

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2012-12-01Systems medicine of chronic inflammatory bowel disease SYSMEDIBDparticipant11.999.99812
2012-10-01An Interactive Learning Environment Fostering Creativity IdeaGardenparticipant2.398.5719
2012-07-01The mechanisms for lateral gene transfer in nature as reflected in prokaryote genomes EVOLATERALparticipant1.500.0002
2012-03-01Socio economic effects of management measures of the future CFP SOCIOECparticipant2.999.93926
2012-03-01"Maximising yield of fisheries while balancing ecosystem, economic and social concerns" MYFISHparticipant4.999.99931
2012-01-01Crops and ANimals TOGETHER CANTOGETHERparticipant2.995.76830
2012-01-01Maximizing marine omega-3 retention in farmed fish: sustainable production of healthy food Omega3maxparticipant611.9484
2011-12-01Enhancing the capacities of the ELIRI Research Institute in applied research to enable the integration of Moldova in the European Research Area on the basis of scientific excellence MOLD-NANONETparticipant475.0006
2011-11-01Linking perturbed maternal environment during periconceptional development, due to diabetes, obesity or assisted reproductive technologies, and altered health during ageing EpiHealthparticipant2.942.3567
2011-11-01Disruptive technologies for space Power and Propulsion DiPoPparticipant294.7036
2011-10-01Ion Transport Proteins in Control of Cancer Cell Behaviour IonTraCparticipant3.925.58010
2011-10-01A BLUEPRINT of Haematopoietic Epigenomes BLUEPRINTparticipant29.996.66445
2011-09-01The importance of submarine groundwater discharge for the southwestern Baltic Sea SGDBALTICcoordinator100.0001
2011-09-01Architecture and roadmap to manage multiple pressures on lagoons ARCHparticipant3.495.53312
2011-05-01Natural products from marine fungi for the treatment of cancer MARINE FUNGIparticipant2.999.89813
2011-04-01Microbes in Allergy and Autoimmunity Related to the Skin MAARSparticipant5.978.54110
2011-02-01European Sequencing and Genotyping Infrastructure ESGIparticipant9.499.99911
2011-01-01EUROPEAN NETWORK for CANCER research in CHILDREN and ADOLESCENTS ENCCAparticipant11.997.95934
2011-01-01Transparency of Food Pricing TRANSFOPparticipant999.99213
2010-12-01Data Services and Analysis Tools for Solar Energetic Particle Events and Related Electromagnetic Emissions SEPServerparticipant1.932.17311
2010-12-01Enhanced plant productivity through control of lifespan CropLifecoordinator3.456.02811
2010-11-01Dynamic Molecular Nanostructures DYNAMOLparticipant3.232.23013
2010-10-01Clinical development of Enzyme Replacement Therapy in alpha-Mannosidosis patients using recombinant human enzyme ALPHA-MANcoordinator5.887.15012
2010-10-01Sharing capacity across Europe in high-throughput sequencing technology to explore genetic variation in health and disease GEUVADISparticipant2.000.00017
2010-01-01Forage Fish Interactions FACTSparticipant2.938.37515
2010-01-01Climate Induced Changes on the Hydrology of Mediterranean Basins: Reducing Uncertainty and Quantifying Risk through an Integrated Monitoring and Modeling System CLIMBparticipant3.148.94521
2010-01-01Cenozoic evolution of the Indonesian Throughflow and the origins of Indo-Pacific marine biodiversity: Mapping the biotic response to environmental change THROUGHFLOWparticipant2.537.2287
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