Network Function Virtualization Testbed within FIRE+ SoftFIREparticipant4.384.5108
2016-01-01Triggering Sustainable Biogas Energy Communities through Social Innovation ISABELparticipant1.897.4388
2016-01-01Promoting societal engagement under the terms of RRI PROSOparticipant1.414.8138
2016-01-01TagItSmart! - Smart Tags driven service platform for enabling ecosystems of connected objects TagItSmartparticipant6.870.81115
2016-01-01Immersive and Interactive Real Time 3D Social Media Graphics Environments for the Broadcast Industry VISUALMEDIAparticipant3.618.42112
2015-11-01Multidisciplinary tools for improving the efficacy of public prevention measures against smoking SmokeFreeBrainparticipant2.981.00115
2015-11-01Long-term structural performance of pre-stressed concrete bridges: A risk-based monitoring informed framework for life-cycle asset management LoStPReConcoordinator183.4551
2015-10-01Research Infrastructure on Consumer Health and Food Intake using E-science with Linked Data Sharing RICHFIELDSparticipant2.997.28316
2015-09-01Holomorphic Blocks in Quantum Field Theory: New Constructions of Exact Results HBQFTNCERparticipant1.287.0882
2015-07-01quality of Service Provision and capacity Expansion through Extended-DSA for 5G SPEED-5Gcoordinator5.612.38210
2015-07-01Small cEllS coordinAtion for Multi-tenancy and Edge services SESAMEparticipant7.488.43321
2015-07-01Euro-5G EURO 5Gparticipant1.826.14310
2015-07-01Reactive oxygen species (ROS) as Elixirs against chronic Disease: OXidative regulatory mechanisms In T cells and neutrophils. REDOXITcoordinator144.0004
2015-06-01Social innovation and light electric vehicle revolution on streets and ambient Silver Streamparticipant3.990.11110
2015-06-01Towards the elimination of iodine deficiency and preventable thyroid-related diseases in Europe EUthyroidparticipant2.999.94932
2015-06-01Models of Child Health Appraised MOCHAparticipant6.821.23219
2015-04-01Graphene-based nanomaterials for touchscreen technologies: Comprehension, Commerce and Communication Enabling Excellenceparticipant3.358.0447
2015-04-01P4SB – From Plastic waste to Plastic value using Pseudomonas putida Synthetic Biology P4SBparticipant7.056.96911
2015-03-01Youth mobility: maximising opportunities for individuals, labour markets and regions in Europe YMOBILITYparticipant2.450.36810
2015-03-01Excellent research and expertise of quality of cancer care by internationally trained staff INEXCAparticipant913.5007
2015-02-01Development of a Master Socket for optimised design of prosthetic socket for lower limb amputees SocketMasterparticipant3.950.0849
2015-02-01Federated Interoperable Semantic IoT/cloud Testbeds and Applications FIESTAparticipant5.135.28714
2015-01-01Family-based intervention to improve healthy lifestyle and prevent Type 2 Diabetes amongst South Asians with central obesity and prediabetes iHealth-T2Dparticipant3.614.08412
2015-01-01mhealth platform for Parkinson’s disease management PD_managerparticipant4.345.50011
2015-01-01Machine Sensing Training Network MacSeNetcoordinator3.866.3299
2014-11-015G: A LeadershIp Vision for Europe 5-Aliveparticipant348.64310
2014-11-01Silicon mid-infrared photodetectors SMIRPcoordinator149.9671
2014-10-01intelligent Knowledge-as-a-Service Platform iKaaScoordinator1.554.7509
2014-10-01Near-Wall Simulations and Measurements in Lean-Burn Engines NEWSMILEparticipant1.107.1063
2014-10-01Sparse Representations and Compressed Sensing Training Network SPARTANcoordinator2.812.7837
2014-10-01Chondrocyte ion channel function and regulation in health and disease CHONDRIONcoordinator231.2831
2014-10-01Cross-Border Regional Innovation System Integration CRISIcoordinator221.6061
2014-09-01Future Internet - Core FI-Coreparticipant23.000.00033
2014-07-01"FrontierCities - European Cities driving the Future Internet" frontierCitiesparticipant4.899.9987
2014-05-01Thermomechanical Modelling of Powder Compaction THERMOPCcoordinator221.6061
2014-05-01Integrated Macro-Financial Modelling for Robust Policy Design MACFINROBODSparticipant2.500.00012
2014-02-01"Productivity, Non-Tariff Measures and Openness" PRONTOparticipant2.498.44411
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